Saturday, September 12, 2020

For Whom It Might Concern: The Plot Against America

The Plot Against Ameeica. by R.E. Prindle For whom it might concern: Let us try to put the last nineteen years into some sort of perspective. My last article, Reviewing 9/11, dealt slightly with the Twin Towers. It became obvious in that article that President Bush was implicated with the Saudis to perpetrate that terrible crime. Bush was succeeded by the half Negro, Barack Obama. Among the first things Obama did was his infamous apology tour in which he begged pardon for American behavior. He especially appeared before the Saudi king as a suppliant, before whom he made a deep bow from the hips to a very erect haughty Moslem. The symbolism was quite clear but the effect goes much deeper. Americans never take into account the mindset of the other. But, consider the Saudi point of view. Yes, the US is a diverse society but the Arab isn't. For thirteen centurys (1300 years) minimum Negroes served only one purpose for the Moslems and that purpose was as slaves. Thousands were collected annually from Africa and sent to the Moslem States where they were dispensable. Thus what King Fuad saw before him was a Negro slave doing obeisance to his master, hence the stances of Fuad and Obama. So, this Arab Negro slave was now now the President of the United States thus making the US subordinate to Saudi Arabia. Obama succeeded in Bush's subordination and his complicity or obedience in destroying the invaluable Twin Towers and 3000 American lives. Total destruction. Obama then proceeded to destroy or diminish US military power by reducing the Armed Forces, discontinuing NASA and generally diminishing US prestige in the world. He even destroyed the US economy by shipping US industry to China. The list of his crimes is extensive but not necessary to repeat here. Obama himself was a mere street person living hand to mouth in New York City until for some reason he was seized upon as a potential President and favored with a Harvard legal degree, a book contract worth 100,000 dollars equal to at least 500,000 in today's dollars. One shudders to think that he and the nitwit Joe Biden were running the country. The president designates, Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush were ambushed by Donald Trump in a completely unexpected result of the election. President Trump immediately set about to correct the crimes of the previous sixteen years under Bush and Obama. A vile completely criminal process was then set afoot to render his presidency ineffective at least or to remove him 'by any means necessary' as best. The current Democratic candidate has publicly stated that he will 'sure as hell' include numerous Moslems into the government of the US. Moslem theocracy joining religion and government. The only thing preventing his undesirable result is the reelection of President Trump and forceful action on his part of disabling the plot against America. The so-called democracy will be over no matter who wins. Vote Trump and save American ideals.

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