Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Review: Part I, One World by Wendell Willkie

A Review

One World by Wendell Willkie

Part I
R.E. Prindle
Aaron Sapiro- Gadfly
Willkie, Wendell: One World, 1943, Readers League Of America
Woeste, Victoria Saker: Henry Ford’s War On Jews, 2012, UStanford Press
Today we are spending millions on a Voice of America, that it is fondly hoped, will persuade Russia to “understand” America. Why not a drive to make Americans understand America? A crusade that will raise patriotism above “liberalism’s” sneers, lifting all eyes to the shining arch of democratic achievement, and away from mean search for flaws at the base? We are a great people, and out of the glory of the republic’s morning, what may not be expected of the noon? If we are given a recovery of pride, courage, and faith, what height can dismay our climbing feet?

--George Creel- Rebel At Large
1947. George Putnam’s Sons

The period from 1913 when Woodrow Wilson became president to 1953 when the honorable Harry Truman passed the reins of government to Dwight Eisenhower must be studied as one unit. Dominating the period was the lust for a League of Nations in Wilson’s terminology at the beginning of the period, the United Nations as conceived by Franklin Roosevelt at the end.
The issue was placed in terms of Internationalism vs. Isolationism by the Wilsonians, a surrender of sovereignty by the opposition. As one can see the Wilsonians gave a pejorative to their opponents. Demonology. The Wilsonians characterized themselves as people of inherent almost godlike virtue, their opposition as devils. No compromise was possible for the Wilsonians, it was all or nothing. They believed that they could legislate peace.
They refused to see that there never had been peace at any time in the world, the history of mankind was a history of war or, as Edward Gibbon put it, a record of crimes and follies. While the Wilsonians concentrated on the European national war they failed to see that warfare was brewing in other quarters that would cancel out any agreements between Europeans. They were warned of it, told in no uncertain terms by men like Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard. Stoddard wrote three books identifying three trends that have played out as he indicated. The first book was The Rising Tide Of Color Against White Supremacy that indicated the revolt of the colored world against White hegemony. No surprise there. The second was The New World Of Islam that accurately predicted the current Moslem assault on Western Civilization and the third was The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace Of The Underman that warned against the assault on civilization by those marginalized by the intelligence required to function in the modern technological and scientific world.
After 70 years or so of the United Nations warfare is as or more endemic over the whole planet as it was in Roosevelt’s time. Furthermore the most trigger happy of the whole lot is Roosevelt’s own disciple Barack Obama, the first Negro US president. His administration’s record to this time is war piled on war.
More importantly for Roosevelt’s time was that Wilson’s Versailles Peace Treaty led directly to WWII, League of Nations or no. Before the ink was even out of the pen pundits were predicting a world war two within twenty years and so it came to be. There was no peace, there will be no peace. And for this fantasy Roosevelt stripped his countrymen of their freedoms just as his successor is doing.
It is necessary to recapitulate the entire period.
Immigration And Immigrants
US history since the twentieth century began has been written from the point of view of the immigrant. Therefore immigrants are portrayed as good and the native reaction as evil. A couple immigrant nationalities stand out and chief of these is the Jewish people. The Jews are master propagandists while at the same time being an overwhelming influence on American historical writing. The country’s historical opinion has been formed by Jews.
In Russia and Central Europe Jews always rejected the authority of the host country seeking instead an autonomous position relative to the host. They nearly succeeded in this goal in Poland while the Russians stoutly resited their goal. Thus Jews and Russians fought an asymmetrical war for over a hundred years in which the Jews were the victor in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Until the accession of Stalin after Lenin’s death the Jews were supreme.
When the Jews emigrated to the US they naturally sought an autonomous relationship hoping to establish Yiddish as an official language on a par with English. While they failed in the latter goal, although efforts continue, with the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson in 1913 they flooded into DC as an essential part of the administration. They were influential if not autonomous or wholly equal.
Their activities in Russia, now the Soviet Union, as a symbol of victory the name was changed to erase the Russians, alarmed the world. A world wide reaction occurred because the Jews were then in a position using both asymmetrical and possibly conventional warfare to conquer the world. Theirs was an international operation or conspiracy even though they naturally denied it.
One of the most active exposers of Jewish designs of the period was the American, Henry Ford. Ford owned the first national newspaper, the Dearborn Independent. He ran a series of exposes over a two year period which he collected into four small volumes called The International Jew. This was a statement of fact not fancy or prejudice. Taken, one imagines, by surprise the leading Jewish organizations couldn’t formulate a powerful response. Of course they were in full damage control mode throughout the West.
Then in 1924 Ford began a twenty part expose of the activities of an agriculturist charlatan named Aaron Sapiro. Sapiro was a Jew. He beginning in the West, he was from California, and moving East began organizing farmers into his notion of cooperatives. Ford’s Independent denounced him as part of an international Jewish conspiracy to control, in essence, food stuffs. A corner on food, so to speak.
Whether he was part of a larger organization or on his own Sapiro decided to sue Ford for defamation not only of himself but the Jewish people as a whole. An innovation. The suit did go to trial ending in a mistrial. However judging from existing accounts, most notably Miss Victoria Woeste’s ‘magisterial’ history of the situation, there seems to be the notion that Ford made false allegations.
Apparently no one on Ford’s side came across a statement Sapiro made before a convocation of Jewish notables in Detroit in which he said:
We will show that Henry Ford’s attack, on the part I have taken in promoting cooperative marketing among the farmers of this country means but one thing…that Ford and his hirelings are bent upon eliminating the Jew from agriculture. But little do these men realize that the efforts exerted by those who would apply to agriculture the sound methods which obtain in modern business will result in placing agriculture on a basis of prosperity and productivity, without which it is doomed. And these malicious individuals do not know or do not wish to know, that it was men like the late David Lubin, A Californian Jew, who laid the foundation for a new and significant era in American farming.
David Lubin? Not only did Henry Ford and his ‘hirelings’ not know of David Lubin but neither did Miss Woeste or else for some reason she wished to conceal the fact. But then I never heard of David Lubin nor has any other writer on the topic.
But to consider the paragraph of Sapiro in which he says a great deal that undermined his suit against Ford. David Lubin was only one of perhaps several like minded men according to Sapiro. Who were these other men, were they all Jews and what was this foundation for a new and significant era in American farming that they laid? Those are interesting questions which inevitably lead to a ‘conspiracy’. Sapiro was obviously a disciple of Lubin, while the so-called Sapiro Plan must have been the same as Lubin’s or based on that plan.
Sapiro believed that agriculture was ‘doomed’, that is dead, without applying to agriculture the sound methods that obtain in modern business. He doesn’t tell us exactly what he means so we can only guess. However on thing to which Ford objected was that Sapiro wanted to form large aggregates of farmers and then withhold their produce from the market until they got the price they wanted. Well, that’s equivalent to a strike against the public interest. Calvin Coolidge during the Boston police strike laid down the rule that no one has the right to strike against the public interest. But it isn’t stated exactly what Sapiro meant. In any event it appears that Sapiro was participating in a larger movement or conspiracy as Ford claimed.
Now, who was this David Lubin of whom Sapiro considered himself a disciple? What is his story?
David Lubin was neither an American nor a Californian although for a part of his life he lived in America and a smaller part in California. He was born a Jew in Klodawa, Poland in 1849 moving to England in 1853 then moving to New York as part of his family in 1855.
According to Wikipedia: ‘He received a scant education and at an early age was placed in a jewelry factory in Attleboro, Massachusetts…he drifted to California…where he opened a store in Sacramento in the 1870s.
While in Sacramento he bought a fruit ranch…and land for raising wheat. His knowledge of agriculture assisted him when he helped found the California Fruit Growers Union. He then helped settle Eastern European Jewish refugees who worked on various farms in the area and, in 1891, he became the director of the International Society for the Colonization of Russian Jews. He then began a campaign for subsidies and protection for farmers, initially in California but eventually on an international scale.
So David Lubin was the archetype of the international Jew with no settled place of residence. From California he would move to Italy, dying in Rome in 1919. In Rome he continued his organizational efforts to create unification of Jewish American and Jewish European food merchants.
David Lubin
During his life he was more interested in Jews than Americans which was part of Ford’s complaint about Sapiro. The word ‘international’ runs all through his history. Lubin was placed in charge of the worldwide, that is international, settlement of Russian Jewish colonies. He established ‘colonies’ of Jews in California, then sought subsidies, that is grants of public money, for them through the US government.
Lubin is the role model of Aaron Sapiro. It is this role that Ford objected to. Miss Woeste doesn’t tell us whether Sapiro was in contact with Rubin, I suspect he was, and certainly his associate, Bernard Baruch, who was a commodities expert, who was in close contact with Sapiro, most likely had some sort of contact if not association with Lubin. In fact Lubin may have recruited and tutored Sapiro who at the time was merely unsuccessful hack lawyer in San Francisco.
Interestingly it appears that David Lubin made his mark on the world. While in Rome Lubin established the International Institute of Agriculture, backed and supported by the King of Italy, which continued in existence until 1945 when it was incorporated into the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Lubin was not exactly a non-entity even in 1919 when he died.
There is every reason then to believe that Ford was correct in his assessment of Sapiro’s activities. Some sort of international plan benefiting Jews was in the process of being formed. Had Ford pursued the retrial I suspect he would have won. His problem was that it was just too time consuming while he was in the process of ending the Model T and designing the Model A in 1927.
As it was the trial was sort of a public relations triumph for the Jews.
On the international scale, while the Jews and the big Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Committee, and the Anti-Defamation League were busy battling Ford in America they were involved in street warfare in Germany with German nationalist groups.
The menace to German culture and nationality was severe. As Hitler said to Jewish Communists: We know if we fail our heads will roll in the sand…’ There can be no doubt that was true. The purge of German nationalists would undoubtedly have amounted to millions and perhaps tens of millions. The Jewish offensive against the Germans actually began with their triumph over the Russians in the October Revolution of ‘17. They were waging asymmetrical war from then until the extermination camps reduced their numbers.
Their progress in the US was delayed over the years of the Republican Interregnum from 1921-1933. With the return of Wilsonian policies in 1933 when Roosevelt seized control the Jews flooded back into DC along with their Communist allies. Jews immediately called for boycotts and sanctions against Germany as they enlisted the might of the US in their cause.
Roosevelt accepting Jewish and Communist collectivism quickly enacted laws to empower his side. Using that power the Jews renewed their attack on Ford. Two Judeo-Communist assaults were made on Ford’s River Rouge plant. The paramilitaries had every intention of smashing Fords machines and probably firing the plant to put him out of business. Of course they disguised their assault as a labor disagreement.
As Ford had never had labor disturbances before Roosevelt’s seizure of the government he had no apprehensions about their intent. In the first assault Ford’s lieutenant Harry Bennett amiably went out to talk with the marchers where he was savagely beaten to the ground. Bennett learned his lesson.
In the second assault the so-called Battle of the Overpass Bennett and his men Marched up to the UAW’s Walter Reuther and Frankensteen and began to kick ass. His revenge, of course was reported as mere brutality. The first offense against him was ignored.
The Jewish agitation against Germany was so obvious that with unusual alacrity in 1935 Congress passed strict neutrality legislation. Years before Pearl Harbor, nearly in ‘42, Roosevelt set about circumventing the neutrality laws with all kinds of dodges while preparing for war. Later in the decade Churchill joined Jewish efforts to get Roosevelt into the coming war as he realized that England was incapable of defending itself alone.
Thus in 1940 Roosevelt forced a peace time draft through Congress. This clearly indicated that he intended war. He further violated any concept of neutrality by extending the US territorial waters into mid-Atlantic Ocean beyond Iceland. It was near that island that the Destroyer Reuben James was sunk by a U-boat months before the US entered the European War.
Traditionally the tenure of a president was limited to two terms thus Roosevelt would be expected to vacate the office in 1941. This however did not suit Roosevelt’s plans. If he left office his specific internationalist plans for a United Nations wouldn’t be realized and the whole Wilsonian program would not be realized to his desires.
Resistance to his run for a third term could be expected to be intense while there was a reasonable chance that he would fail. The chicanery of both conventions in 1940 is well known. The most remarkable thing is the Republican nomination of the life long Democrat Wendell Willkie whose views coincided almost exactly with Roosevelt’s thus being completely opposite to the America Firsters and Republicans in general. In fact, Willkie threw the election to Roosevelt.
It would seem then that there was collusion between Willkie and Roosevelt as well as between Roosevelt and traitors within the Republican Party. Willkie was nominated as the Republican candidate and as such then threw the election to Roosevelt making his election inevitable. Not since Jack Johnson lay down in Havana was there a more surprising result.
Roosevelt was swept into office; within the year the US was at war on two fronts. Roosevelt had provoked the Japanese into an attack on Hawaii in the Pacific while on the Atlantic side Hitler was treaty bound to declare war on the US although why he honored the treaty without waiting for the Japanese to honor their agreement to undertake their promised Northern strategy of attacking the Soviets from the East seems incredible. When the Japanese followed their Southern strategy releasing Stalin’s Siberian armies Hitler’s fate was sealed.
And so, despite all Roosevelt’s public promises to the contrary American boys were involved in not one but two foreign wars.

FDR At Work
Part II will review the Republican Interregnum under the Presidents Harding, Coolidge and Hoover from 1921-33 including the years 1919 and 1920.

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