Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Global Warming, President Trump And The Paris Accords

President Trump, Global Warming

And The Paris Accords


R.E. Prindle


Those who make a fetish or religion over supposed manmade global warming or are still in a tizzy because Pres. Trump realized the futility of fighting global warming, which is something like shoveling sand against the tide, should accept the reality of global warming.   Global warming is not manmade, although it may be slightly accelerated by it, it is the result of a natural process.

Start with an irrefutable fact.  An ice age covered the Northern Hemisphere about thirteen thousand years ago.  Except for remnants the ice is no longer there.  Why not?  Because without any manmade contribution to modifying the atmosphere the world began to warm, has warmed and will warm a little further and fluctuate that way for from four to five thousand years.  Likely all the ice in the Northern Hemisphere will melt, that is the area of the ice cap of Greenland.  This will happen whether mankind ‘fights’ it or not.  No precautions will prevail.  The temperature will not go on rising indefinitely but within a narrow range as during an annual summer.

The earth has been warming and will stay warm for several thousand years.  Warming began when the Ice Age ended.  The height to which the oceans will rise can be calculated from the water contained in the ice of Greenland.  Whatever that may be, 10-20-30-40 feet or whatever that will happen.  The thing is not to fight it but to prepare by moving back from the area to be inundated.  NYC and the Eastern Seaboard is a goner in the future.

Kobo Abe, the Japanese writer, in his novel Inter-Ice Age 4 named the current period the fourth inter-ice age.  Inter-ice age that is a period between two ice ages; or two winters and a summer.  Thus, as long as the Plane of the Ecliptic is at its current 23 ½  degree declination the ice ages must repeat themselves in 25,000 year cycles just as winter and summer repeat annually.  So, when the next ice age starts covering the Northern Hemisphere the waters will begin to recede.

During the last ice age enough water was stored in the ice caps and high places so that sea level was three to five hundred feet or more lower thus exposing immense areas of land while reducing the seas commensurably.  Apart from the weather the land mass itself is ever changing.  The ice cap certainly covered Iceland or the ocean where Iceland is.  Iceland is volcanic on the Atlantic ridge so that the Iceland of 13 K years ago was not as the of Iceland today.  Gradual changes we scarcely notice become immense over 13K or 25K years.  The great forests of the North had to start from nothing 13K years ago to become what they were before man did begin altering the landscape by chopping them down.  The ice will obliterate them in the next ice age and they will begin again when the ice from that recedes.

What did the world look like when water levels were at least 500 feet lower?  The Grand Banks and Flemish Cap off Newfoundland are in shallow waters today.  Vast areas of shallow waters today were exposed so at the height of the last ice age something approximating Atlantis must have existed.  Atlantis is not a myth but a vestigial memory of mankind that has been mythologized.  It must have been inundated when the ice cap burst about 10K years ago literally disappearing overnight.  There are other inundated cities.  Undoubtedly in the not too distant future inundated cities of NYC, Boston and others will be included, probably London.

The cycle of Ice Age and Inter-Ice Age- Summer and Winter- will be repeated as long as the Plane of the Ecliptic remains at 23 ½ degrees every twenty-five thousand years.  Mankind will probably not be existing to see the next ice age.

The gravitation of the land masses must also be taken into account.  A quick look at Continental Drift will give you an idea at the way things are moving.  The land masses will change slightly from ice age to ice age.  The current series of ice ages must not be confused with any ancient ice ages during a totally different configuration of the land masses.

Thus, when President Trump declines to spend trillions of dollars and god knows how many man hours in a futile effort to hold back the future he is showing a wisdom that the Global Warming crowd in the US and Europe lack.  Better to prepare for a wet future.  We can thank our lucky stars he was elected in time to stop our participation in these foolish actions.  The Paris Accords are a waste of time and money.  In withdrawing the US the Pres. demonstrates the strength of his courage.  To defy the consensus is maximum strength. 

Lend a hand, for the waters around you are rapidly rising.  If you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the pollution.

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