Wednesday, May 27, 2020

That Awesome Mystical Virus

That Awesome Mystic Virus


R.E. Prindle

What is faster than a speeding bullet, can jump high buildings in a single bound and fly through the sky.  No, not Superman, Stupid, It’s Super Virus.


As we are all aware, the Corona Virus has arrived.  This is not an ordinary biological micro-organism.  No, it’s supernatural, it’s not alive but it is armed and dangerous.  If one follows the rules of the English language what is not alive is dead.  You see an inert rattlesnake, give it a kick and if it doesn’t bite back it is not alive, it is dead.  Not so with the Virus.  It is not alive but not dead.  In the English language not alive and dead are synonymous.  But the virus is not dead, it is a new invented category named ‘not alive.’   If not alive is not dead then the virus must be immortal because it can’t die.  Nothing is immortal.

So, what do we know about this virus?  It is tiny, one and half microns, five nanometers, too small to comprehend.  It will probably take ten to the twenty-fifth power for a bundle of them to be visible to the naked eye. Trillions and trillions of them.  The virus is a fast multiplier so one of them can go to trillions is the blink of an eye.  We know that this tiny+ virus is also immobile being not alive.  As it is not alive it cannot move of its own accord.  Where it lands it must stop.  It is so small it must disappear down the minutest crack.  It should disappear down your pores but it doesn’t.  Without nutrients on any surface since not alive it cannot die and it should be able to exist without nutrients for eternity.  Nevertheless we are told that it doesn’t survive for more than a few hours and then does what, pass shelf life?  It continues to exist, but what?  We aren’t told.

Now, it has no mobility and it can only enter the respiratory system through the nose and mouth.  Do you understand that?  Only through the nostrils and mouth.  And it has to be placed there directly.  Therefore an air born virus has to be shot directly into your nose and mouth.  A carrier, another human, must infect you.  If one should have landed on the palm of your hand you must lick your palm and suck it in.  It can’t move, it is immobile. 

A big fuss has been made about touching your face as though the virus could suddenly abandon being not alive and crawl to your mouth or nostrils.  Not possible, the virus is immobile.  You would have to have one on your finger and place it in your nose or mouth.  So, really, this immobile virus plainly cannot be that infective.

So you touch your cheek?  So what?  It is immobile, it can’t move and it can’t activate from not alive to whatever on the surface of your cheek.  You must place in your nose and mouth and then this not alive virus with no volition is scraped off your finger and enters your respiratory system.  It is a respiratory virus it will only inhabit you nose, nasal passages, mouth, throat and lungs.  It does not enter your blood stream.  What do all five organs have in common?  Oxygen.  They are oxygen rich. So this virus which always remains not alive must be activated, if such a thing is possible, by oxygen and then its sole function is to multiply which it does in a spectacular fashion.  Indeed, if you are infected your blood is deoxygenated.  Doesn’t that tell you something?

But, before your lungs can be infested the virus, we will suppose only one lucky virus made it to you nose or mouth, the virus has first to multiply in your mouth and nose.  Early warning signals.  The virus not being alive must be impervious to death.  Since they never die they just multiply somehow by becoming oxygenated.  How has never been explained to us.  A most clever sexless organism just mystically, magically multiplies.  It feeds on oxygen which is obvious because it only exists in the oxygen rich respiratory  system.

So, how do you destroy a not alive organism?  You can’t kill it because it is not alive.  Ah, we are told, there is a fatty substance surrounding a nut containing a ring of DNA.  (Due to the wonders of modern science this ring has been photographed and shown on the internet.)  So, once the fatty substance is dissolved why the virus is deactivated while still not alive forever.  Once this fatty substance is dissolved the nut with the ring of DNA is no longer capable of withdrawing oxygen from your breath.  And then what?  It never was alive so it cannot die.  What?  It  remains not dead forever?

At any rate your oxygen is restored to your control. What happens to the not dead not live nut?  I don’t know and our ‘scientists’ have not been eager to tell us.

Finally, in ending this query, what we do know is that a disinfectant like alcohol for instance dissolves the fatty substance and neutralizes the not dead not alive virus and it can never revive because while perhaps not being alive it has ceased to exist.
Alcohol, hmm?  I’m not going any further than this.  You figure it out.  Remember the nose, nasal passages and mouth are infested first.  That’s a hint

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