Sunday, March 19, 2023

from the minutes of the Century Society 3/19/2023

from the minutes of the Century Society 3/192023 The birth of Christianity was not wholly Jewish. The plethora of gods, goddesses and religions could not be excluded and they weren’t. A hotbed of religious activity not properly understood is at Alexandria, the second city of the Roman Empire and the first intellectually. The arrival of the Greeks as conquerors fueled religious speculation while it was obvious that on the cusp of the Airean and Piscean Ages a new Age was beginning. A new sky (Piscean stars) and a new earth, In the distance from the Taurean Age to the Piscean the mentality of humanity had advanced dramatically. Change was in the air. As pointed out previously the universal Roman Empire called out for a universal religion. The Jews themselves were not susceptible to change reveling in ages old practices. The belief that God so loved the Jews especially could not stand up. As the Roman Empire was universal and a universal religion proclaiming that God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son to proclaim it was I believe developed in Alexandria. Now, when as Jewish legends have it the Jews fled Egypt it is ridiculous to think that the entire Jewish population, the Jews having been in Egypt for 400 years, all chose to leave. The fleshpots of Egypt were much to alluring. Even fifty years after having been transported to fabulous Babylon when the Jews were given the option of returning to Jerusalem or remaining in Babylon only a small group of cranks preferred to leave. The main body chose to stay. It cannot have been otherwise in Egypt. Thus there were probably more Jews in Alexandria and Egypt than in Palestine. There were nearly a million in Alexandria. Mingling with the Greek and Egyptians religionists the main challenge to Jewish beliefs came from those two religions. Of the three peoples the Greeks were the most internationally minded having conquered the Eastern lands the least stubbornly rooted in old ideas. One must assume that the idea of a universal religion came from them, possibly even before Alexandria became Roman, certainly so. Now, Jesus, was a universal religious symbol. It is recorded that he was sent to Jerusalem to preach the new gospel, which he was in fact preaching. If he was sent he came from somewhere else. I think it more probable that Jesus and perhaps a dozen or two others were selected as infants to be raised in the new universal religion, thus they would know nothing else. A myth was created to associate Jesus. with Judaea, perhaps after the fact of his ministry. The myth of the three wise men from Persia following a star is one. The star obviously was the star of Pisces, thus indicating that Jesus was the avatar of Pisces. Trained in Alexandria, he was sent to the religious capitals of the Empire to assimilate a universal attitude. Thus he was initiated into the Greek Eleusis religion which was in itself international in scope. Anyone in the Empire who was any one would be required to be an initiate. Proof that Jesus was initiated is provided by the Last Supper as indicated at another of our sessions. At the supper Jesus toasted the members by saying first with a loaf of bread, this is my body, then with a goblet of wine, this is my blood. The bread from the earth represented the temporal world and wine from sun represented the spiritual, thus uniting the two spheres, the above and the below. Thus he gave away the secret of the Eleusis ritual which had been a closely guarded secred. How the ritual of communion developed isn’t clear but surely the Last Supper is a myth. We will continue this issue at our next session.

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