Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Beware The Great White Lone Wolf

Beware The Great White Lone Wolf


R.E. Prindle


I get it!  I get it!  I get it!

How could I be so slow?  First Obama issues a dire warning that the greatest terrorist threat in America isn’t organized Moslem hostility, oh no, no, the greatest terrorist threat in America is the Great White Lone Wolf.  Ils sont partout.

And, lo! and behold!  a Great White Lone Wolf appears out of the woodwork with his newly purchased hand gun and fifteen extra clips of ammunition.  He had a big job in mind.  He invades a peaceful Negro church full of old bent Negroes who seeing his woeful countenance volunteer a helpful hand.  No bigotry in this Negro place of worship.  And, what does this bastard Great White Lone Wolf return the good will?  He murders as many of the whole lot as fast as he can reload.

We are told he went through multiple clips and only bagged seven Negroes out of the whole church full.  Lucky for them the Great White shot like a Negro.

The MSM assures us that he was not connected to any other internet White Supremacist organization or other Great White Lone Wolves.  Of course not, superfluous for the MSM to mention it.  If he were associated with anyone else he wouldn’t be a Great White Lone Wolf would he?  I’ll answer that myself!  NO.  N-O. NO.  Period.

But, guess what The Great White Lone Wolf high school dropout did.   He wrote a neatly typed, well written, thoroughly coherent ‘manifesto.’   Of course, he wants the world to know.  The manifesto is a forgery much more obvious than the Protocols of Zion or the Donation of Constantine.

I can imagine the NYT editor, or perhaps Barry himself, sweating away beneath his lamp:  ‘Let’s see,’ he mutters to himself under his breath, ‘I’ve got to get everything I know these guys think in, oh yeah, and a couple crudities and grammatical errors.  Uh yea, and then a couple of really awkward expressions.  Hmm.  This is beginning to look like my own writing.  Oh well, never mind.  There, that should do it.’

Yeah, it should have, but it didn’t.  Hey, hey, boy, nobody gets by me.

We know there’s a few million more Great Whites out there, I mean, just look at those gun sales.  It is a fact, most of those guns are going into the hands of Great White Lone Wolves.

Once these church shootings begin, Holy Ground for Christ’s sake, and burning of Negro churches down South, nobody wants to burn a Negro church up North, gets rolling there won’t be a Negro left alive.  Stop it now!  Arrest and incarcerate any Great White who looks suspicious.  If you see one tell on him.

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