Saturday, September 11, 2021

Biden Regression

The Biden Regression Well, well, we noww reach the critical point in Negro-White relations. Enough of tearing down White cultural artefacts; we have now reached a bend in the Rubicon. Let us discuss an article in the WSJ 9/11-12/21 issue byelined Lori Lawing. This involves a site in North Carolina called Latta House. On the US national register for nearly fifty years. It was a Civil Warr Monument that had reenactments of Civil War customs obviously related to slave matters. On June 19th, the inmate of the White House created a new US National holday called lugubriously, Juneteenth celebrating Lincoln's ending of slavery below the Mason-Dixon Line. Quoting Miss Lawing: One even was to portray the expulsion from the house of the slaveowner. An announcement posted on Facebook read: "Come out to Historic Latta Plantation for a one-night event, Saturday, June 19th, 2021. You will hear stories from the massa, himself who is now living in the woods...his former bondsmen have occupied his home and are now living high on the hog, hear how they feel about being freedmen." Other events would portray the overseer, confederate soldiers, and white refugees. The reaction was swift, Miss Corine Mack, president of the Charleston N.C branch of the NAACP, sent an angry email to Mr. Campbell: "Your incendiary and frankly bigoted initial decision to reenact our (Negro Nation) ancestor's pain and trauma from a white supremacy perspective will not be tolerated... Unqote. So, truth and reality will be sacrificed in favor of Black sentimentality. White Supremacy Miss Corine Mack of the NAACP is the issue. White Supremacy! Let us look at the notion of White Supremacy. In fact, White Supremacy is a biological reality and must remain so. Un undisputed fact is that the Negro National IQ is 85, has been, is, and will be. Biology is inviolate. The White IQ us pegged at 100 but runs from that figure to 160. From that there are about 42 million of the Negro Nation residing in the US. There are undoubtedly that many or more Whites with an IQ of 115 to 160, possibly even from 120 to 160. Unfortunately for the Negro Nation apart from the political aborting of Biology that means absolute White Supremacy. There is no hope for equality for the Negro. None. White is an unfortunate biological reality, it is so. Nature through Evolution has decreed it is, humanity has no hand in it, there is no appeal to the decree. It only remains for the Negro Nation to accept that fact. Have you own History, have your own society but leave ours (White Nation) out of it.

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