Saturday, May 11, 2024


A DEMAND FOR A WRITTEN APOLOGY TO HENRY FORD FROM THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE The following paragraph from Licktman and Brightman's FDR and the Jews corroborates Henry Ford's writings in the International Jew for which he was crucified Quote: Leaders of the American Jewish Committee united with Zionists to support the Balfour Declaration of November 1917 in which Britain promised a 'National Homeland' for Jews in Palestine, but not explicitly a Jewish state (which Committee leaders mostly opposed). They also agreed to proposals to establish a "bill of rights" for Jews living in newly created European states at the end of the war. Postwar treaties incorporated both the Balfour Declaration and on-paper protection for Jewish minorities although not the full safeguards of Jewish bill of rights. Unquote. So there you have it, Henry Ford was absolutely correct. Let's have a repudiation of Ford's false apology and an authentic one from the American Jewish Committee

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