Friday, April 9, 2021

George W.M. Reynolds And Benjamin Disraeli

George W.M. Reynolds And Benjamin Disraeli 17. Time Traveling With R.E. Prindle by R. E. Prindle It is impossible to write accurate history if you excise the activities of the Jews. Their rise after Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo cannot be ignored. They are integral to understanding history. Why ignore them as if they weren’t there? One also requires an understanding of who they are and what their goals may be. A major claim of the Jews is that they originated monotheism as though that were a good thing and the end result of religion. The fact is that monotheism does not now nor ever has existed. The Jews have never practiced it. The Jewish vision of a supreme god snaps into place with existing notions at the dawn of the Age of Ares. I have read of a similarity between the religious views of the Jews and those of the ancient Greeks but I could never discover it until recently. Zeus and Jehovah are really identical except for the different interpretation the two peoples put on their supreme deity. At the beginning of the Arien Age the god spoke to men and interfered in their activities. As Man conceived it heaven and earth existed and both were mirror images of the other or as it was expressed: As above, so below. The Jewish Lord’s Prayer says: Thy will be done as it is in heaven. That raises the question of how Heaven is ordered and what is God’s will. If the earth is a reflection of heaven then heaven is a very imperfect place and God’s will is frankly malicious. In Homer’s Iliad the Greeks portray the antics of the gods led by their supreme god, Zeus, and they are identical to the men of earth. The foibles are the same. In Greek mythology during the Age of Taurus which preceded the Age of Aries Zeus and the gods were thought to be much closer to men. Select families professed to be descended from one god or another, that is, in religious terms they were angels. For instance Achilles is the son of the goddess Thetis and she gives him divine assistance when he asks her for it. When Achilles began to draw his sword during a dispute with his King, Agamemnon, which would have been a gross violation of divine law, Athene incredibly arrives from heaven, or Mount Olympus, seizes his hair from behind and cautions him against striking Agamemnon. Achilles heeds and desists. It is to be noted that Agamemnon comes from a family that rules by divine right, a deputy of Zeus. In the Jewish tradition Israel is magically entailed to them forever while the House of David occupies the same relationship to the Jewish God as Agamemnon to his god. But as the story takes place at the cusp of two stages of mental evolution the belief in divine origins is being superseded. Those who profess divine origins are scoffed at. The Greeks are transiting to an Age of Reason and proto-scientific thinking. The Jews on the other hand wish to have a supreme god who they aver supersedes the gods of all other nations called Jehovah. Jehovah does not deny the existence of other gods hence not monotheistic but merely the god of gods as the Persian Darius was the king of kings with dozens of other kings in his train. Jehovah had as many subservient gods and a heavenly host called angels which have a very real existence to Jews. Zeus resided on Mt. Olympus while Moses was said to have met Jehovah on Mount Sinai. Both people revered high places. Thus as the Ages passed from Taurus to Aries all peoples evolved into the same understanding of the relationship of the gods to man except for the Jews. With the Jews Jehovah was a supreme god and he ruled a heavenly host with many minor gods called angels and between the rest of human kind the Jews were placed between them and the angels, hence they are of divine origin which they still magically believe. The Jews, unlike the Greeks, simply refused to give up a divine connection of the whole people rather than individuals except for the House of David. David is still semi-divine. Thus, they never really left the beliefs of the Age of Taurus, or Saturn the ruling archetype of Taurus. As the chosen of god, that is those who never transited from Taurus to Aries and now Pisces and soon Aquarius they believed and continue to believe that in creation they exist elevated above common mankind. Between the two species. There has never been a transition from magic or superstition to reason. They always infuse science with magic. I give as an example Freud. Psychology began as a science in the minds of the Greek successors of Europe. The conscious and unconscious minds were being examined scientifically. In Freud’s hands psychology became supernatural. He chose to minimize reason, that is the conscious mind, and enthrone the unconscious mind as two different and separate entities. As he had opted to serve Satan he made the unconscious the home of evil while even existing as a separate entity outside the body over which Man has no control. This is magical thinking, that is subjective thinking, and it is an unshakeable characteristic of the Jews. This attitude is nowhere better exemplified than in the character of Isaac D’Israeli, Benjamin Disraeli’s father. Isaac 1766-1849, Benjamin 1804-1881. Disraeli’s father Isaac, who retained the spelling D’Israeli that Benjamin changed to Disraeli, was a fanatical Jew who imbued the religious characteristics explained above although he likely did not understand them. I will quote from his book The genius of Judaism here, published in 1833, which places Jews high above the rest of humanity. It might seem strange in that case that he would insist that son Benjamin should convert to Christianity at the age of the Bar Mitzvah. One wonders whether Benjamin first celebrated his Bar Mitzvah and then converted or whether he skipped his Bar Mitzvah entirely. There were disabilities placed on Jews and Catholics at the time that prevented them full enfranchisement thus Benjamin would not have been able to serve in politics. As a Christion convert he could. As Isaac had fully indoctrinated him into Judaism by the time of his Bar Mitzva Benjamin’s mind’s first loyalty was to Judaism thus his goal was to bend the Cristian’s mind to Judaism. Like it or not the Jews seek supremacy A good question is why they chose not to transit from Taurus to Aries. Was it because of certain mental qualities in the Taurian mind that they thought superior that weren’t present in the Arien dispensation? I don’t know, but it is true that the Jews remain a magical people. Isaac himself says that a Jew of the nineteenth century could not accept the status of a Jew of the nineth century, while in 1916 the German Jew Walter Rathenau advised Europeans that when WWI ended Europe would not be returning Jews to their status in the nineteenth. Thus the Jews advance in a quantum leap of a mere hundred years to be able to challenge the Europeans for supremacy on their own turf. Benjamin would be instrumental in that leap. Isaac D’Israeli had his ulterior motives. The American Jew of the twentieth century Greil Marcus, a music critic, had his favorite song. The lyrics went: I wish I was a mole in the ground. Yes, I wish I was a mole in the ground. If I’se a mole in the ground I’d root that mountain down. That was the Jewish task and the role Isaac chose for his son Benjamin, so Benjamin wore the mask of a Christian while serving as a spy and conspirator to pave the way for the Jews. Thus he worked as a mole to bring that mountain down. Disraeli brought himself to the attention of the public by writing novels. They aren’t very good novels but they were noticed and gained acceptance. Especially with his 1844 novel Coningsby. In his own character of the Mole that novel introduces a character named Sidonia. Sidonia was based on the son of Nathan Rothchild, Lionel, who was to break down many walls containing the Jews. Coningsby was published in 1844. The novel, because of Sidonia who would have been easily recognizable, was something of a sensation at the time so that it undoubtedly came to the attention of George W.M. Reynolds. Between the preceding activities of Nathan Rothschild and the current ones of Lionel, meaning Lion of the Lord, both Isaac and Benjamin Disraeli and the growing Jewish presence, the threat of the Jews were perceived. In response Reynolds then in 1851 wrote his novel The Necromancer that portrays the Jewish threat in a fantastic way, sort of a predecessor of Sci-fi. Reynolds places his novel in the reign of Henry VIII. It warns of the presence of a look alike that is a Dark government posed by Reynold’s protagonist Lionel Danvers. Very discreet. .II. Let us now consider The Genius of Judaism by Isaac D’Israeli who also had literary ambitions. This was written in 1933 so keep track of the dates. He and son Benjamin also compiled a six volume set titled Curiosities of Literature. By ‘genius’ Isaac means that Judaism is superior to and better than any other belief system that ever existed or could exist. He believed that the first Jewish society called Theocracy, and he gives it special meaning, was perfection and like the Word has been lost forever. All Jews who lived after the Theocracy ended have created a less perfect political entity. Chapter One is titled: ‘With the Israelite Everything is Ancient and Nothing is Obsolete. By that Isaac means that Judaism is eternal and unchangeable unlike the others that come and go. On Page one he begins: The existence of the “peculiar people” professing the ancient Jewish faith has long been an object of religious conviction and of philosophical curiosity.’ Then comes a confusing sentence: ‘The Hebrew separated from the Christian at a period of highest civilization holds an anomalous position in society.’ I take that to be two separate sentences. The Hebrew separated from the Christian’, that sentence is backwards as, since the Hebrew came first, the Christian separated from the Hebrew. Perhaps it reads that a period of highest civilization might mean the Roman period or it could mean, in the nineteenth century the period of highest civilization, the Jew ‘exists in an anomalous position’ at the bottom of the highest civilization and not the top. In that case it either means that Judaism being much better should be atop the highest level of civilization then occupied by inferiors. Difficult to determine. Then a non-sequitur follows: “with some truth it may be said, that he exists in a supernatural state.” That is, Isaac believes that the Jew is not natural as are other animals but he exists in a state above them and as we have seen below the angels. The Jewish mind then must be ruled by magic rather than reason or science. After four thousand years as a people this must be an unchangeable belief. Then Isaac makes the bald statement: “The Genius of Judaism remains immutable requiring every concession but yielding none…” I suppose that means that as the chosen people of God his real position is as Top Nation cannot be altered or changed by science and it is a crime to not acknowledge the ‘fact.’ The Genius of Judaism exists eternally. The European must concede all but the Jew will not give an inch. The sentence continues: “…perpetuating human institutions, which, from their very nature passed away [that is at the end of the Taurean Age] and still cherishing the prejudices of a barbarous aeras.” In other words, Jewish antiquity and the present are one. Next: But that the Christian of the nineteenth century should remain for the Hebrew the Christian of the ninth is a moral anachronism.” In other words, I presume, the changeable Christian is less than the Eternal Jew. And then he restates his position “requiring every concession but yielding none”….”It will not be by taking a popular view of the manners of this singular people that we shall allay the fanaticism of Jew or Christian. We [you] must learn to feel like Jews when we tell of their [our] calamities, and to reason like Christians when we [both of us] detect their [our Jewish] fatuities.” In other words: Mourn with them over their disasters and with Christian forbearance ignore their crimes. Very nice work if you can get it and they have. This then, is the background of Benjamin Disraeli, born a Jew, indoctrinated and conditioned on the notion of the innate superiority of the Jew, converted to a surface Christianity as a Bar Mitzvah and sent as a Mole to undermine Christian society to raise the Jew above the Christian. Benjamin then was a believer in his portrait of the ideal Jew, Sidonia, in his novel Coningsby. It would seem apparent then that Coningsby and Reynolds’ The Necromancer are inspirer and inspired. Following Benjamin’s father’s image Sidonia might seem ‘supernatural’, too good to be true, hence Reynolds’ Lionel Danvers is supernatural. A longish quote from Disraeli: Coningsby pp. 261-63, Wildside Press edition: Coningsby: “But surely it would be easy to repeal a law so illiberal.” Sidonia: “Oh! As for illiberality, I have no objection to if it be an element of power. Eschew political sentimentalism. What I contend is that if you permit men to accumulate property, and they use that permission, to a great extent power is inseparable from that property [Sindonia is a Rothschild] and it is the last degree important to make it the interest of any powerful class to oppose the institutions under which they live. [The origins of the two world wars.] The Jews, for example, independently of the capital qualities of citizenship which they possess in their industry, temperance and energy and vivacity of mind, are a race essentially monarchical, deeply religious, and shrinking themselves from a convert, as a calamity, are ever anxious to see the religious system of the country in which they live flourish; yet since your society has become agitated in England, and powerful combinations menace your institutions, you find the once loyal Hebrew invariably arrayed in the same ranks as the leveler, and the latitudinarian, and prepared to support the policy which may even injure his life and property rather than tamely continue under a system that seeks to degrade him. [Here we have blackmail insinuated: Accept us at our own evaluation or we will sink your ship of fools.] The Tories lose an important election at a critical moment; ‘tis the Jews come forward to vote against them. The church is alarmed at the scheme of a latitudinarian university, and learns with relief that the funds are not forthcoming for its establishment; a Jew immediately advances and endows it. Yet the Jews, Coningsby, are essentially Tories. Toryism, indeed, but copied from the mighty prototype which has fashioned Europe. And every generation they must become more powerful and more dangerous to the society which is hostile to them. [Hence the holocaust.] Do you think that the quiet humdrum persecution of a decorous representative of an English university can crush those who have successfully baffled the Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzar, Rome and the Feudal Ages? The fact is, you cannot destroy a pure race of the Caucasian organization. It is a physiological fact, a simple law of nature, which has baffled Egyptian and Assyrian Kings, Roman Emperors, and Christian Inquisitors. No penal laws, no physical torture can effect that a superior race should be absorbed by an inferior, or be destroyed by it. The mixed persecuting races disappear; the pure persecuted race remains. And at this moment, in spite of centuries, of tens of centuries of degradation, the Jewish mind exercises a vast influence on the affairs of Europe. I speak not of their laws which you still obey, of their literature, with which your minds are saturated; but of the living Hebrew intellect. You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews, that mysterious Russian Diplomacy which so alarms Western Europe is organized and principally carried on by Jews, that mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany [Revolution of 1848] and which will be in fact, a second and greater Reformation, and of which so little is yet known in England, is entirely developing under the auspices of the Jews who almost monopolize the professional chairs of Germany. Neander, the founder of Spiritual Christianity, and who is Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Berlin, is a Jew. Benary, equally famous and in the same university is a Jew. Wehl, the Arabic professor of Heidelberg is a Jew, years ago when I was in Palestine, I met a German student who was accumulating materials for the History of Christianity and studying the genius of the place; a modest and learned man. It was Wehl; then unknown, since become the first Arabic scholar of the day, and the author of the life of Mahomet. But for the German professors of this this race their name is legion. I think there are more than ten at Berlin alone. I told you just now that I was going up to town tomorrow, because I always make it a rule to interpose when affairs of State were on the carpet. Otherwise I never interfere. I hear of peace and war in the newspapers, but I am never alarmed, except when I am informed that the Sovereign wants treasure, then I know the monarchs are serious. A few years back we were applied to by Russia. Now, there had been no friendship between the Court of St. Petersburg and my family. It had Dutch connections, which have generally supplied it; and our representations if favor of the Polish Hebrews, a numerous race, but the most suffering and degraded of all the tribes, have not been very agreeable to the Czar. However, circumstances drew to an approximation between the Romanovs and Sidonias. I resolved myself to go to St. Petersburg. I had on my arrival an interview with the Russian Minister of Finance, Count Cancrin, I beheld the son of a Lithuanian Jew. The loan was connected with the affairs of Spain; I resolved on repairing to Spain from Russia. I traveled without intermission. I had an audience immediately on my arrival with the Spanish Minister Senor Mendizibel; I beheld one like myself, the son of a Nuevo Christian, a Jew of Aragon. In consequence of what transpired at Madrid, I went straight to Paris to consult the President of the French Council; I beheld the son of a French Jew…. The consequence of our consultations was that some Northern power should be applied to in a friendly and meditative capacity. We fixed on Prussia; and the President of the Council made an application to the Prussian Minister…Count Arnim entered the Cabinet and I beheld a Prussian Jew. So you see my dear Coningsby that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. Finish of quote. Obviously is important to lift the veil and look at what is behind it. Some call this curiosity, others conspiracy theory, but whether Jewish or other the result is the same. If the string pullers are Jews then the results are Jewish. Yet, if the above had been written by other than a Jew, that writer would be called an anti-Semite. As Disraeli shows, Jews have insinuated themselves into all levels and aspects of national governments. As an example the Russian Rasputin is said to have been running the Russian government through his influence on the Czarina who apparently ran her husband, Czar Nicholas. Rasputin was accused of having conspired with the Germans which he probably wasn’t, however, his secretary was a Jew, behold, as Disraeli would say, we find a Jew. The secretary, who was privy to all that Rasputin knew or projected, was certainly dealing with German Jews much as the Frenchman Dreyfus did. Now, by 1844 when Disraeli wrote Coningsby the Jews were rapidly growing in influence and eager to change the laws to remove disabilities. They included the Catholics, under the same disabilities, so as not to appear merely self-interested. It was a matter of social justice. And that is really what Reynolds’ Necromancer is all about. Despite slowness in full emancipation of the Jews in Central Europe, as Disraeli points out Jews were already prominent in the universities and governments. They actually had been in modern times since the institution of the Court Jew. While many Jews other than the Rothschilds were wealthy, if not as wealthy, so that Disraeli says if they weren’t going to get the respect due to them according to their own valuation they would act against their own interests to put a finger in the eye of those in power who did not honor them to their satisfaction. They would root that mountain down, Hence they were not only an irritant but a threat. He gives one example in the latitudinarian university that was funded by a Jew when the projectors couldn’t find the funds elsewhere. As he points out, this is the way Jews acted then and throughout history. Disraeli then get into a confused discussion on the importance of race; his Jews being a ‘pure’ race and hence superior to all others. Remember he was writing in 1844 when historical records weren’t as clear as they are today. For instance the befuddled Bishop Ussher of the eighteenth century who believed that the world was created by God 4004 years previously, that is the Age of Taurus, and I believe, he even gives the hour the world came into existence. As we know today the world evolved billions of years ago from cosmic dust. But as Isaac said, facts cannot alter Jewish subjectivity. According to their own records the Jews separated themselves from their native Semites at the change from the Age of Taurus to Aries four thousand years ago from today. Disraeli had to assume that the Jews were three thousand years old making them I believe coequal with the supposed Garden of Eden. He then goes on to boast that Jews are responsible for nearly all the good things in life. Sidonia himself is the Crown of Creation as perfect as any human has ever attained. One must ask what effect this tirade had on the English mind. George Eliot, as one example, took to it hook, line and sinker. In her novel Daniel Deronda published in 1876 but plotted in 1865 he is a near perfect human being who for whatever reason takes up with an English tramp that he picked up in a Monte Carlo casino. Eliot’s novel is being touted heavily today. That was her take. George Reynolds saw through the scam. However even then one had to be circumspect in criticizing Jews, that is not taking them at their own valuation as Eliot did, while there is something offensive to the Aryan intellect in direct criticism. Certainly the English aristocracy that considered itself the crown of creation would have scoffed at Disraeli’s depiction of his people as superior to themselves. Dizzy himself, as he was affectionately known, cut a rather bizarre figure in English society. Let us also remember that British Israelites were beginning to claim that the British themselves were descended from the lost ten tribes. As the ten tribes were Samaritans that wouldn’t have made the British descended from Judaism but close. With the capture of the Bank of England by Nathan Rothschild began the rise of what is today known as Financial Capitalism. At some point it was determined that fiscal or monetary matters were so important that they couldn’t be entrusted to revolving elected representatives with no understanding of money and finance so the currency should be in the hands of bankers, who, they imagined, did. Thus a sort of dual government arose, elected politicians on one side and semi-permanent financial experts on the other who were not under the control of the government, of which the latter functioned independently of the former. Inevitably the bankers were Jewish or under the domination of the Jews. As these companies such as the Federal Reserve of the US were owned primarily by Jewish bankers the currency of the world was in Jewish hands. As Nathan Rothschild was alleged to say: Give me control of the currency and I care not who makes the laws. As in 1851 when Reynolds published The Necromancer the developing monetary situation wasn’t well understood still Reynolds had a very good understanding of compound interest, that is usury and as banking is merely usury on a grand scale he very likely understood well enough. His first foray into the world was when he was sixteen and drawn into a scheme to defraud the money lenders and the lender happened to be Jewish. He first wrote this situation up two years later when he was eighteen as The Youthful Imposter. That novel involved the defrauding of a Jewish usurer. In a very interesting passage Reynolds seems to lapse into the first person in observing this particular Jewish usurer chosen to be defrauded. As a sixteen year old observer the young Reynolds carefully studied and analyzed the man in order to understand the type. The usurer gives his interviewer a history of his life. In the novel the defrauding of the usurer seems improbable but if based on a true encounter the ploy must have worked. His portrayal of the master usurer Lionel Danvers is convincing. It would seem most unlikely that the rise of the Jew would go unnoticed by Reynolds as he and his contemporaries mention Jews frequently although without usually going into details. Of course, his fellow writer Charles Dickens got into a scrape in his depiction of the Jewish criminal Fagin of Oliver Twist. He found that the truth was no defense. Unlike in the twentieth century when serious ultra violent Jewish criminals have been celebrated, even idolized, think of Bugsy Siegel, perhaps as Jews were just emerging they were a little more sensitive. Dickens was forced to apologize and possibly rewrite passages downplaying Fagin’s nationality then sentimentalizing a Jewish character in another book. One might contrast Oliver Twist with Daniel Deronda. Perhaps heeding the chastisement of Dickens Reynolds was careful not to mention the nationality of Danvers even though it is fairly clear. Still by 1855 in the last series of Court of London, The Fortunes Of The Ashtons, he comes out and roundly berates a Jewish clothier from the City. Fairly strongly too as though he would be silent no longer. Determining the character of Musidora Sinclair on whom the novel hangs is more difficult. The meaning of the name could be The Golden Muse, d’or in French, Muse of Gold. Gold being considered the most pure metal hence resistant to evil while being at the same time what the usurer most desires. She will be the woman who defeats Lionel Danvers and sends him to hell. The story is that in the fifteenth century Lionel Danvers sold his soul to Satan but the Devil gives him a chance to redeem his soul. If then, he could find six women to love him body and soul so that they would die for him he could annul the deal and recover his soul. As the story begins in the nineteenth century Danvers has seduced Clara Manners in England, his fifth victim while Musidora will hopefully be his sixth and redemption. Musidora is a mystery girl. Happy and carefree until she was sixteen then for the two years after, as she is now eighteen, cold and unloving. Some distant cousins living in Greenwich, who are out of favor at court and wish to be redeemed invite her to come and stay with them. King Henry VIII then dissatisfied with his wife Catherine of Aragon is searching for a replacement. The Granthams, Musidora’s cousins, remember their cousin, very beautiful by repute, living on the Isle of Wight invite her to stay with them hoping to tempt Henry. Amazingly Henry almost immediately comes to Greenwich where he finds Musidora outside the Grantham’s door helping a mendicant who turns out to be Clara Manners father. The King quickly falls in love with Musidora. He assiduously courts her winning her over. Danvers, who has an ancient ruined castle on the Isle of Wight where he takes his victims to be sacrificed, also knows Musidora and in fact as we will learn near the end of the novel he was the cause of Musidora becoming an Ice Queen. He, therefore, cannot approach her in his true form. Aha! Henry is called away on State business so Danvers transmogrifies himself into a fake Henry VIII. A real shape shifter. So here we have what amounts to an allegorical representation of the career of Suss Oppenheimer of Wurttemberg and the current career of Lionel Rothschild. Think of Musidora as ‘England.’ Lionel Rothschild through what will be called Financial Capitalism has established himself and his fellow Jews as a shadow government. Lionel through financial means is actually the most powerful man in England as he controls the currency and he can deny it or advance it at usury. Remember that the management of the currency is in private, that is Rothschild, hands. Thus Danvers poses as the actual King to woo Musidora. Similar. All charm, he succeeds in persuading her to elope. He takes her for a wild ride on his magical steed down through the night to his castle on the Isle of Wight. Here we have a uniting of two famous stories of the time, Leonor by the German, Burger and Dick Turpin’s ride from London to York from his novel, Rookwood. Leonor, an epic poem by Burger took England by storm; several authors including a version by Walter Scott adapted for English sensibilities. Dick Turpin’s Ride is included in Harrison Ainsworth’s Rookwood of 1832 that would have impressed Reynold’s. Reynold’s printer, John Dicks, was quite taken by Ainsworth, even preferring his work to that of Reynolds. At this point Danvers is confident that he has redeemed his pledge to Satan. He leads Musidora to the secret room in his ruined castle but she having been hurt when she was sixteen now sees through Danvers disguise as Henry and now gets her revenge by refusing her body and soul. Fire and brimstone and Danvers evaporates. If Musidora symbolizes England and Lionel Danvers symbolizes the Jewish usurers then England is saved at the last moment. .2. It seems certain that Reynolds read Benjamin Disraeli’ novel Coningsby with its very flattering depiction of Lionel Rothschild. One wonders if Reynolds also read Benjamin’s father’s book The Genius of Judaism of 1833. Isaac’s volume is a delirium of the perfection of Judaism and Jews over all mankind by more than somewhat. Actually Benjamin was the child of his father growing up in that happy delirium. In 1833 Nathan Rothschild was still alive, dying in 1836 to be succeeded by his son Lionel Nathan Rothschild born in 1808, dying in 1879, the latter year the same as George Reynolds, while Nathan’s son, six years before George so they were near perfect contemporaries. Disraeli’s years were 1804-1881, all three then quite contemporaries. Disraeli as a writer might be considered a talented amateur. Coningsby, written when he was forty is as good as he gets. Reynolds 37 in 1851 is incomparably above Disraeli while the Necromancer brought forth his brightest talent. As a novel it is quite excellent, the brightest jewel in his diadem. Due to his time in France and his love of things French, Reynolds is not purely an English writer, more Anglo-French or perhaps best described as a European writer as much of his historical novels have European settings. The Necromancer seems to be an answer to Coningsby, possibly affected by Isaac D’Israeli’s Genius of Judaism if Reynold’s ever read it. Here’s another longish quote from Disraeli describing the impossibly brilliant Sidonia, Coningsby pp231-3. Wild Side Press. Quote: With an imagination as fiery as his native Desert, and an intellect as luminous as his native sky, he wanted, like that land, those softening dews without which the soil is barren, and the sunbeam as often a messenger of pestilence as an angel of regenerative grace. Such a temperament, though rare, is peculiar to the East. It inspired the founders of the great monarchies of antiquity, the prophets that the Desert has sent forth, the Tartar chiefs who have overrun the world; it might be observed in the great Corsican, who, like most of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean isles, had probably Arab blood in his veins. It is a temperament that befits conquerors and legislators, but in ordinary times and ordinary situations, entails on its possessor only eccentric aberrations or profound melancholy. The only human quality that interested Sidonia was intellect. He cared not whence it came; where it was found: creed, country, class, character, in this respect, were alike indifferent to him. The author, the artist, the man of science, never appealed to him in vain. Often he anticipated their wants and wishes. He encouraged their society; was as frank in his conversation as he was generous in his contributions; but the instant they ceased to be authors, artists, or philosophers, and their communications arose from anything but the intellectual quality which had originally interested him, the moment they were rash enough to approach intimacy and appealed to the sympathizing man instead of the congenial intelligence, he saw them no more. It was not however intellect merely in these unquestionable shapes that commanded his notice. There was not an adventurer in Europe with whom he was not familiar. No Minister of State had such communication with secret agents and political spies as Sidonia. He held relations with all the clever outcasts of the world. The catalogue of his acquaintance in the shape of Greeks, Armenians, Moors, secret Jews, Tartars, Gypsies, wandering Poles, [read Schnorrers.] and Carbonari, would throw a curious light on those subterranean agencies of which the world in general knows so little, extensive travels, his knowledge of languages, his daring and adventurous disposition, and his unlimited means, had given him opportunities of becoming acquainted with these characters, in general so difficult to trace, and of gaining their devotion. To these sources he owed that knowledge of strange and hidden things which often startled those who listened to him. Nor was it easy, scarcely possible to deceive him. Information reached him from so many, and such contrary quarters, that with his discrimination and experience, he would almost instantly distinguish the truth. The secret history of the world [read: conspiracy theory] was his pastime. His great pleasure was to contrast the hidden motive, with public pretext, of transactions. One source of interest Sidonia found in his descent and in the fortunes of his race. As firm in his adherence to the code of the great Legislator as if the trumpet still sounded on Sinai, he might have received in the conviction of divine favor an adequate compensation for human persecution. But there were other and more terrestrial considerations that made Sidonia proud of his origin, and confidant in the future of his kind. Sidonia was a great philosopher, who took comprehensive views of human affairs, and surveyed every fact in its relative position to other facts, the only mode of obtaining truth. Sidonia was well aware that in the five great varieties into which Physiology has divided the human species; to wit, the Caucasian, the Mongolian, the Malayan, the American, the Ethiopian; the Arabian tribes rank in the first and superior class, together, among others, with the Saxon and the Greek. This fact alone is a source of great pride and satisfaction to the animal Man. But Sidonia and his brethren could claim a distinction which the Saxon and the Greek, and the rest of the Caucasian nations, have forfeited. The Hebrew is an unmixed race. Doubtless, among the tribes who inhabit the bosom of the Desert, progenitors alike of the Mosaic and the Mohammedan Arabs, blood may be found as pure as that of the descendants of the Scheik Abraham. But the Mosaic Arabs are the most ancient, if not the only unmixed blood that dwells in cities. An unmixed race of a first-rate organization are the aristocracy of Nature. Such excellence is a positive fact; not an imagination, a ceremony, coined by poets, blazoned by cozening heralds, but perceptible in its physical advantages, and in the vigor of its unsullied idiosyncrasy. End of Quote. So, as Benjamin’s father , Isaac, said in the first quote of the essay, he believes that Jews are a supernatural people, below the angels but above human kind. As semi-deities, no terrestrial condition high or low can affect that. The Jew of any status can walk, head held high, that he is superior to all non-Jews he meets. In point of fact, Benjamin was always treated with a sense of amusement so that one must believe that confessions of faith such as this and that in Tancred, a third part of the trilogy were disdained by the English. Reynolds himself must have read this with a raised eyebrow. The Necromancer is his refutation of Disraeli in my reading. Whether it was so understood at the time is unknown to me. Nevertheless the deeper I study Reynolds, the Regency and the Romantic period the more obvious hidden things become.

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