A Review
Tough Jews by Rich
R.E. Prindle
We’re trying to get
America by the wallet.
Abe ‘Kid Twist’ Reles
Rich: Tough Jews, Fathers, Sons and
Gangster Dreams, Vintage, 1999.
Our author,
Rich Cohen seems to be oppressed by the vision of Jews marching obediently to
the death camps in war torn Europe. He
is ashamed that Jews didn’t organize and resist the Nazis. Actually those that could did. The Warsaw Ghetto being the most famous
example. Of course having no infra
structure to support them that resistance, while commendable, was futile.
This reaction within Nazi lines was not the same as that by Jews beyond those lines. US Jews campaigned mightily with the full assistance of President Roosevelt to get our men to fight their war for them and succeeded. Jews fought in the Russian army where there was a supporting infra structure. It is also true that the political Commissars attached to the Russian army were nearly all Jews. Their role as political Commissars in the conducting of the war was equal to or maybe even superior to that of the military generals. The Germans have incredible horror stories of the barbarities perpetrated by the Commissars that are equal in horror to anything that occurred in the death camps.
This reaction within Nazi lines was not the same as that by Jews beyond those lines. US Jews campaigned mightily with the full assistance of President Roosevelt to get our men to fight their war for them and succeeded. Jews fought in the Russian army where there was a supporting infra structure. It is also true that the political Commissars attached to the Russian army were nearly all Jews. Their role as political Commissars in the conducting of the war was equal to or maybe even superior to that of the military generals. The Germans have incredible horror stories of the barbarities perpetrated by the Commissars that are equal in horror to anything that occurred in the death camps.
But few
people are aware of the Jewish influence in the battle units. Rich Cohen apparently being one of them or he
wouldn’t lament ‘weak’ Jews while trying to find heroes amongst a group of
barbaric Jewish criminals who operated on about the same level of brutality as
the Soviet Jewish Commissars.
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Lepke Buchalter |
Nor does Rich seem to be aware of the attitudes of Jewish-Russian criminals flooding into NYC just before and during the writing of his book. So, this review will roam about a bit in putting Tough Jews into perspective.
In his own
way Rich Cohen has written a valuable piece of immigrant Americana. Brooklyn although a Jewish colony was and is
a part of NYC and the US. The borough
currently functions as the Jewish capital of the US and rivals the whole State
of Israel itself. Because his father
grew up in Brooklyn and was part of the Jewish underworld Rich is now a very
privileged fellow. As Tough Jews was
written when Rich was a mere thirty years old, currently turning fifty it is
nicely turned out. His father left
Brooklyn moving to the equally important underworld of Chicagoland,
Illinois. From there Rich attended
Tulane University of New Orleans then finding his way to the Big Bagel, NYC.
He had no
trouble finding literary jobs with prestigious magazines such as the New Yorker
and Vanity Fair, indeed, I am guessing, with the aid of his father’s
His father
grew up in Brooklyn with the future TV journalist Larry King so it is hardly
surprising that Rich did a stint with the Larry King TV show.
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Abe Reles |
On reading Rich’s book one is haunted by the feeling that, while ostensibly about a group of criminals hardly worth the eulogies Rich heaps on them, there is a deeper more pervading and significant interest. Indeed that interest would subsequently appear in his book, Israel Is Real: An Obsessive Quest To Understand the Jewish Nation and Its History. Obsessive and Nation are key words.
Tough Jews might be considered a Volume I of that obsession. That obsession will color my review as I will
range wider than a bunch of Neanderthal criminals and I mean no insult to the
Tough Jews
itself is a handsomely written book although one twinges at so many cuteisms
that mar the writing, descents into purple prose, but picky complaints aside
the book reads smoothly, smartly and coherently at a high level of interest,
perhaps lagging a bit around the Abe ‘Kid Twist’ Reles denouement. But that complaint might also be a touch of
Yet, he
admires these creeps, these primitives, these brutal beastie boys. And what redeems them? They are Jews. Like himself, like Brooklyn. He excuses them because he confuses their
unredeemable savagery with strength.
Tough Jews. As he points out
these are little fellows in the 5’ 0” to 5’ 2” range, as young men no more than
120 pounds. Any six footer could brush
them aside. So what made them
formidable? They were ready to not only
kill, but mutilate, at the drop of a hat.
And they did, often for silly reasons.
It was wise to step back from them.
Of course,
Rich believes the reason is that they are poor immigrant lads, immigrant Jews
who have been brushed aside denied their place in the sun by bigotry. He believes that they couldn’t go to
University because all the best schools had quotas, which is not quite
true. Hence he believes this criminality
lasted only one generation and then the Tribe went straight. Forget the Russian Jews of the 1990s who came
in criminal and have nearly completed the task the early Jewish mob undertook. As Abe Reles is quoted as saying his mob
wanted to get America by the wallet; in other words by controlling the money,
control the society.
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Bugsy Siegel |
Things were not being done haphazardly. They were planned. And they were only a part of the plan. At this point of his life Rich may not have been able to piece things together but he does know the criminals he is describing. And they were tough Jews and as such role models for himself and apparently the Russian Jews who came later. Those Russian Jews had their own legends of how the Jews did things in New York in those early years. Called new Robber Barons by the New York press they apparently believed that they were emulating the industrialists who built the railroads, creating an astonishing steel industry and the oil business. But to mention thugs in the same breath as Ford or Carnegie is an unforgiveable sacrilege. Ford and Carnegie built things and created it, adding to stock. Criminals steal it and diminish wealth.
There are
different ways of being tough and there was a small army of tougher Jews in
finance, in the universities, in politics.
Rich essentially picks up his story with the ascent of the arch criminal
and master mind Arnold Rothstein. He was
the criminal who masterminded the fixing of the 1919 World Series.
eighteen through nineteen twenty-seven, these were the crucial years of the takeover
of Western Civilization. The really
critical period was eighteen, nineteen
and twenty when the West realized that the ‘Russian’ Revolution was a Jewish
affair and that as the anonymous author of the celebrated book The Cause Of
World Unrest put it Jews and the cause were synonymous.
In that
asymmetrical war following the destruction of European manhood in the shooting
war the Jews, united Jews of the world,
fought to avoid defeat while at the same time establishing themselves as
the dominant guiding role in Western Civilization. They had won primacy in Russia by the 1917
Soviet revolution. It would take them a
few more years to consolidate their role in Europe.
success was denied them by the resistance of Italy’s Fascism and Germany’s tremendous
Volkist identity. Thus, in Germany it
was Jewish nationalism vs. German nationalism.
A virtual Civil War in which the only solution was the expulsion or
extermination of the other. There is
nothing surprising or unnatural in the so-called holocaust. It was inevitable just as the continuing
asymmetrical war on Europeans by the Jewish survivors was only to be expected
and prepared for.
The economic
engine that made Jewish success possible was the plundered wealth of the Rothschilds
in Europe and the equally plundered wealth of the US obtained by crime and
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Arnold Rothstein |
Nineteen-twenty provided the setting and the criminal streets of NYC the set. With the advent of the prohibition ‘experiment’ the wealth of the US was laid at the mob’s door. The wallet of the US that Abe Reles was talking about was deftly lifted by Jewish hands.
The engine
driver for the early years was Arnold Rothstein, an especial hero of Rich’s,
whose usefulness for the cause was gone by 1928 when he was taken out and
replaced by Lepke Buchalter who was succeeded by Meyer Lansky after Buchalter
was convicted and executed in 1942.
Lansky was instrumental in the funding of the State of Israel using
money collected by criminal means.
So, all
these underworld figures were working hand in glove with the aboveworld
figures. The international Jewish
government required an enormous amount of money to function and most of these
vast sums were obtained by exploiting the gentiles. The Jewish mob was not stealing to live;
those enormous sums of money were being funneled into the Jewish World
State. As well, Jewish charitable collections
were put to political purposes.
aboveworld politicians were also out to get America by the wallet. In one of the most wonderful feats of history
the Jews pushed through the Federal Reserve Act by which they secured control
of US currency receiving interest on every dollar in circulation. What a bonanza. And it was a private corporation owned by
nine Jewish banks of Europe and one of the US.
The single non-Jewish owner was the Rockefeller combine. And it was a corporation independent of legislative
and executive control. Hey, hey, hubba,
Going into
WWI the Jews were advantageously placed monetarily in Western
Civilization. The war consolidated their
gains and even expanded their influence, without mentioning the elimination of
the Czars, thus making the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics a Jewish
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Another of
the aboveground threats, this one entirely criminal thus blurring the line
between aboveworld and underworld methods was the theft of millions of dollars
worth of Liberty Bonds directly from the New York Stock Exchange. The bonds would continue to surface in all
kinds of places during the twenties. Not
surprisingly Arnold Rothstein had an ample supply.
Of key
importance here was the election of the rump of the old political post-Civil
War establishment, the three Republican presidents, Harding, Coolidge and
Hoover. These three were the last hurrah
of the old American establishment. When
Franklin Roosevelt succeeded Hoover in 1933 the new Jewish immigration
dispensation began.
The years of
Woodrow Wilson marked the first penetration of the US government by the
Jews. Wilson as well as his Jews were
socialists and with the end of the war they established a limited socialist
government. They were prepared to go
further had Cox and Roosevelt been elected in 1920. Harding’s victory derailed their plans for
twelve years and the Jews disappeared from Washington for the interim.
Thus, while
Jewish criminals infiltrated further at street level the economic situation in
the US government was temporarily out of reach.
However, even then the government had no control over the currency. To avoid ‘partisan’ interference the Federal
Reserve had been placed beyond the political control of both the executive and
legislative branches of government. The
Act could have been challenged by the Supreme Court but with Brandeis on it
that was not probable and in fact the question didn’t even arise.
Thus, at
this critical juncture of the Stock Market crash of ’29 Hoover had had no way
to monitor the Fed. The Fed was free to
engineer the crash.
All of this
did not pass unnoticed by alert Americans; however to point out Jewish
machinations was to automatically label oneself an ‘anti-Semite’ and place
oneself outside the pale of society. Not
that there were not brave men and women.
Chief of these citizens was the industrialist, perhaps the greatest
American of the twentieth century or ever, Henry Ford.
historians, of course, portray Ford as an unredeemable bigot who woke one day
and declared to himself: I am going to
be the world’s #1 anti-Semite. The
historians can find no other reason for Ford taking up a very expensive
campaign to solve what he and a great many others considered to be the world’s
#1 problem. As Ford is central to the
American side of the equation, it might be profitable to examine Jewish
going back to the transition from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries when
the Jews split off from the universal Astrological religion to create their
own, let us look at the immediate cause of Jewish unrest. At about the turn of the nineteenth century
expansionist Russia annexed what became the Pale of Settlement that included a
major part of Poland. The area had been
the refuge of the Jews; it contained the vast majority of Jews in the world.
Under the
Poles who had administered this territory the Jews had been a semi-autonomous
people to whom Polish commercial affairs had been granted. Autonomy, political equality as a separate
people with the host country had always been the Jewish goal. They wanted to be a nation within a
nation. Remember the Jews always aspire
to autonomy with themselves as the senior party. The Russians denied the Jews autonomy wanting
to reduce them to subjects of the Czars.
They insisted that the Jews and all the subject peoples become Russian.
By so doing,
from the Jewish point of view, the Russians had declared war to the finish on
the Jews. From 1800 on the Jews were at
war with Russia, or, as the they put it, the Czars. At the time, 1800, the US was not a
significant entity but within a couple short decades it would be.
The Jews
of Western Europe were emancipated at
almost the same time as Eastern European Jewry came under the dominion of the
Russians. At the same time the
Rothschilds had become the richest family in England and Europe with many other
Jews becoming also very wealthy so that there was an economic, if not political
equality, if not supremacy for the Jews.
The kings and princes, the European nobility, stood between emancipation
and Jewish supremacy so that European institutions had to be destroyed. Hence
the nineteenth century was a century of revolution and destruction.
By 1870,
following the US Civil War it became apparent to the discerning that the US was
the country of the future. Thus, about
that year their situation becoming intolerable in Russia the great migration
equaling that of the exodus from Egypt began.
Thus, the Jews in full revolutionary mode boarded the great steamships
that parted the Atlantic to the US as the Red Sea had been to Israel and the
transfer of the Jewish population began.
The Jews did not come as peaceful immigrants but as revolutionaries
seeking autonomy or as Abe Reles poetically put it, to get America by the
They did not
come as individuals but as an invasion organized in Europe by wealthy
Jews. This was an expensive
operation. The way had been prepared for
the Eastern Jews by the Western Jewish 48ers, those who fled Europe to escape
the consequences of their failed revolution of 1848.
had favored the Jews as they arrived just as the great technological revolution
of the nineteenth century was gaining momentum.
The sewing machine was beginning to revolutionize the needle
trades. Thus, the 48ers appropriated the
industry for the East European Jews almost guaranteeing employment for them as
soon as they landed in NYC. The end of
homespun and rise of readymade occurred fortuitously and the rag industry
became Jewish. This was not
inconsequential but a major coup.
became possible that had never been possible before. The great continent spanning railroads had
come into existence within a decade of the Civil War. Standard Oil began its rise. It was the Gilded Age, money was there for
the picking up for those on the qui vive.
There was a
difference between the US and Europe that leveled the playing field between
Jews and Aryans. The US had never
experienced a Feudal Age; there was no landed aristocracy. It had been born straight into the Age of
Money. Whereas in Europe land had been
the basis of status and wealth in Europe, in the US land was a nearly
disposable commodity, you used it until it was exhausted then moved on. Money was what determined status and money
alone. Being a millionaire was the
height of success. For the Jews money
had always been the symbol of success.
In Europe it was necessary for money to displace land to be the
signifier so that in that struggle Europeans lost out to the Jews as money
displaced land and title.
In the US
money was the object. The question then
would be how to outmaneuver the Americans to be the dominant money power. As Europe was insecure and as US Jews became
as rich or richer than European Jews the World Jewish Government was shifted to
the US at about the year 1900. The great
Jewish institutions such as the American Jewish Committee, still existing
today, took form. A whole generation of
very active Jewish politicians most of whom the ordinary American has never
heard of came to the fore. One, Bernard
Baruch, would be a major power in US politics through the Eisenhower
It would be
tedious to list them at this point when the names mean nothing to you but they
will appear. Key to the formation of
Ford’s opinion of the Jewish problem was the Wall Street financier, Bernard
Baruch. Prewar he made his fortune as
‘the bear of Wall Street.’ When the
American entry into WWI became imminent, as Baruch tells it, Woodrow Wilson
begged him to enter public service.
Baruch did, becoming the Czar of American industry as the administrator
of the War Industries Board. It was this
point that being the Czar of something became an American cliché, The Czar of
Baseball, the Czar of Wall Street, etc.
The term has fallen into disuse now.
At the same
time Wilson opened the doors of Washington to the Jews who up to that time had
been treated more warily. But, as the
WIB administrator Bernard Baruch was put in charge of the entire industrial
apparatus of the US, all industrialists were subordinated to his authority. He was the actual Czar, autocrat, of
Industry. They were accountable to
Bernard Baruch and he took advantage of the situation to further his own
interests and those of the Jews.
instituted an unnecessary rigid socialist government in the US during the
war. Many old socialist shibboleths were
imposed under cover of what was an unnecessary involvement in the European war,
such as the nationalization of the railroads which were returned to their
owners after the war over strong protest.
The rules
Baruch imposed on industry were but little short of nationalization. You may be sure that Ford and other
industrialists objected strenuously.
But, Woodrow Wilson had made Baruch, not unlike the Federal Reserve,
independent of any other authority with full dictatorial powers to enforce his,
Baruch’s, will. Baruch did not have to
clear his actions with Wilson or anybody else, he had full license. As he said, he was the most powerful man in
America and possibly the world save Wilson and his actions were taken independently
of Wilson.
Ford and the
Dodge Brothers in Detroit strenuously resisted Baruch’s directives, the Dodges
especially becoming intemperate, using racial slurs. Baruch did not forget. Fortunately, the war ended before Baruch had
time to implement his full program, much to his regret.
historians will gloss over Baruch’s actions as their careers depend on pleasing
the Jews but the WIB was a major influence on Ford’s post-war attitudes toward
the Jewish problem.
Rich Cohen,
writing at thirty, doesn’t seem to be aware of how influential the Jews were as
Prohibition began but in both the aboveworld and the underworld Jews were well
able to forward their plans.
itself provided oceans of money for crime.
While the Sicilians are most often associated with bootleg liquor the
Jews were immense beneficiaries.
Rothstein himself set up the trans-Atlantic route in which his agents
made purchases in the British Isles which were then delivered offshore to speed
boats that took the liquor ashore. Cuba
was a major entrepot but then Canada was showered with gold from liquor
sales. The Jewish Purple Gang of Detroit
ferried liquor across the Detroit River with no problems. The Jewish Mayfield Road Gang of Cleveland
brought shiploads across Lake Erie with little interference. The greatest Jewish beneficiaries of all may have been the Jewish Bronfman family
of Canada who were suppling both the Purple Gang and the Mayfield Road
Gang. The Bronfmans emerged from
Prohibition immensely wealthy and with their established European connections
were major post-Prohibition distributors of legal booze.
during his brief reign as crime lord also organized the distribution of heroin
just before he was shot so that money poured into the underworld’s coffers.
But, to return
to the aboveground rollers. Ford read
The Cause Of World Unrest and that set him to thinking, and then he read The
Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion and that put him in action. It is difficult today to realize the impact
of Ford from say 1912 to 1932 both domestically and globally. The Sherwin-Williams paint company used to
have a logo of paint pail pouring out over the globe with a slogan reading
Sherwin-Williams Paints Cover The World.
Well, so did
Ford. By 1920 there were few places in
the world that you couldn’t buy a Ford.
I have no proof of it but I believe that the Daddy Warbucks character of
the comic strip Little Orphan Annie was based partially at least on Ford. Ford’s Service Department was part of an
intelligence force not unlike the FBI or CIA or the Anti-Defamation League so
it would be unreasonable to think that Ford was not very well aware of what was
going on.
His enemies
have portrayed him as a rube ignoramus but quite the opposite was true. So, when Ford took up the battle in 1920 he
was a very formidable foe to the Jews and the struggle was epic. The main weapon of the Jews, of course, was
defamation and the protestation of purity and innocence and Ford over the
coming two decades or so was so intensely defamed that even today he is
The Damage
Controllers of the Jews then first took up the task of discrediting and
suppressing the two books they found the most damaging: The Cause Of World Unrest and The Protocols
Of Zion.
The Cause
was released in the US in 1920 by the prestigious firm G.P. Putnam’s Sons. The book was causing an uproar in England so
the notion was to censor it, that is prevent its publication in the US. Distribution was very limited from Putnams
who also recalled it. Other efforts were
made to publish but they were defeated so The Cause Of World Unrest was
defeated by those who call themselves the champions of free speech.
The Jews
were never successful in completely suppressing the Protocols of Zion. Numerous versions of the Protocols are still
available today although their worth has been superseded by movies and TV which
are much better propaganda tools. The
Cause of World unrest has been reissued by the Cornell University Press.
believed that exposure would solve the Jewish problem so he bought a newspaper
called the Dearborn Independent.
Dearborn, Michigan was the location of his first major plant. Today the city is a Moslem center. He thus created what was perhaps the first
attempt at a national newspaper as the paper was distributed throughout the US
and actually abroad.
It was not
necessarily a propaganda sheet. Ford was
in many ways a social reformer. He
objected to nearly everything in what later generations called the Jazz Age. One of those things were scandalous newspapers
devoted to crime, sex, and carnage.
Indeed, although this is not well known Ford ran one of the three
largest movie studios in the US. His
films were, of course, devoid of sensationalism, devoted to educational
topics. We were still shown some in ’48
and’49 in class.
The Dearborn
Independent was a sedate, wholesome weekly that featured an expose of Jewish
activities in the US on a weekly basis for a couple years. The articles were then collected into four
small books titled The International Jew.
The articles infuriated the Jews and evoked an hysterical reaction from
the aboveworld Jewish government but there was no handhold for a major lawsuit.
international Jewish government was composed of people you likely have never
heard of but were hugely influential in US politics. Louis Brandeis and his understudy Felix
Frankfurter, Brandeis a Surpreme Court justice and Frankfurter a future one,
Jacob Schiff, Louis Marshall, president of the AJC, Samuel Untermyer, Rabbi
Wise among others and, of course, the ubiquitous Bernard Baruch, all wailing
behind the scenes. William Fox, the Fox
of Twentieth Century-Fox. The whole
Hollywood establishment. All of them
were arrayed against Ford. It was worse
than today’s war on President Trump. Their
chief weapon was the anti-Semite slur and Ford was labeled the Anti-Semite in
The goal of
the Jewish establishment was to disable any critics as anti-Semites. A key goal was to make so-called
anti-Semitism a legally sanctioned crime, a punishable offence as it is today
in France. They achieved this goal in the Communist Soviet Union at the
time so such a law in the US would be an extension of the one of the USSR thereby assuring such such a law would become
anti-Ford campaign would climax in 1927 in the Sapiro-Ford trial in which the
goal was to make criticism of Jews a legal offence. Thus Louis Marshall, the president of the
American Jewish committee sat in his New York cubby hole like a spider tracking
a fly- the fly being Ford.
As I said
above, in 1918 the Dodge Brothers- Dodge Motors- used language offensive to
Bernard Baruch in the contest of wills over WIB directives. Baruch never forgave them and two years later
the brothers died under mysterious circumstances. As mentioned, the Purple Gang was in Detroit,
so an attempt was also made on Ford’s life when his car was forced off the
road, very nearly pushed into River Rouge.
The defamation had already taken effect so that Ford was treated as
semi-deranged while it has been generally accepted that he staged the accident
himself, while no explanation has ever been offered why he would have done so.
Still, the
articles continued and still the Jewish establishment was outraged. But, the US Constitution guaranteed free
speech while Ford’s articles were firmly grounded in fact. They were exposes not defamations. Ford himself did not write the articles, that
task was delegated to his editor William Cameron for whom Ford amassed a
colossal library on Jewish subjects. His
agents in the Service Department were busy investigating in the field. Ford did not do things by halves.
while criticizing the Jews was not illegal, the Jews had made it the extremity
of gauche in gentile circles so that Ford found himself increasingly ostracized
but not estranged. Believe me, he had friends in high places. A
letter purportedly from President Harding is extant deploring Ford’s exposes
and asking him to desist. Perhaps a
forgery. At any rate about 1923 Ford
agreed to publish no more articles, but the collected articles remained
available in The International Jew series.
The extant articles were probably as much or more than the public could
But, then,
in 1924 it came to the attention of Ford that a man named Aaron Sapiro was
attempting to organize farm co-ops in a manner Ford considered injurious to the
farmers as they were in fact. Once again
Ford sent investigators into the field to get a clear idea of what was going
on. He once again began publishing his
findings in the Dearborn Independent.
This may or may not have been a setup but it seems clear that the
proceedings were directed by Louis Marshall and gang in New York City. Samuel Untermyer.
The evidence
implicated Bernard Baruch, Albert Laker and Eugene Meyer as well as
Sapiro. Sapiro whose fortunes were on
the decline may have instituted proceedings in the hope of a large settlement
but as he turned the trial into a crusade to end ‘defamation’ of the Jews it
became a move to make criticism of Jews illegal and punishable as it was in the
Soviet Union.
The trial
was something of a farce that ended in a mistrial when it was learned that
Sapiro tried to influence a juror, jury tampering. Whether a new trial would be adjourned or
not, Ford, in the midst of a critical model change, decided to call it off,
made a settlement and walked away.
It is
interesting that within the next year he traveled to New York City to call on
Louis Marshall in his cubby hole.
According to Marshall (see Letters of) they sat and looked at each other
then parted. Marshall died soon after.
With the
settlement of the Sapiro case the damage control in the US was complete
although in Europe Adolf Hitler was on the rise and in a few years would be
elected Chancellor of Germany setting off a huge reaction among the Jews of the
The Jewish
government or establishment whatever you want to call it failed in the attempt
to establish a semi-legal principle that criticizing the Jews was a punishable
offense; however they did effective damage control and by defaming Ford silenced
any further criticism of themselves.
Henceforth any such criticism war strictly verboten.
Ford was not
their only target; scholarly writers like Madison Grant and his volume: The
Passing Of The Great Race as well as several volumes of the Harvard historian
Lothrop Stoddard detailing an accurate account of current affairs and their
logical consequences. By the early
forties such writers had been so thoroughly defamed that they lost all
credibility. Indeed, the Jews placed
them on their index of forbidden books.
The Jews
were also moving forward on several fronts.
Their further goals were made feasible by the assumption of the
presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. As Herbert Hoover, who preceded Roosevelt may
be said to represent the last of the post-Civil War ‘American’ presidents, so
Roosevelt inaugurated the era of the immigrant presidents. FDR was a strange case. There was none with a more American heritage
than he. He went back to the old Dutch
knickerbockers, the first settlers of Manhattan. The fellows with the beads. Yet there is no president more representative
of immigrant America than he. There has
never been a president more tender to the Jews and their Communism than
he. This tenderness also embraced by his
wife Eleanor.
tenderness began to show when they were quite young. The fact is that when the Jr. League of
society women was formed to work the Settlement House scene of New York City after
the turn of the century Eleanor participated and she dragged her soon to be
husband, Franklin, along with her. The
impetus for the Jr. League was railroad magnate E. R. Harriman’s nineteen-year-
old daughter. Harriman was associated
with the aboveground Jacob Schiff and the Kuhn-Loeb crowd. Kuhn-Loeb was the Jewish investment banking
firm on a par with J.P. Morgan. Why
these young society women chose to go to the Lower East Side to cater to raw
immigrant Jewish women with no ‘upbringing’ or manners is a bit of a
mystery. However a lifelong bond between
the Roosevelt’s and the Jews was created.
Indeed, it may be said that the Jews took the couple under their wing.
It was an
irrational bond in which the Roosevelts
seem compelled to accede to Jewish wishes. I’m going to go out on a limb here and
speculate that the Roosevelts were hypnotized on the Lower East Side and
implanted with post-hypnotic suggestions.
Manchurian Candidates as it were.
I imagine I hear you guffawing but the idea may be more reasonable than
you think.
Bear in mind
that these Eastern European Jews all
came from the Pale of the Settlement.
The assembly point for the trek to the transports in Hamburg, Germany
was in a town called Brody on the Austrian border. As the assembly and departure point Brody
assumed an interesting character. The
trek to Hamburg passed near Vienna.
Vienna was a hotbed of Jewish aspirations, a Jewish culture center. Vienna was also the home of the famed
psychologist Sigmund Freud and the most active branch of the International
Order of B’nai B’rith. Freud was a
lifelong member of BB from 1895 to his death.
He often lectured at the meetings on what must have been psycho-analytic
matters including hypnosis. Freud was a
supreme authority on hypnosis. Freud
hated Europeans and European culture and wanted to see them all dead.
Key people
on the trek made a layover in Vienna where along with Freud a number of
organizers, all prominent well-to-do men lived.
Vienna may have been the most important Jewish center of Europe. How improbable is it that they were given
instructions on how to go about furthering objectives in the US? No stretch at all. One must also remember that key American Jews
took long vacations in Europe every year.
One imagines that Vienna was a favorite destination so coordinating
plans would have been convenient.
Freud quite
likely indoctrinated key people in hypnotism who spread it further so that many
on the East Side would have been knowledgeable.
What better method to gain the loyalty of the upper crust of society
than through these philantropizing young girls of the new Jr. League?
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Mr. District Attorney- Thomas E. Dewey |
So, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt just drifted into politics with some pretty hazy political
notions. It just so happened that a little
way down the road from Hyde Park a family of Jews named Morgenthau lived. The Morgenthaus were very active Jewish
nationalists. Morgenthau Sr. at one time
served as ambassador to Constantinople, now Istanbul. Constantinople was a key destiny post and for
many years a Jewish prerogative of US diplomats.
Morgenthau Jr. attached himself to
Roosevelt like a limpet. Whether he was
a guest at Hyde Park or not he made himself a guest anytime there was activity
there. In time, when FDR became
president, Henry Morgenthau Jr. more or less made himself FDR’s Secretary of
the Treasury. He constantly tried to
expand his role in that position. He was
in command of the money. The Treasury
was filled with many Soviet spies.
There was
also a very strange relationship between the Jews, Governor Al Smith of New
York State and Roosevelt. Smith who was
governor of New York for the critical period of 1918 to 1928 with a two year
hiatus from 1920-22, was managed by the Jews also. His principal monitor was a woman named Belle Moskowitz. FDR was being groomed to be Al Smith’s
successor as governor. When he was
elected Eleanor advised him to be wary of Moskowitz. When he was struck down by polio this caused
a certain amount of panic as Smith was set to run for president in 1928.
Louis Howe
FDR’s political manager and Eleanor Roosevelt kept FDR in the game while he was
flat on his back. As 1928 loomed it was
necessary for FDR to succeed him.
Roosevelt who was desperately trying to regain the use of his legs at
his spa in Warm Springs was unwilling to abandon his quest but Smith put the
screws to him. FDR ran and won by a
narrow margin. Smith embraced a forlorn
hope of displacing the Republican Herbert Hoover during the greatest boom the
US had ever seen. Naturally Smith was
Smith was
discarded and replaced by Roosevelt as the great Democratic hope. Easily winning reelection as governor FDR
prepared for his presidential run. His
replacement as governor would this time not be a gentile stooge but an actual
Jew, Herbert Lehman.
Had Hoover
been able to maintain prosperity there is no chance Roosevelt could have been
elected in 1932. It was therefore
necessary to arrange an economic disaster to give Roosevelt his chance. The disaster had been in the works for a
couple years and the plan was sprung six months into Hoover’s presidency. The event was the great stock market crash of
1929. The Democrats spent the next three
and a half years trying to prevent a recovery.
The crash has been discussed endlessly with many different arguments but
the end result was as desired. FDR succeeded
This was not
an ordinary succession but a sea change in the direction of the country. The old order of the Gilded Age and
individualism had drawn to a close; the new Jewish Age of collectivism began as
Hoover had predicted it would. In the Old
Order the government had served the people; in the new dispensation the people
would serve the government. Thus, the
Jewish order in which the Jewish people served the synagogue was transposed
onto the American system.
Jews flowed back into Washington DC. The
groundwork had been prepared by Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis and his
Harvard law professor acolyte, Felix Frankfurter. Since the ‘teens Frankfurter had been
indoctrinating a generation of law students into Judeo-Communists; they now
infiltrated every branch of government as Roosevelt created new jobs to
accommodate them. This invasion of
government was not unnoticed as his disciples were known as Frankfurter’s Happy
Hot Dogs.
also allowed Communists of every stripe and then denied their politics. The first year was a busy year as among many
other things the administration turned on the institutions, the ideas, the
politics and the mores of the Old Guard hoping to stomp them into the ground,
eliminate them completely. The notion
wasn’t too different from that of the revolutionist, Victor Hugo, who wanted to
exterminate the old believers because they could never be converted, or what
was going on in the Soviet Union where old style Russians were being murdered
wholesale, starved to death or sent to the gulags.
revolution of ’17 was being completed in one way or another around the
globe. In the East the Japanese were
alarmed trying to set up a defensive perimeter in Northern China and Manchuria. The Soviets hurried to annex Outer Mongolia
so the border between the Communists and the Japanese was roughly that of Outer
Mongolia and Manchuria, or, Manchukuo as the Japanese styled it. While the US government was Red leaning, the
American people were anti-Communist. The
Japanese confused the two thinking they and the US were a united front against
the Soviets. They learned too late.
became a major weapon in the Jewish assault on the Western peoples. In Europe, so long as land was the measure of
wealth and status then the value of the land had to be destroyed. The great holdings had to be eliminated. Confiscatory taxation was a weapon of mass
destruction on the economic front as starvation was the weapon of choice on the
social front. It would take a generation
or two but the old nobility, land rich but cash poor would have to sell out
taking their useless titles with them.
In the US
where money had always been the medium determining wealth and status it would
only be necessary to destroy incomes and estates. Once again confiscatory taxation was the
weapon of choice. Just as the object in
Europe was to destroy the old aristocracy replacing it with themselves so the
object in the US was to destroy the Old Money of the Gilded Age.
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Bernard 'Barney' Baruch |
One has no
pity for the fortunate but while land was not the issue those with money had
expansive life styles that could longer be maintained, could no longer be
afforded, but with everyone in reduced circumstances there was no longer any
market for the properties and what with property taxes they became less than
valueless. Million dollar mansions
became worthless destroying that wealth.
To take only
one example, a bete noir of the Jews, William Randolph Hearst, ostensibly worth
millions, was instantly placed in bankruptcy.
He narrowly evaded it but only under the most humiliating circumstances.
A leading
Jewish advocate of this holocaust, the writer Gustavus Myers, was advocating the
prevention of large fortunes being accumulated in one’s own life time. In other words, after a cutoff point of X
dollars one presumes the individual is prevented from working. That would have a very salutary effect on
initiative. Myers crowed that with FDR
in office they had their man to realize this insane hope. Fortunately FDR either didn’t go all the way
or the Jewish purposes crossed with the rise of the beginning of the WWII, the
matter was set aside and forgotten after the war, although confiscatory taxes
continued for some time until the injustice was abated. The war intervened and the gentile wallet was
saved for a decade or two. It is clear
that the aboveground and underground were working together.
Through the
thirties then Jewish moles were busy in the underworld, the aboveworld and the
netherworld of politics. FDR brought
Prohibition to an end upon his entry into office in 1933. This caused a certain disturbance in the
underworld when their chief occupation as bootleggers was brought to an
end. New vistas opened up however. The sale of addictive drugs grew by leaps and
bounds while in the 1960s drug usage entered the mainstream of middle class
America. The grip on America’s wallet
grew stronger.
While J.
Edgar Hoover and his FBI may not have recognized organized crime those more
immediately affected recognized the monster when they saw it. That would be New York City. A rising DA by the name of Thomas Dewey
seized the snake by the tail. Beginning
in the mid-thirties Dewey began the effort to bring the mob to book. He succeeded admirably even getting the
mobster-in-chief, Lepke Buchalter arrested.
As well as
his extortion racket to milk NYC businesses of the tens of millions, Buchalter
had begun a lucrative business of his own called Murder, Inc. Assassination was his business. The business model could be traced back to
the Jewish Old Man Of The Mountain of Crusader Times. He is not be confused with the Ismaili cult
of assassins led by Hassan-i-Sabah in Iran.
He was separate but in the same business.
Murder Inc.
was responsible for hundreds of assassinations having a whole stable of killers. Buchalter was first arrested by the Feds,
Hoover had been prompted to deal with him, probably because the Mob gave him up
to reduce the heat, but the City of New York wanted him to be relaxed to them
to be tried on murder charges. They had
a bear of a time getting him out of Federal hands.
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Herbert Hoover |
In one of
those hard to explain Roosevelt moments, FDR refused to release Lepke to a certain
death sentence. When his hand was forced
and New York tried Lepke and sentenced him to the chair there was an incredibly
obstinate attempt to prevent his execution.
This definitely would have had to come from the Jews who seeking to
protect one of their own, wholesale murderer or not. So, we don’t just have a bunch of
neighborhood lovable thugs here, we have the head of Murder, Inc. and his people
are trying to prevent his execution!
Rich Cohen can amaze.
The Jews
obviously put tremendous pressure on FDR to prevent Lepke’s release from
Federal custody but in this tug of war to bring Lepke to justice apparently
Dewey’s men were stronger but even then their determination to put Lepke down
over what must have been tremendous pressure from Brooklyn is truly
astonishing. The Jews don’t often
lose. They even finally got Pollard out.
However, the
pressure applied by Dewey on the Mob scattered them from NYC fearing they might
be next. Meyer Lansky fled South to
Miami and crossed the water to Cuba to thoroughly corrupt that country. He made Havana the gambling Mecca. Gambling seemed to be the new Prohibition but
the habit had been prevented by law and few seemed to be complaining about
it. However, Lansky’s partner, Bugsy Siegel,
chose as his place of exile Los Angeles.
LA was close to Las Vegas.
Gambling in Nevada was legal but the desert seemed to provide an
unattractive environment,
though, looked at it and saw opportunity.
Naturally a barren desert, Las Vegas would soon be on the shores of Lake
Mead, created by Hoover Dam (named Boulder Dam during the Roosevelt years, FDR
hated Hoover and did all but blacklist him.)
Water, the missing ingredient.
Bugsy Siegel
set about creating the gambling oasis of Las Vegas. A new bonanza appeared in Nevada but reserved
for the Mob. Prohibition was gone but
the Mafia had landed on its feet. The
Jews found another way to get America by the wallet. And this time they wouldn’t be ashamed of it.
In the twenty-first century they opened the The National Museum of Crime to celebrate their greatest criminals. The National in the title didn’t refer to the
United States.
This does
imply intent and volition, a pre-conceived plan. Let us compare these nineteenth century
immigrants to a Jewish immigration of the late twentieth century.
This group
of so-called immigrants also came from Russia and they had learned their
criminal skills in Russia. They all had
Israeli passports, actually being Israeli citizens while claiming dual Russian
citizenship. Whether they added US
citizenship isn’t clear as they always had to be on the qui vive to evade the
law by hopping back to Israel from which they couldn’t be extradited. In fact,
these people were a global criminal network. They were not only busy gutting the US economy-
getting America by the wallet- but they and their confederates had stolen the
public assets of Russia during its privatization scandal. They were a problem throughout all Europe at
the same time. Masters of banking
schemes and human trafficking, a synonym for prostitution.
As usual the
filmmakers are the people to go to to get an idea of their activities. Somehow the movies always get the details
first and right.
Rich doesn’t
get around to examining this latest Jewish migration in Tough Jews nor even in
his Israel Is Real. The latest
immigration from Russia seems to be a grab and smash involving the whole world,
grab the really big wallet. The banking
system that grew up to launder the huge amount of criminally gained cash is a
story in itself. Not here and now
Tough Jews
is a good read from more than one point of view. It has something to say about the Jewish
colonization of Brooklyn, the Jewish role in crime, the US during the first
fifty years of the twentieth century and the organization of a national crime
syndicate. I don’t think Rich’s Jews are
shown so much as tough though, just murderous and amoral.
Why they would build a museum to celebrate these
guys is beyond me.![]() |
R.E. Prindle |