The View From Prindle’s Head
R.E. Prindle
Unintended Consequences 3 The Jews 1
The Irish
and Italians had their effect in changing Americans mores and its psyche but far
outweighing these two and all others combined were the Jews. Tempered by thousands of years of opposing
all of mankind their tools were honed and sharpened, when removed from a
European milieu where they were known to a very naïve American milieu living its
own fantasy while having lost contact with the Jews who were a very small part
of the population until the last half of the century, the Americans were easy
So, to
understand the situation one has to go back to the beginning of Judaism. Unlike other peoples the origin of the Jewish
people can be pinpointed. The Jews
themselves believe that they first came into existence four thousand years ago
in Mesopotamia. Prior to that time any
ancestors, Terah is the only one that can be identified, were merely part of
the Semitic population of Mesopotamia.
That is any history of them begins with the conflict with their
neighbors. Their origin as a people
began when as a quarrelsome cult they were expelled from Mesopotamia in about
2000 BC. Thus their four thousand year
history began. If it was anything like
their expulsion from Egypt a thousand years later, they were born in blood.
We know
exactly what the quarrel was about. I
must here introduce terms that may be unfamiliar to you, at least their
usage. The Mesopotamians had a history going back at
least to the Age of Leo, that is nine thousand years before the Age of Aries,
probably more. They were present at the
Flood. As we are all aware there was an ice
age preceding this warmer period we live in known as an Inter-Glacial Period. That is there have been at least three
interglacial periods and hence three Glacial periods. Another ice age will follow this warm period.
Whether the
Mesopotamians had memory traces of over a hundred thousand years or they
hypothesized themselves they appear to have memories stretching back and this is recorded in surviving
records. The Zodiac was already in
existence at the time the Jews came into existence in 2000 BC. This is a controversial opinion because
modern prejudices give no credence to Mesopotamian records. It is generally asserted that the Zodiac
originated with the Greeks about 100 AD.
Not possible.
The problem
between the Jewish dissidents and the main body of the priesthood occurred on
the cusp between the Ages of Taurus and Aries and the dispute as Josephus
records was astrological or astronomical.
Four thousand years ago astronomy and astrology were one. The Zodiac was timekeeper for the Astrological
As the solar
year was divided into twelve months so the Great Year had twelve divisions or Ages. This was based on the principle: as above, so below. The two worlds, heaven and earth were mirror
images. The duration of the Great Year
is approximately 26,000 solar years.
Each Age is about 2200 solar years duration. Thus the Age of Taurus ended when the sun passed
out Taurus into Aries. Each Age has its
religious archetypes, that is it is ruled by a specific God and Goddess. The male archetype of Taurus was the god, Saturn, in Greek terms, Cronus. When the old god was replaced by the new god
he was sent to Far Tartarus or on the way to the opposite post of the Zodiac. A new archetype came into existence for the New
Age. Apparently Terah objected to
this. He refused to accept the change in
archetypes and insisted that Saturn, that is God, was eternal. That is undying. Thus there was in irreconcilable
difference. Terah’s main follower,
Abram, according to Josephus the greatest astronomer/astrologer of the Ages
defeated the Mesopotamian sages in debate and they petulantly expelled the
proto-Jews from the land.
There is a
fairly substantial literature on both sides of this situation. As chance would have it the Priestly version
was literally buried beneath the sands for thousands of years while the Jews
perpetrated their vision on Western society.
In the nineteenth century the cities began to be excavated, libraries
were found and the difficult texts were translated, or many of them, thousands
of tablets yet remain. The most fascinating
of the texts was the Priestly myth of Gilgamesh, which in the Jewish version is
the story of Cain and Abel. We will
examine details of those two stories.
As the Jews,
or what became the Jews, were a dissident cult within and part of the Semitic
peoples in Mesopotamia at the beginning of the Age of Aries four thousand year
ago, then they were immersed in the lore of that people being a part of it. It is odd that while the main body of the
peoples understood the world to be uncreated and at the least hundreds of
thousands of years old that these dissident Jews should have determined that
the Earth had been created by Saturn a mere seventeen hundred years
previously. The Priesthood must have
considered the Jews to be insane to maintain such a false understanding.
While the
Priesthood maintained on the best of evidence that the Flood had occurred in
the Age of Leo, the Jews maintained that it had occurred perhaps in the middle
of Taurus, two Ages later. Their trying
to maintain that tradition must have driven the Priesthood nuts. The Jews could not be talked to. Most especially because this insane cult must
have been multiplying fairly rapidly.
They had to go.
profound split in knowledge would have a profound effect on all subsequent Western
history because, the intelligent position of the Priests was buried in history
by the succeeding Age of Pisces. Thus
the nutty notion of a world created in 3700 BC or thereabouts was enshrined in the Jewish bible which has
survived to our times perverting the intelligence of the Europeaan mind well
into the nineteenth century until the Priestly version became apparent to inquiring
minds who were denounced by the Judaized majority as crazy dissidents reversing
the ancient Mesopotamian positions. Very
might have taken a more enlightened turn if the Priestly understanding had
prevailed rather than the nutty Jewish fable.
Now let us compare how the Jews misinterpreted two stories, The Garden
of Eden and the Great Flood. The Mesopotamian
memories are history turned into myth while the Jewish versions are the purest
sci-fi or fantasy take offs.
During the
Ice Age when thousands of feet of ice were transferred from the ocean waters to
land this lowered the sea levels by somewhere from 350 to 500 feet compared to
today’ levels, depending on whose opinion you wish to accept. The Persian Gulf is very shallow so that it became
exposed to form an immense fertile, temperate valley all the way to what are
now the Straits of Hormuz. The highlands
to the South in Arabia, now the most barren sands on Earth were teeming with
population. Through the Valley ran the
immense combined waters of the Tigris and Euphrates creating a veritable
Eden. Highly civilized cities lined its
shores including the legendary city of Dilmun.
Dilmun must be
where Oannes, now known as John, according to the historical myth, arose from the waters as a very wise fish
man. He bequeathed civilization to the
ignorant highlanders who had existed on the former middle part of the Great
River and which could then be seen only as two streams, the Tigris and
This must
have occurred in the Age of Leo or perhaps the beginning of the Age of Cancer
depending on how quickly the waters rose as the Earth warmed into the Spring of
the Great Year. For the Mesopotamians
the memory of the Great Valley was the Paradise that was lost beneath the Great
Flood. Gilgamesh, when seeking the
secret of eternal life was directed to return to the bottom of the Gulf where
the wise keeper of the secret resided, perhaps in the ruins of Dilmun.
proto-Jews coming from the exact same cultural base converted the Paradise of
Dilmun into the Garden of Eden and put the preposterous sci-fi swordsman at the
entrance to this Garden to deny access to the humans who had been expelled. Perhaps Adam was styled on Oannes. John certainly became a prominent name in
inexplicable flood for which no rational explanation could be known based on
that ancient knowledge was accounted for by the Jews as forty days of downpours
and the opening the ocean vents
The fantasy
of Noah and the Ark was created by the Jews to explain the survival of humanity
as the waters, in their imaginations, rose to the mountain tops which in turn
created the fantastic story of the Ark resting on Mt. Ararat. Fortunes have been spent by the deluded
trying to find it. You can see the Priests
shaking their heads.
that the Jews were not a separate people from the Mesopotamians, there can be
no Jewish race. The present Jews were Semites
at that time. They came from the
identical culture with the same historical traditions which they distorted for
their own ends.
It is very
easy to see Terah as an early Moses.
Moses also was educated by priests but in the religion of Egypt, became
a renegade and distorting some fantastic variations on the Egyptian religion
was driven out of Egypt.
Proceed to Part 8, a continuation.
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