Sunday, February 14, 2016

Vol. I.Clip 5: The Vampyres Of New York

Vol. I, Clip 5
The Vampyres Of New York
A Novel
R.E. Prindle
Baron: Perry, I really must insist on more substantiation then you’re presenting. So far all I’m hearing is mere speculation.

Me: No, not mere speculation Baron. But, bear in mind I’m not a mere chronicler nor am I merely recording events. I am after motivations, the reason why, how it was done. I’m dealing with the unconscious part, underlying agendas.

I have read tens of thousands of pages of Jewish history and literature and even more Euroamerican. This is interpretive history not a monograph. An essay.

Besides source material has grown exponentially and now includes tens of thousands of songs, millions of hours of movies, TV and radio. What was once ephemera has now been captured and reproduced on a permanent basis. With the internet I can hear actual speeches, see the original performances by the original stars. Not only can I see the movies I can own them for a pittance and study them carefully. New and important sources that didn’t exist until the nineteen thirties such as comic books. Many of them have been issued in bound volumes. The amount of information is beyond comprehension.

My reading, my sources must of necessity be very different from yours even though we may be covering the same topics. Nobody can possibly have read everything. Nobody is really qualified to write histories and yet it must be done.

Some guy named Peter Watson tried to write Ideas: A History. One big problem with his history is that he doesn’t have a clue as to what Freud was writing about yet he gives a long reverential chat about ‘that great man.’ The guy was in over his head. I commend the effort but deplore the result. So perhaps with me. I have no hopes of persuading everyone yet as far as it goes my account is as close to the truth as anyone else will get.

Still, as I say, I haven’t read all the auto-biographies and biographies and they are absolute essentials. I never will read them but then nobody else will either. And then there’s the question of depth and breadth of mind. How powerful is the mind doing the interpreting? How extensive and intensive is his experience?

Lessing: Yes. I quite agree. It is impossible to write the so-called definitive history. Perception changes with time. A lot depends on what you want to emphasize. It isn’t necessary to accept anyone’s account at full face value but I’m getting something out of Perry’s account.
Max Savings: Hear, hear Baron. I think it is obvious that Perry is well read. He has a depth in certain areas that I don’t have and I’ve done my reading. I actually know very little about Freud so assuming Perry knows what he’s talking about, and I think he does, I’m getting food for thought.
Baron: Well, I’ll defer my judgment till later.

Me: Alright, now where was I? Alright. One of the first things the Jews did when adequate numbers reached the New World was to set up their own fraternal Order. Fraternal Orders were big in the US so one more came unnoticed.

While the other Orders were all ecumenical except for perhaps the Catholics the Jewish Order of B’nai B’rith was purely Jewish as the name that might be translated The Circumcised Brethren indicates. No gois could be in the B’nai B’rith but Jews could be in all the other Orders. The B’nai B’rith was founded in 1843 and over the years as the number of Jews in the US increased the Order grew and became international in scope. Hitler expelled the Order in 1939.

A lodge was established in Vienna the home base of both Theodore Herzl who founded Zionism and Sigmund Freud who founded Psycho-analysis. Freud joined B’nai B’rith in 1895 attending the weekly meetings until the Nazis closed the lodge. It is important that Freud joined the lodge because he thought they were like-minded to him, that is, they also desired the destruction of Europe and Europeans. Therefor some major plotting against Europe must have taken place at those weekly meetings. I don’t know whether Herzl ever joined nevertheless the Zionist ideas circulating in Vienna must surely have been a major topic at the meetings. Now, Baron, to meet your objections, I am blending provable history with speculation. That is cause and effect. If something happened certain prior conditions must have existed and certain consequence must have ensued. The consequences are clear but the connections are hazy.

The first problem for the Lodge was how to disarm the enemy. A method to subvert and confuse. This warfare was asymmetrical. This is Jewish conspiracy conducted by Jews posing as nationals of the various European States and those of North America. There must have been communication between the various national operatives. Activities had to have been and were, thus as Ford claimed, an international Jewish conspiracy.

The primary target was the Czar. The Jewish fixation was to eliminate the Czar, kill him, obliterate him and all his works, remembering the Amalekites, and this is what they did. Then where was the center of operations? Obviously Vienna. The city was close to the transit point of Brody though which the majority of Jewish emigrants passed on the way to the embarkation point of Hamburg.
Thus 1895 is the year Herzl originated Zionism and Freud joined the B’nai B’rith. Thus Freud joined a group of accomplished Jewish conspirators. I’m guessing but it would seem probable that the infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were worked up there with Freud’s very important psychological help. They would have been written during the lead up to the First Russian Revolution of 1903-05. This revolution was an international affair coordinating American, European and Russian operations along with the Japanese.

That revolutionary attempt, a wholly Jewish affair, was a truly international operation involving the war between Russia and Japan. Both the Czar and the Japanese needed money to conduct the war. Thus, the Rothschilds and Parisian financiers prevented anyone from lending money to the Czar while at the same time in the US Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb and the American Jewish Committee looted the Equitable Assurance Society of two hundred million dollars that he loaned to the Japanese allowing them to wage the war against Russia. However amid the Russian disasters of the war the revolutionary attempt failed.

It was certain that the Jews would be accused of fomenting the revolution so, perhaps, to confuse the issue the Protocols were given to a noted anti-Semitic priest, Sergei Nilus. He published them but they went unnoticed until they were revived as needed after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
One can’t be certain with the available information but that or something very close to that happened.
After 1905 Freud wrote his Three Sexual Theories that was meant to overturn European God centered morality in favor of a Satanic morality. Freud would further the Satanic principle in subsequent writings.

The Jews having discovered America much preferred it to Russia. Thus never known to observe any other laws but their own will they then disregarded all US immigration laws organizing a mass removal of all Russian Jews to the US. That was to have begun in 1914. Hatred for the Czar prevented this from taking place. The assassination of the Austrian Grand Duke at Sarajevo is said to have been planned and organized in Paris, that means by the Jews.

The assassination then pitted the Russians against Austro-Germany. Germany became the Jews horse until he Czar was murdered. Although courted by the Allies from 1914 on to assist them the Jewish government backed Germany so long as Russia was in the war. With Russia first seized by the Jews, it must never be forgotten that Kerensky was a Jew, in February in October the Bolshevik Jews completed the seizure. The Jews then extorted the Balfour Declaration from England as the or a price for throwing their support to the Allies.

It would be interesting to know what they would have done if the Allies had said: We don’t need you anymore. That would have left them hanging with no influence. As it was accepting their help gave them power over defeated Germany and a place at the Peace negotiations. As the war had removed the Czar in Russia so the defeat of Germany eliminated the obstacle of the Kaiser leaving the German people seemingly defenseless. Thus Jewish revolutionaries flowed back into Germany from Russia secure in the belief that they would seize that country and consequently the whole of Eastern Europe. Indeed Bavaria fell and was rescued by the army while there were numerous attempts in Berlin and other cities.

The Jews were foiled by the millions of German fighting men who were in no mood to accept Jewish Bolshevism already proving a disaster in Russia at the hands of these very Jews and it would get worse, much worse, Satanism on a stick.

The Revolution of course was the success of Marxist Communism. Marxism was then central to European politics and Freudianism was now established in the Jewish psyche so that the two ideologies began to be fused into one deadly combination.

Freud lived to a great old age before committing suicide in 1938 so he was still very active in the years between the wars as were his fellows. The Frankfort School in Germany worked up Critical Theory beginning in the early twenties that sought to undermine Western thought patterns and thus institutions. The Da Da Movement, an attack on mores, had begun in Switzerland during the war years. It evolved parallel to the Frankfort School.

The war had changed things or at least saw them brought to maturity. In Freud’s own camp a disciple by the name of Wilhelm Reich had brought Freudian sexual theories to their logical conclusion and it was a whopper. Freud was so horrified at the monster he had created in the image of Reich that he expelled him from the Order, placed him outside the Pale, an Outlaw. Like all good cranks and perverts Reich migrated to the United States.

He was no more welcome in the US than he was with the Freudians. It takes a lot to find rejection by the US; the country has taken in some amazing crazies. Wilhelm Reich was too much. After a series of lunacies he was arrested and imprisoned while his books were collected and committed to the flames. Yes sir! A book burning right here in the good old USA.

The authorities didn’t get them all however; some made their way to Greenwich Village so that Satanic Reichian sexuality became the backbone of the sexual revolution. Scary stuff.

During the thirties the whole of the Frankfort School and Freudian Order fled Germany and Austria infecting the US like some horrid virus. Freud himself held out until the Order cleared out then being the last to flee turned out the lights of Europe committing suicide shortly thereafter.

So at various times in the United States the Freudian presence increased in its virulence. The conquest of the country was the goal. Americans were unsuspecting. Of course psycho-analysis was taken seriously so that Freud and Freudianism was thought of as purely a medical or academic approach to psychology. But the name Freud was legitimized. Its political aspects were ignored.
Freud’s nephew on his wife’s side, a fellow by the name of Edward Bernays lived in the US. Bernays is associated with the founders of the Public Relations business. He received his early training during the war with George Creel’s Committee of Public Information. The CPI was critical in transforming America.

The CPI was a total blitz on the American psyche to stifle all opposition while conditioning it to accept any government direction. The CPI was a tremendous Pavlovian experiment. This was psychologically devastating.

Bernay’s experience taught him how easily the public mind could be influenced to accept anything with the proper suggestion, indoctrination and conditioning. As Freud’s nephew he visited the Old Master in Vienna receiving hints and directions, perhaps being informed of the whole plan.

In 1913 the B’nai B’rith organized its terrorist unit in the US to do ‘God’s work’, the infamous Anti-Defamation League. Note the words carefully. There was no league in the general sense although the word means non-sectarian; it was part of the Jewish conspiracy to silence any criticism allowing them to function in the open undisturbed. The term anti-defamation was meant only against Jews while its other purpose was to defame and blacklist any who spoke up. While in the twenties and beyond whispering campaigns were the method when extended into today the method is open denunciation and deprivation of livelihoods along with black listing. People have lost careers, had ‘sacred’ contracts cancelled and in many cases hundreds of millions of dollars in future income lost. How’s that for instilling terror?

I mention Freud because as I mentioned back in 1895 Freud began attending weekly meetings of B’nai B’rith that he never missed for the rest of his life. By 1913 Freud was as accomplished a psychologist as he would ever be. I think there can be little doubt that Freud’s contribution to the formation of the ADL was paramount. The ADL was immediately effective and very aggressively employed.

Thus Bernays and Freud’s intent must have revolved around the subversion of the American psyche. Post war Bernays became an advertising consultant. While today probably few people have heard of Bernays he is considered one of the ‘fathers’ of modern advertising. At the time advertising was limited to print, that is newspapers and magazines, and radio as it became truly commercial in the thirties.

Print was made more effective by improvements in color lithography so that really dramatic ads could be presented. They were really great ads too. The twenties and thirties were a newspaper and magazine paradise. Magazines routinely sold millions of copies an issue while they were studied closely. I loved the ads in the forties and early fifties. TV introduced after the war put many magazines out of business but was a better tool for suggestion, indoctrination and conditioning.
Bernays was responsible for American Tobacco- Lucky Strikes- ads so he produced some stunning layouts. As Lucky Strike was trying to expand their business by inducing women to smoke Bernays produced ads displaying beautiful hyper-chic women with cigarette in their hands, thus the suggestion that it was Ok for women to smoke. The women also looked easy or sexually promiscuous so the suggestion was also an attack on sexual morality. The indoctrination came from the slogan- reach for a Lucky not a sweet- while the conditioning came from repeated exposure. By 1950 Lucky Strikes was way out in front, the leading cigarette. So Bernays showed how easily it could be done without the subject knowing he was being manipulated. The ‘elite’ were surely in control.
In the thirties then, with the advent of Hitler that alarmed the Jews, Bernays acting then as a psychologist led the defensive and offensive maneuvers of the Jewish establishment.

The Jews as voiced by Bernays realized, or thought they did, that the public was irresponsible. It not only did what American advertisers led them to do but in the equally effective hands of a master propagandist like Hitler the public could be led where Jews didn’t want them to go.

Hence as Bernays expressed it, it was necessary for a responsible elite to guide the public in the direction they wanted it to go. See the Irving Berlin song introduced at this time: God bless America, stand beside it and guide it…a masterpiece of propaganda. The Jews selected themselves as the psycho-pomps of the American psyche using the more and more effective forms of media.

To back track a bit for political purposes: The German Jews of mid-century – nineteenth that is- took a paternalistic role in relationship to the medieval Jews of the Pale of Settlement. These latter Jews however came to the US in their millions. Their way was paved and eased by the US German Jews who consequently formed the majority of the Jewish political cadre in the US to the end of the two world wars when the Jews of the Pale assumed leading roles more or less melding the two groups.
There was therefore a body of two or three dozen German Jews who guided the destiny of both groups. These were very influential men who are edited from all general American histories then and now. Bernard Baruch has been described as the most powerful person in the Roosevelt period yet you will seldom hear his name mentioned and he has been all but forgotten in non-Jewish circles while I’m certain most Jews are either in the same boat or have only a very dim idea of who he was.
It would be a serious mistake to believe that Jews in general are well informed on their history. My wife’s aunt who was a Jewish activist during the Sixties and Seventies had never even heard of the American Jewish Committee until I mentioned it to her. This is almost inconceivable to me but there you have it.

Baruch was a Wall Street speculator around the turn of the century, perhaps the most famous bear pre-1914. He was despised as such. He is thought to have been worth a million when WWI began. Appointed the head of the War Industries Board by Wilson he controlled all US industry; it is thought that he was worth two hundred million by war’s end.

As a further example of his money making ‘skills’ FDR’s son-in-law Curtis Dall in his memoir says that at one point before FDR’s inauguration Baruch told him that he, Baruch, owned five sixteenths of the visible silver in the world. Dall was impressed but didn’t get it. Several months into the administration Roosevelt arbitrarily raised the price of silver from ten dollars an ounce to twenty dollars an ounce. I don’t know how many tens of millions or even hundreds of millions that meant to Baruch who was influential in getting FDR to raise the price but surely it was princely.
In possession of this vast wealth Baruch was prodigal in its use. FDR remarked that his efforts were circumscribed by Baruch who owned, Roosevelt’s word, sixty congressmen. I don’t know what their prices were but the cost probably nicked Baruch more than somewhat. Thus he persuaded FDR to finance his own opposition.

During the same interwar period the Louis Brandeis-Felix Frankfurter combine was organizing Congress along other lines. Frankfurter is said to have been the second most powerful man of the period. Brandeis died in the mid-thirties but Frankfurter having developed whole cadres of operatives while a law professor at Harvard had at least dozens perhaps hundreds of operatives filling roles in all the branches of government. Alger Hiss was one of what were known as Felix’ Happy Hot Dogs.
The first twenty years of the century were spent in creating organizations such as the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith and the NAACP among many others: that is, vigilante outfits controlled the social scene as the politicos controlled the political scene.

Numerous rabbis were active posing as great humanitarians seeking to root out ‘injustice’ while attempting in conjunction with the others to subvert Anglo-American mores. The attempt was to cut the ground out from under the American psyche. The whole was guided by the Great Satan Sigmund Freud under the ‘scientific’ guise of psycho-analytical ideology.

Having witnessed Baruch plundering America in his role at the WIB Ford, the Dodge Brothers and other industrialists had sharp words with its administrator creating post-war conflict. Ford took the matter into his own hands sounding the alarm through his international newspaper the Dearborn Independent. He published ninety some articles demonstrating the Jewish displacement of Anglo-Saxon mores.

In 1906 a US sociologist by the name of Graham Sumner published a book demonstrating how mores were developed and changed. The book is called Folkways. Perhaps both Ford and the Jews studied it because they both seem to have understood it well.

Ford’s challenge was taken seriously by the Jews who spent the next seven years 1920-27 attempting to destroy Ford. The battle ended in a draw with Ford receiving the odium. The battle would be renewed by the Jews in the thirties who combined with government and labor power through FDR to destroy Ford while capturing his grandson Henry Ford II as the administrator of the surviving rump of Ford Motors and the fabulously wealthy Ford Foundation.

On the European side Hitler became German chancellor. Even as the US Jew Samuel Untermyer declared a Jewish war against Hitler and Germany Hitler was making it plain that Jews were no longer welcome in Germany. This was disastrous for the US. The entire cadre of Freud’s subversive Order uprooted and fled to the US, primarily New York City and Los Angeles. Thus the US became Freudian occupied territory in 1940.

Hey boys, I’m getting a little dry. Could we take a short break before I resume?

Lessing: An idea whose time has come. It will also give us time to probe a few of your ideas.

Me: Oh yeah. You want to know where I cribbed it from right? You’ve got quite a few of the books in your terrific library, Lessing.

Marc Giusty: An excellent selection, there are more in his study and bedroom too.

Max Savings: You don’t happen to live at the Strand do you Lessing?

Lessing: Among other stores. NYC is a wonderful place, a real book lover’s heaven.

Baron Cammell: Perry, you paint with rather a broad stroke. I wonder what depth you have?
Me: Depth? There’s more than one kind of depth Baron. If you mean am I deep into monographs of minutiae in any particular topic, I’m rather light on the monographic side. I’m more interested in the flow so I try to find books on topics from several different viewpoints and analyze them that way. Given your unified field approach Baron I’m sure you understand that the material available is incomprehensible. No one is ever going to come close to being able to claim to be adequately prepared.

For instance, to have been able to have tracked down and read all the biographies of the Jewish participants in America from 1900 to, say, 1950 along with other necessary reading is impossible in itself; however the broad outlines are touched on by each writer with some separate detail so you get a sort of consensus and then compare to writers of other opinions on the subject to get a pretty good idea of its direction.

On the other hand I have plumbed the Ford-Jewish relations in its minutiae as well as its associated relationship with the Protocols of Zion. It wasn’t necessary to bring that up here but I could go on for a few hours on those topics if the situation called for it.

Marc: Very well Perry, but I believe you think that the Jews are comparable to the Vampyre motif Aren’t you afraid of contradiction?

Me: No. I’m fearless, Marc, absolutely fearless. But, seriously, we must always be prepared to answer challenges. Arnold Toynbee who I thing makes a good case for his interpretation of history which is undoubtedly not faultless, but then it doesn’t have to be invulnerable at every point to be generally true nevertheless has been savagely attacked by what I consider inferior minds.

I expect to be challenged when I state my ideas positively but I’m satisfied that I can defend any invulnerabilities, chinks in the armor you see.

Max Savings: I should think you had been savaged by the Jews you criticize so severely by now.
Me: No I haven’t. The Jews will never attack me directly. Several of my pieces have been posted on the ADL site noting ‘the rise of anti-Semitism’ and I might add without any notification to me or to allow me any defense from their charge of what they call anti-Semitism and what I call critical thinking. They will never allow anyone who can defend themselves the opportunity they merely resort to ‘dynamic silence’, defamation and black listing.

They will never challenge your thinking or its expression, merely defaming you as an anti-Semite. If I were still employable I’m sure I would have lost my job long ago. As it is I am a social outcast.
Baron: But how can you justify the charge of Vampirism. Isn’t that a little extreme?

Me: Well Baron, as I say, one reads all points of view whether forbidden books and authors or not. Very frequently in European literature the charge of being ‘blood suckers’ appears frequently as well as other blood related metaphors. I don’t ever recall ever having heard of them specifically referred to as Vampires although Du Maurier’s Svengali is a perfect description of a psychic Vampyre and that can be demonstrated by their deeds, methods and mythology. And thus rather they are authentic or not you have the evidence of the Protocols of Zion. They can deny and deny but there it is today backed up by Jewish control of the entire media. Nothing gets published or made without their consent and if something does get by they force its recall.

Baron: Oh, that old canard.

Lessing: Oh Baron, I think it is perfectly obvious today that Jewish control of the media is a given. Most Jews I know don’t even deny it, they’re quite proud of it and smug about it.

At this point I began to look askance at Cammell. Even in a group of five at least one or two are going to be spies. I once attended a meeting where I could identify more than half as agents. As a matter of fact I knew some guy who was trying to establish some Communist unit of some kind. He was the one in his small group that wasn’t a spy. I marked Baron down as one.

We chatted on for several minutes until Max said: Time is flying, it’s already after one. Not that I’m rushing you, Perry, but can you give us an idea…

Me: Oh Max, I think we’ll all be able to have breakfast together but to keep your spirits up I’ve got a prescription for Obetrol here if you like.

Marc: Obetrol? Isn’t that the stuff Andy Warhol took?

Me: Yeh. That’s why I got the prescription. Part of my research. I wanted to see how it worked.

Max: How does it?

Me: Great if you want to speed along in a most pleasant way. A quarter tab and you guys will be all attention. You might even think I sparkle.

Max: It’s not addictive is it?

Me: I don’t have an addictive personality. When I said it was research it really is. Obetrol is like booze, a little goes a long way. If you’re not alcoholic there’s no worry.

Lessing, Marc and Max: OK, I’ll try a quarter tab.

Baron: I’ll abstain.

Me: Alright. There’s a tab. Divide it up. I’ll get back to my essay. As a reminder there is nothing different or exceptional about the Jews. They are just another people pursuing their own ends for their own benefit. They have no concern for anyone else but themselves. This is natural however. By the clever use of hypnotism developed by Sigmund Freud they have the ability to cloud men’s minds something like the fictional Shadow.   The main weapon in that particular arsenal is the ability to destroy the Other by the mere whisper of the charge of anti-Semitism. I’m sure you’ll agree that this is a tool for terrorism. The Other has been conditioned to shake in his boots in fear of the accusation. Indeed, the term has conferred great power on the Jews who today can blacklist anyone, get them fired from lucrative or even dream jobs, by the mere pointing of a finger. They have conferred this ability on their favored Negro auxiliaries using the term racism. This is tolerated and embraced by the Other. One may say that the Other is so hypnotized that they have no will of their own.

That being said, the advent of Wolf Hitler was the best thing that could have happened to the Jews. As I said earlier Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays, the public relations man, said that in order to prevent unruly human nature from expressing anti-social, that is anti-Jewish, behavior it was necessary for an elite, that is the Jews, to devise means of conditioning minds to honor Jews above all others including themselves.

Thus Hitler gave them the means to denounce anyone they didn’t like as a Fascist if they couldn’t nail them as an anti-Semite. A sort of hierarchy of name calling was developed. This was augmented by newspaper and magazine writers together with influential radio commentators such as Raymond Gram Swing who, while important then, is unknown today. Even such a household name then like Walter Winchell will receive stares today.

Their fierce ad hominem defamation campaigns were carried on in a fight to the finish. Chief among their victims were Henry Ford, William Randolph Hearst and Charles Lindbergh. The Communist legions were turned loose on Ford making several attacks on his River Rouge plant while infiltrating the assembly lines sowing discontent and sabotage requiring the Service Department to spy, that is detect the Communist agents. This in turn was then portrayed as industrial tyranny. Very trying for Ford, I can tell you.

W.R. Hearst was a victim of the expropriatory taxes fostered by the Jews. As one who indulged his desires to the fullest Hearst could no longer indulge his royal life style that collapsed on his head forcing him into near bankruptcy while he in fact lost control of his empire.

In his heyday Hearst had been the reigning power in Hollywood even calling shots for Louis B. Mayer and his transcendental MGM. Hearst who foisted the career of his mistress, Marion Davies, on MGM had compelled Mayer to build a special house on the lot for Davies. Stripped of his power by the expropriatory taxes, Mayer discovered that he had the upper hand compelling Hearst to remove Davies’ house from the lot. Hearst had the house cut in two so that it could be moved through the Hollywood streets. As an extra humiliation one half of the house fell off the truck mid-Hollywood. One can still hear the laughter on the MGM lot
Shortly thereafter Orson Welles shot his mockumentary of Hearst called Citizen Kane to add insult to injury while elevating the level of merriment.

That left Charles Lindbergh to destroy. Another movie called Keeper of the Flame was made that as Citizen Kane had demeaned Hearst, defamed Lindbergh. The Great Hero of the Atlantic Flight was portrayed as a Fascist megalomaniac. I will say that if today you don’t know the movie was meant to humiliate Lindbergh it would be hard to guess who was meant. In many ways Lindbergh’s persecution is difficult to understand. His father was a congressman and dissident. It is not impossible that he may have said or done something to offend the ever-sensitive Jews. Thus the sins of the father may have been passed to the son. Other than that, as an aviation pioneer Lindbergh was the first to fly solo from the US to Europe for which he became a huge American hero and celebrity. Perhaps it was mere envy that made him a target.

Other than that, when asked by Roosevelt to survey German aircraft in the thirties Lindbergh gave an objective report rather than a subjective condemnation that the Jews preferred. Being objective apparently marked him as an arch anti-Semite in Jewish eyes hence by the late thirties he was singled out as a Nazi sympathizer, even as a secret Nazi hence the movie Keeper of the Flame. Then in 1940 after the creation of the America First Committee that was dedicated to keeping the US out of the war so ardently desired by the Jews Lindbergh led them in their effort. Of course the Jews were the leaders in seeking to involve the US hence the America First effort frustrated Jewish goals thus confirming their hatred of Lindbergh.

But where was the handle to discredit him? In a very strange campaign they sought to portray him as a Hitler acolyte seeking to establish a Nazi dictatorship in the US.

Even though the campaign began after FDR’s third election in 1940 when it was impossible to believe that Lindbergh sought to be president the Jews persisted releasing their defamatory movie. In 1941-42 Keeper of the Flame scripted by the Communist Donald Ogden Stewart was released that depicted a great American hero who was a secret Fascist. Even though the protagonist died in a car crash when a bridge he was to drive over was sabotaged the movie was still supposed to refer to him. The theme would be reanimated nearly sixty years later in Philip Roth’s novel The Plot Against America.   Apparently the Jews love to beat a dead horse.

Once FDR led the US into the wars the Jews compelled him to round up all the anti-war dissidents who were held for trial in 1944 as Fascists agents. Thus the whole pre-war cadre of peace advocates were removed.

While having had FDR under their thumb, when Roosevelt died shortly after beginning his fourth term Jewish influence was greatly diminished as Anglo-Americans fought for control.
By this time the members of the Freudian Order were firmly established in NYC and Hollywood where their influence was greatly felt. Thus by the mid-fifties psycho-analysis became a dominant social force making ‘insanity’ acceptable. Along with the Freudians came the whole Jewish Frankfort School of Critical Theory. The formidable combined attack on the mores of a tolerant unsuspecting citizenry was received as an intellectual discipline hence they attempted to adjust to it. Idiots like Theodore Adorno and Herbert Marcuse were accepted as intellectual prodigies. The ‘boring’ fifties would be an intense battlefield if you were alert to it.

To recover 1945-56. It is not recognized that the Jewish holocaust had nothing to do with Jewish wishes to exterminate the German people. Those plans began at the very latest in the thirties. In 1940 before even a hint of the holocaust one Theodore Kaufmann of New Jersey published a book receiving wide national publicity calling for the elimination of the German people in toto. That is, he advocated genocide of the Germans. This attitude was continued in the so-called Morgenthau Plan that called for the elimination of Germany as a political entity and the genocide of the German people. According to Curtis Dall FDR’s son-in-law the plan was actually drafted by Harry Dexter White Morgenthau’s under-secretary. Despite his quintessential Anglo name White was Jewish. It is unlikely that he was the ultimate source. In layers of subterfuge masking the origin of the source it can probably be traced back to Bernie Baruch as part of the cabal. The plan was actually put into effect, or at least its beginnings, by Eisenhower until Truman pulled the plug firing Morgenthau.
Following their defeat the Germans were put through hell by Russians, British, French and we Americans. Eisenhower’s treatment of Germans was draconian. While it is very far from common knowledge Eisenhower was another acolyte of our Bernie Baruch. Eisenhower said in 1956 that he had sat at the feet of that wise old man for twenty-five years. It would seem likely then that he was following Baruch’s direction in attempting to eliminate German soldiers through exposure to the elements and starvation during one of the coldest winters on record.

When elected president he was still Baruch’s man. So from 1933 to 1960 with the possible hiatus of the Truman years the US was more or less under direct Jewish control or direction. In addition hundreds of thousands of Jews were admitted to the US in the years following 1945 regardless of US immigration laws.

While Wolf Hitler was the figurehead for German hatred allied hatred was directed at all Germans and Germany. Dissident Germans like Admiral Canaris tried to broker a ceasefire but were ignored by FDR.

Like it or not the Germans were the most intellectually advanced branch of the overall human species. No other could compete with them. WWI was fought as much as a trade war than any other. Quite simply none other could compete with them and this includes the Jews who consider themselves a race apart and above.

In recent Jewish comic books they express the opinion that they are a mutation endowed with superior abilities. The facts show otherwise; by their deeds shall ye know them as the Bible says.
Finance ‘capitalism’ in many ways is the key to the animosity directed at Germans. Under Hitler the Germans were opposed to the debt finance of International Finance. They repudiated it. Themselves stripped of the means to participate in world commerce by the draconian Versailles Treaty they developed a barter approach exchanging goods for goods that involved no debt thereby threatening finance capitalism. The Germans seriously penetrated South America virtually removing the area from finance capitalism. Not only that but South America and Germany prospered throughout the Depression. There was no defense against the German system but to destroy Germany.

I don’t know about you fellows but the rest of America is unaware of this because those who write the history books fail to mention it. To do so would be to admit guilt. To ensure that the Germans didn’t recover and challenge their system once again the Germans were punished more violently than any nation so large had been before. As the West expresses it they were brought within the Western (France, England and the US) normative system. Even under that system the Germans have created the most successful ‘normative’ economy in Europe. Once gain they were pre-eminent; the backbone of Europe.

Then what happened. The Jews directed the US attack on the Middle East. All this weapons of mass destruction crap in Iraq that at most might have threatened Israel. From that attacks were fomented on all the Moslem countries around the Mediterranean. And then they hit on the rock of Syria that disrupted their game. This in turn created a lot of displaced people that Israelis encouraged to invade Germany. Three million immigrants later and Germany is now a basket case.

With those millions displaced from Syria and Iraq those populations were decreased allowing the Israelis to invade those exhausted bombed over areas thus partially realizing their dream of a Tigris-Euphrates to the Nile empire.

So now Germany is reduced and Israel is enlarged. All from the fear of being called anti-Semites. Oh well, beside the point.

To go back: The Jews finagled Palestine away from the Arabs. Using European methods while as ex-Europeans knowing which products for manufactures Europeans desired they were able to establish a viable but not independent economy. Vampire like since 1948 they have sucked tens of billions of dollars if not hundreds of billions from Germany, Europe and the US. This undeniable fact will be denied of course.

On another hand the Jews were devastated by the so-called holocaust. While they believed themselves the most beloved people of the world they found rejection on every side. No one really wanted them while all refused to whole heartedly accept them as refugees. Remember the Amalekites.

By the 1950s the Jewish-German expatriates had firmly installed Freudianism as the dominant intellectual influence in the US. The Fifties were a very interesting period in US history. As is usual the first interpretation of social conditions was presented by literary figures. A truly amazing and astonishing production ensued. At this point traditional print culture was joined and assisted by a whole new genre of movies, that of science-fiction or fantasy pictures.

Like comic books these often puerile but still thoughtful movies were ignored by the older population. But even then they shaped American attitudes. I transited easily from comic books to the sci-fi movies and literature. These books and movies were almost a shadow educational system behind the schools. These were fantastic while being constructive unlike the destructive comic books; not that many of us understood all the subtexts of the stories. Oh, of course, some of them were obvious but a lot more weren’t.

The preachy ones like the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still seemed to be easily understood but there were subtexts that weren’t. These were the heydays of UFOs and visitors from outer space. In this case a savior lands in a really nifty flying saucer and the emissary from ‘above’ Klaatu slips out along with his Iron Man bodyguard named Gort. Klaatu’s mission is to find out whether earthlings are ready to join the interstellar confederation of peaceful planets. Remember, this was after WWII and as Korea was firing up. Needless to say Klaatu discovers we are an unruly quarrelsome lot not even fit to live together let alone function with the ‘perfected.’   He and Gort climb back into their saucer with a heidi-hi-ho and ‘We’ll be back when you get it figured out, if you ever do.’

Thus the idea was imprinted on the world mind that humanity was hopelessly bad with no redeeming features. The suggestion was repeated over and over to the point where people would kill you if you disagreed; probably proving Klaatu’s point. Thus it was an article of faith that if you met a spaceman he was peaceful and wouldn’t hurt you. And as you fellows probably know there were people who expected to meet a spaceman any day not to mention the itinerant time traveler who was also lurking out there. People talk about the Fifties like nothing was exciting. Incredible.

Along with the flying saucers and peaceful spacemen came the atomic mutations transformed by radiation. They were many and fantastic especially the many that came from the atomic testing grounds in the Pacific, Eniwetok and Bikini. A giant crab came forth. Giant crabs were OK but a little passé, nothing like the terrific Creature From The Black Lagoon or even the amazing Incredible Shrinking Man. We were being conditioned to accept almost anything; the most ridiculous being the giant carrot in, I think, It Came From Outer Space. In a way our minds were prepared for anything, not that we understood it.

Bubbling beneath this pseudo-reality that existed side by side with everyday life was Jewish paranoia equally not understood. Perhaps they had guilty consciences as few gois knew what they had been up to and if any did they knew what was good for them and kept their mouths shut. But Hollywood had terrified them especially when the wild misstatements and exaggerations about concentration camps began to circulate. The Jews projected their fears on all White people. They sincerely believed that death camps in the US were imminent. They saw a Hitler in every face they met. Check out the movie The Boys From Brazil.

William Paley of CBS came back from Europe in a cold sweat. In order to save a few Jews from the supposed American death camps he conceived the notion of packaging the future careers of as many Jewish entertainers as he could. He sold shares to their future to gois. That’s why there was this parade of Jewish comedians passing through TV during the Fifties and early Sixties. They had to justify the investment. What a blessing the advent of TV was. Thus the projected future earnings of the entertainers were divided into shares and sold to gois who would protect their investment and keep the entertainers from the death camps. Just like shares from General Motors.

Thus when you saw Milton Berle, Red Buttons, Jack Benny and the others on TV or elsewhere their pay was going into a fund to distribute to shareholders. Even higher comedy than Uncle Miltie. The tragedy was there never were or never would be death camps for the Jews in the US. I haven’t learned how well shareholders did but I would like to know. ‘That’s my boy up there.’ had real meaning.

In that light the post-war travails of Wilhelm Reich must have had Jews running for the safety of their orgone boxes.

While Reich’s books were burned they didn’t get them all, some survived to reach Greenwich Village where they began to insidiously undermine sexual morality. Much of the sexual activity of the Sixties was derived from Reich’s writing. Thus Reichian-Freudianism sexual subversion transformed society beginning in the Sixties. New York was, of course, the first to fall.

To not be promiscuous was to be repressed so that what Freud called inhibitions had to be discarded or, actually, repressed; that is, the lawlessness of the unconscious had to be released much as the traveler in Charles Beaumont’s story had released Satan from his cell.

Graham Sumner’s book on mores titled Folkways discusses the sex impulse this way:
The sex passion affects the weal or woe of human beings far more than hunger, vanity or ghost fear. It has far more complications with other interests than the other great motives. There is no escaping the good and ill, the pleasure and pain, which inhere in it. It has two opposite extremes- renunciation and license. In neither of these can peace and satisfaction be found, or escape from autogenetic impulses. There is no ground at all for the opinion that “nature” gave men an appetite the satisfaction of which would be peaceful and satisfactory, but that human laws and institutions have put it under constraints which produce agony. The truth is that license stimulates desire without limits and ends in impotent agony. Renunciation produces agony of another kind. Somewhere between lies temperance, which seems an easy solution, but there is no definition of temperance which is generally applicable, and whatever the limit may be set, there, on either side of it the antagonistic impulses appear again- one of indulgence, the other of restraint- producing pitfalls of vice and ruin, and ever renewing the problem of right and duty. Therefor regulation is imperatively called for by facts of “nature”, and the regulation must come from intelligence and judgment. No determination of what the regulation should be has ever yet been found in law or ethics which does not bear harshly on great numbers, and in all stages of civilization numbers are found who violate the regulations and live outside of them.
Freudian and Reichian psychology merely repudiates temperance coming down on the side of libertinism hence the Satanic sexual mores of Greenwich Village and the general sexual corruption of the West. As one can see Sumner’s discussion is intelligent while Freud’s, probably because he himself leant toward libertinism, unbalanced and ultimately destructive.

This unbalanced view of sexuality has become the norm in the US and Europe.

Added to this libertine view of sexuality was the promotion of drugs which combined with libertinism is totally destruction of the conscious mind and reason. Freud himself was a cocaine addict. As late as his forties he was pushing it on all as a panacea. He says he gave it up but I doubt it.
This potent cocktail of sex and drugs would erupt in New York City in the Fifties and Sixties when the Feelgood doctors became prominent.

Clip 6 follows

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