Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Henry Ford And The Food Corner

Henry Ford And The Food Corner


R.E. Prindle

While cruising the internet in the past little while I have come across stories that claim the food supply is in process of becoming a tool of social engineering. The idea at first glance seemed as preposterous as the Nazi extermination camps when we first heard of them.

But then in my examination of Henry Ford’s so-called war on the Jews (Google R.E. Prindle Henry Ford) and researching Aaron Sapiro’s suit against Henry I came across a Sapiro reference to his guru David Lubin. It would appear that Lubin in Europe and Sapiro in the US were aiming for a world wide corner in wheat. It was their intent to hold the wheat crop off the market until they got the price they wanted.

From there it seemed a short step to favoritism in parceling out the supplies. And then my mind drifted to the Monsanto plan of engineering a wheat grain that would sprout only once and then become sterile thus necessitating the grower to buy a new supply of seed every year. The grower is then at the mercy of Monsanto.

Thus wheat has actually become a tool of political control, from there to flour and from flour to baked goods. A small step then to requiring chits to buy your bread. No compliance, no chits. Eventually control extending to all food stuffs and complete domination of the populace.

It would seem then that Ford clearly perceived the direction the Jews of his time were leading us. Is it any wonder they wanted to destroy him? Already at the time the Jewish criminals were in control of NYC’s bread supply so that every loaf of bread sold contributed a cent or two into Jewish coffers.

It would seem that a certain alertness is necessary on our part at this time. Keep you powder dry. Flour power that is. Ha, ha.

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