Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Unraveling The Present by R.E. Prindle

Unraveling The Present by R.E. Prindle Listen! The wind is rising, And the air is filled with leaves; We have had our summer evenings: Now for October eves! --Humbert Wolfe Read Nien Cheng, Life And Death In Shanghai, 1986, Grove Press It is becoming quite clear that what is happening is that China has exported Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution to the West. North America and Europe. The Chinese Cultural Revolution instituted by Mao Ze Dong in 1968 was an all out attack on destroying the Chinese past. Mao sought to destroy it so that any cultural icons that were of a failed past were smashed by his youthful organization The Red Guards. They may be compared to Antifa here in the US in which cultural icons such as statues of Washington and Jefferson among others are torn down. People wondered when Lincoln was torn down because they confused Black Lives Matter with the Cultural Revolution. BLM along with Antifa may be considered as two faces of the same Revolution. Xi is merely exploiting racial unrest. One may link Mao’s revolution with that of Xi whose revolution this is. The Chinese Virus which is being used to terrify and condition the US population is a psychological warfare operation. It will go on until the population is conditioned to function as unthinking automatons. Nien Cheng in her Life And Death In Shanghai which was her tragic experience gives an accurate description of the terror aspect of Mao’s revolution as well as the psychological conditioning. In the US the psychological conditioning is largely being conducted by the internet social media. The US and China came into conflict when the social media eyeing the huge Chinese market with typical American arrogance thought that they could expand their operations to China with impunity. They neglected to think that that China is the elephant and Google is the flea. The Chinese elephant said: We can develop our own Chinese social media network according to our own social standards. They went on saying that Google could compete in the market but not with US standards. Google said: US standards? We’re talking money here. I think we can do that. And just like that they threw overboard every revered America tradition ultimately inculcation Chinese standards in the US. I should imagine that Xi put pressure on them while the EuroAmerican leaders of the New World Order said: Forget American traditions, we can make this Chinese stuff work to our advantage. So, they began to close down free expression while using Antifa and BLM agents as trolls. They began their assault on unsuspecting social media users who quickly saw something was going on but they didn’t know what when the psychological steam roller showed them what they could say and what they couldn’t. If you didn’t comply they didn’t punish you harshly but they denied service for various periods of time until the user learned the parameters of expression. The Constitution of the US is now observed or valued by less than half of the population and they have no means of protest. Any sites that offer them freedom of expression are immediately shut down. A recent notice on Facebook which goes on about Community Standards advised that their standards are the same for all two billion users. That is to say then that Chinese Standards rule as they won’t tolerate any other. Facebook, Google, You Tube and the rest wouldn’t be allowed in China otherwise. So Xi has completed what Mao began. The next step for Xi is the actual subordination of the US. This can likely be done with the minimum amount of violence. A peaceful annexation without any need for a vote. The US will be occupied without recognizing it. The US and Europe are two tails to the same dog. Tails do not wag dogs.

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