The Secret History Of The Jews
In The Twentieth Century
Magus Incognito
There is that which is manifest and that which is hidden. The former is for the compliant and the latter is for the inquiring mind, the cognocenti. This history is meant for the cognoscenti but all are welcome. The cognoscenti will be knowing; the rest will be wondering.
The character the Jews have projected of themselves is at variance with their true character which they keep hidden. Like a magician of old they have the ability to cloud men’s minds so that they see what the Jews want them to see. Prior to the twentieth century the Catholic Church had kept the Jews under control; with the French Revolution and the erosion of Church influence the Jews escaped that control and began to veil men’s minds although resistance was always high in Europe.
A key event for the Jewish rise was the establishment of the United States in 1789. That event opened a new vista for the Jews allowing them to escape European dominance. The process slowly gained momentum during the nineteenth century, the key event being the failed revolution of 1848 that sent a wave of Jewish revolutionaries to the United States. This wave was then augmented by the arrival of the second wave from Eastern Europe beginning in the 1870s and continuing in accelerating numbers until 1914. By 1914 there were perhaps five million Jews in the US.
The Jewish people have always been at odds with all other peoples, none moreso than Europeans whether known as Aryans, Caucasians or Whites. The Jews became exasperated with Europeans following their just expulsion from Spain. At that time they declared war on Europe vowing to destroy all Europeans as they had previously done to the Amalekites and others. The means would have to be conspiratorial as they lacked military might.
In Europe they had been expelled en masse from Spain, England and France for several hundred years before the French Revolution. The majority had taken refuge in Central and Eastern Europe where they lived a semi-autonomous existence, that is in an uneasy accord with the Slavic peoples. That situation ended when the Russians annexed Byelorussia, Lithuania and participated in the partition of Poland. Thus the Russians acquired the largest population of Jews in the world. The semi-autonomous period for the Jews was over as the Russians made them subjects. The Eastern Jews rebelled becoming permanent revolutionaries declaring Russia and its Czars enemies to be defeated and ruled. Remember the Amalekites.
The German Jews having settled in the US since 1848 then found the US the New Promised Land. The Americans having been separated from Europe for a couple hundred years while reverencing the Jews as the biblical Hebrews had lost their knowledge of the Jews becoming innocent babes waiting to be fleeced.
The transfer of the Eastern Jews began in 1871 while by 1900 they had reached critical mass. They were about 9% of a population of 70 million, possibly 10% if you exclude the Negroes.
In the land of unlimited opportunity the German Jews had acquired large fortunes. Thus they were able to manage the incoming Eastern Jews on their own maintaining a high degree of cohesion, becoming in fact colonists.
European technological advance of the nineteenth century such as all metal steamships providing fast and reliable transportation and Marconi’s telegraph made it possible as never before to maintain constant contact, instant contact, so that a truly international Jewish conspiracy coordinating all national communities became a fact.
Whereas Paris with its Alliance Israelite Universelle had been the central clearing house for Jewish affairs, at the turn of the century that government was transferred to New York City in the United States making that city the capital of world wide Jewry. From NYC the Jews were able to coordinate international Jewish affairs without the least interference, indeed, the active assistance of the US government.
Thus, from Russia across Europe and the United States the Jews formed a supra-national government over all the national governments.
Even in the turmoil of constant emigration from the East and accommodation to the United States the Jews were able to wage incessant warfare on Russia which they have always denied but, remember the Amalekites. Bear in mind that the Russian Jews emigrating from that country came to the US in a revolutionary state of mind. They transferred their aggression toward Russia to the United States where their dream of autonomy and domination seemed not only possible but probable and as we shall see it was.
Now, concerning the state of mind of the Jewish people. Those in the West, that is Germany, France, Holland, Belgium and England living among the most scientifically advanced people in the world naturally acclimated themselves to that scientific mindset becoming quite different from their Eastern brethren who remained sunk in medieval Judaism while they were conditioned to be at war with a society they abhorred. This made a big difference in the US. The transition from a primitive non-technological existence in the Pale of Settlement was as though traveling from one parallel universe to another with the old hostilities intact. One should bear in mind that when the Russian Jews first came to the US they had probably never heard of electricity much less seen it in use. The effect of Coney Island blazing away in the night on their approach was awe inspiring to them.
Thus in New York City the Russian Jews tried to replicate the conditions that had existed in abandoned Russia. This created friction between themselves and the German Jews of ‘48 who like their European counterparts had accepted to some extend Western mores. This would change as Eastern Zionism became the established Jewish ideology. Through the two wars the German Jews guided Jewish fortunes.
The German Jews countered Eastern Jewish attempts to recreate Russia by guiding them in adapting Jewish ways to American customs. Thus beginning in the first decade of the century a series of new organizations were added to the ancient Order of B’nai B’rith that had existed since 1843 becoming international in the course. Sigmund Freud joined the Vienna lodge in 1895. That lodge, guided by Freudian psychological ideas was instrumental in fomenting the Russian Revolutions of 1903-05 and 1917.
While Henry Ford in the third decade of the twentieth century was castigated for recognizing the international Jewish conspiracy he was nevertheless right. It isn’t clear how much he knew or believed but there were many rumors swirling around the events of the first Russian revolution that was fomented by the Jews.
The large Jewish banking houses of England, France and Germany proscribed Russia refusing it loans while at the same time forbidding gentile firms from doing so. Thus, as the Russo-Japanese war of 1903-05 approached in far off Manchuria the Russians were strapped for cash to fund it. The Japanese also were unable to finance their war and except for the intervention of the Kuhn-Loeb banking house of New York that war may have been averted. However, Jacob Schiff of the ‘48 generation a partner in Kuhn-Loeb was also on the board of the giant Equitable Life Assurance Society that had hundreds of millions of dollars of liquid assets. Using his position on the board Schiff converted those assets to cash loaning it to Japan thus allowing the Japanese to engage the Russians who they defeated.
It was then arranged that the peace negotiations should be conducted by President Theodore Roosevelt in the US. In those peace negotiations Schiff wrangled a place as an independent people for the Jews in the negotiations thus being able to impose Jewish national concerns on the Russians.
Subsequently, knowing that American Jews were fomenting troubles in Russia the Russians refused to honor the passports of American Jews, denying them entry into Russia. Having successfully manipulated Roosevelt once the Jews tried again. They became aggrieved American citizens whose passports were not being honored simply because of their ‘religion.’ You didn’t have to be a genius to see through that one. Not only were the Jews acting as double citizens but the Irish were too. Using the US as a base of international operations as were the Jews the Irish also planned in the US and executed trouble in Ireland. If caught they claimed American citizenship and as a courtesy to the US the English allowed them to leave Ireland.
As with the Irish it was essential for the Jewish agenda that they be allowed to travel freely back and forth. Thus they corroborated Henry Ford’s characterization as international Jews. Knowing their intent the Czar of the Russias refused to bend to admit American Jews. Intense pressure was then placed on the American presidents Roosevelt and Taft to break off diplomatic relations with Russia. Incredibly enough Taft gave into Jewish pressure breaking off diplomatic relations in 1911.
Thus Jews became influential in directing US foreign policy. This would develop and continue until by 1940 the Jews guided Franklin Roosevelt into their war with Germany.
History Of A Hoax
How did the Jews get into this position? I am going to suggest by creating the most fantastic hoax ever and that hoax was the so-called Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion. Having created the Protocols the Jews then denounced the document as an anti-Semitic forgery. They have always maintained that the so-called forgery is a fact but it is not.
The provenance of the Protocols has never been proven. There is no more proof that agents of the Czarist Okhrana produced it than it is an authentic Jewish plan. The only thing that has ever been agreed upon is that the Protocols were derived from an earlier book supposedly written in France in the 1860s by a French Jew named Maurice Joly.
According to the Joly legend the book was published and printed but before any distribution was made the entire press run was confiscated and destroyed by the French Emperor Napoleon III to whom it is supposed the book referred but there is no proof of this either. One would assume the confiscation would mean that there were no memory traces of the book forty years later in the twentieth century so that there could have been no one who could be in existence who ever thought there was such a book as Joly’s Dialogues Between Montesquieu And Machiavelli In Hell. Having read the book I can tell you the mere title is overblown while having little reference if any to the Protocols. We are asked to believe this incredible story straight from the pages of boilerplate fantasy: During the Bolshevic Revolution the Protocols appeared depicting the Jewish plan to make them Masters Of The World. No science fiction there, right? According to the Jews the Protocols were a devastating defamation of the Jewish people.
What to do? Denial was insufficient to appease the anti-Semites. Something positive was needed. It was then ‘remembered’ by whom isn’t clear that the Dialogues of Joly that no one had ever read was the basis of the Protocols hence making them we are led to believe, a forgery to defame the Jews and justify their persecution. Alas, no one had a copy of Joly’s dialogues, as why should they, nor after a thorough search of the world’s libraries, not surprisingly, one could not be found.
Oh, lack a day, what to do? Then an amazing thing happened not only in one version but in several although the location was always Constantinople or, by the current name, Istanbul.
After the Armistice, Czarist armies, otherwise known as Whites as opposed to Reds, fought to regain the Czardom. The Southern troops under Wrangel having been defeated the stragglers continued South entering or passing through Constantinople.
Paydays having ceased, the troopers were broke trying to sell any possessions they had for whatever pittance they could get. Now, this is indeed miraculous, almost supernatural. There was an old Jewish second hand book dealer who was offered a coverless book with the title pages missing as well one presumes several back pages. Incredibly this astute book dealer bought this wreck of a book that should have been unsaleable. Having it now in possession our book dealer, being, as usual with all Jews, fluent in numerous languages including French began to read.
Our book dealer was also thoroughly conversant with the Protocols, presumably printed in Russian, no obstacle, so that to his surprise what he was reading sounded familiar. Like a bolt he realized he was reading the only now known copy of the lost Dialogues by Joly. I’ve read both books and I am myself amazed that he recognized the Protocols in the Dialogues as the two books are not that similar.
This being 1920 or so he immediately posted the book off to Paris to the astonished Rabbis, or whatever, who then began a new search of the libraries. Actually I don’t see the reason for looking as there was such a small chance of the confiscated printing finding its way to libraries. Well b’gosh and b’gorrah a copy was now found in Oxford’s Bodleian Library. Proof said the Jews that the Protocols were a forgery.
In another version perhaps even more fantastic, or a spoof, Allen Dulles of the CIA, then in some subordinate position in the State Department on assignment in Constantinople in this momentous year says that he was offered the copy by the Russian soldier thereby saving the Jews bacon. I’m not sure how many languages Dulles was fluent in.
I’ve read some Darby Ram stories in my time and these two are excellent but too incredible for any conspiracy theorist. I’m just guessing, of course, but I don’t think there ever was a Dialogues Between Montesquieu and Machiavelli In Hell.
As anyone who has ever seen the movie Wag The Dog, itself a Jewish hoax, would understand, I think, this is what happened.
We Found Our Way In, Now How Do We Find Our Way Out?
Even though the Jews deny their dominant role in the Bolshevic Revolution the true facts are obvious to the most rank beginner.
The Jews had been at war with the Romanov Czars since the partition of Poland in the eighteenth century. During the nineteenth century they were the driving force while designing and coordinating the first Russian revolution of 1903-05. They had worked relentlessly from that date to the October Revolution of 1917. Lenin’s whole cadre of revolutionaries were Jews, Bela Kun in Hungary was Jewish, Eisner in Bavaria was as well as the major figures in Berlin, Rosa Luxembourg et al. Everyone knew it so that at that point mere denial was not enough. A truly smelly red herring was needed, so one appeared.
The Protocols were give a history, the history of a lie according to Herman Bernstein, although no one had heard of them before 1917. Watch Wag The Dog for the method. In the Protocols the Jews themselves accused themselves of what they were doing. But since 1895, the master of mass hypnotism, Sigmund Freud had been working both inside the Vienna B’nai B’rith and his Wednesday night psychoanalytic group to both condition his fellow Jews for the horrendous sadistic crimes they would be called on to perform in the East and to persuade European minds the Jews were holy people without fault. To criticize them in any manner made one a foul, evil anti-Semite.
Thus the Protocols called to Europeans to reaffirm their benevolence toward innocent Jews while at the same time condemning their native ‘anti-Semites.’ And it worked. Attention was diverted from their crimes and projected on their denouncers and critics as anti-Semites. Thus the Manchester Guardian, their leading English critic was forced to pull in their horns when the also forged Dialogues were ‘discovered’ while the leading American critic, Henry Ford, ran out of steam in 1922 also as a result of the revelation of the Dialogues.
It seems clear that the Dialogues were fabricated after 1917 and planted in the Bodleian much in the manner of the planting of the Old Shoe song in the Congressional Library of the US in that fabulous movie fable Wag The Dog.
Ford’s exposes were revived in 1924 when he discovered the Jewish machinations in agriculture of Aaron Sapiro. This brings us to the relief work of Herbert Hoover who unwittingly frustrated the efforts of the international Jews.
Food As A Weapon Of Mass Destruction
We have seen how the Jews created a hoax to lure their opponents into using it as a tool to denounce them and thus in their turn denouncing their creation as a forgery intended to misrepresent them. Their critics were then exposed as anti-Semites for which all people are abhorrent. Their disguise was well maintained.
It will be remembered that at the time of their expulsion from Spain at the cusp of the sixteenth century the Jews declared eternal war on Europe. Their hatred was the same as that held against the Amalekites of an earlier time. In that instance when it became possible the Jews or their predecessor people, the Hebrews, returned to exact vengeance on the Amalekites by exterminating them root and branch, meaning no survivors. Who now remembers the Amalekites? Their goal was no less for the Europeans or what their current agent Noel Ingnatiev would call Whiteness.
To move slightly ahead, after the Jews seized power in the US under the aegis of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933 they waged war on those who had offended them, most notably Herbert Hoover and Henry Ford in the US and Hitler in Germany. The criminal defamation that Hoover endured from 1933 to 1945 when Roosevelt died and Hoover’s rehabilitation began was unrelenting and incredibly vicious. Historians have wondered why Roosevelt felt such an animus against Hoover. He didn’t, but the Jews did and FDR was their creature, thus when he died and Truman assumed the presidency the Jewish spell was broken allowing Hoover to regain at least some of his former reputation as The Great Engineer.
The question then is why did the Jews equate Herbert Hoover with their ancient enemy, the Amalekites. Quite simply Hoover frustrated their goal of exterminating tens of millions of Europeans by starvation. This occurred mainly in three places, Belgium, Eastern Europe and Germany.
The next question then is in whose interest were the two world wars? Who were the chief beneficiaries. The answer to both questions is the Jews. There is a strong body of opinion that believes the Jews were chief fomenters of both WWI and WWII. During WWI the Jews seized control of Russia with dire consequences and almost succeeded in annexing the rest of Eastern and Central Europe including Germany. Had that swath of Europe fallen to them then the West would have fallen too. The only force between Jewish domination of Europe was Hitler and the Nazis. Hence the Jewish hatred of Hitler. The Jewish hatred of Hitler began after WWI and not later although it became intensified.
The war itself with the terrific loss of European manhood was itself balm to the Jewish soul. When the Germans in WWI crossed over into a nearly defenseless Belgium the country was devastated and its people destituted. By 1915 it became obvious that the whole Belgian population would die of starvation.
The ‘democracies’ did not attempt to alleviate Belgian distress and obviously could not as enemy combatants of the Germans. It was then that Herbert Hoover as a private citizen and on his own initiative and partial expense stepped into the breach to rescue the Belgians.
Hoover, born in 1875 had been educated as a mining engineer at the newly formed Stanford University of California. During the intervening years between graduation and 1914 he had obtained a formidable reputation as an engineer while working the mines of Australia and China. He had been present at the Boxer rebellion of China. He was the very best of the mining engineers inventing many processes while being universally admired as the Great Engineer. His title was well earned.
Horrified at the potential fate of the Belgians he set about to relieve their distress. Acting on his own he convinced the leaders of both sides to allow him to bring food to the Belgians. The Germans gave and honored their promise not to appropriate his supplies for their own use.
Hoover then organized the US food sources and transportation to restore hope to the Belgians. After the armistice the so-called ‘democracies’ and humanitarians placed a food embargo on German allowing no food through in an attempt to exterminate the Germans as a nation. Shocked at the barbarity and inhumanity Hoover once again stepped in to allay the ferocity of the allies and allow food into Germany.
As you can well imagine Central and Eastern Europe had been devastated by four years of warring on its soil. No crops had been planted, the spectre of death floated over the entire immense territory. Neither the US nor the allies were prepared for this unprecedented disaster, indeed, only the US untouched by war was in a position to do anything.
The only people who had prepared for this disaster were the Jews. Among the many organizations formed to further their interest was a now little known organization called The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. It had been formed during the war with the express purpose of alleviating Jewish post-war distress in Eastern Europe. Organized as a ‘charity’ for Jews then, US Jewish operatives roved the Pale providing food for Jews and Jews only. They thought hopefully that Europeans would starve en masse.
The Europeans could only count on Herbert Hoover who once again came to their rescue.
The Jews Among The Aryans
The question then is not what did Roosevelt have against Hoover but what did the Jews have against Hoover. That can be answered quite simply. Because Hoover relieved the Europeans of famine, that is he saved European lives that the Jews had condemned. Yes, the Jews were bent on the genocide of Europeans. There is a high degree of hypocrisy in the Jewish condemnation of what they call the holocaust. The Jews had been working toward something like the two world wars since their expulsion from Spain. They had created their perfect storm and then along came Herbert Hoover to mess it up. Now do you understand Hitler and the so-called holocaust? Hitler like Ford had the program figured out.
You didn’t have to be too smart to understand that famine was not only a possibility but a certainty after the war. The Jews did learn from Hoover’s effort in Belgium. After observing Hoover the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee was formed for the express purpose of alleviating Jewish hunger in the post-war East.
The Armistice did not end the war, it was merely a laying down of arms in the West. As incredible as it may seem the war weary Western States continued the war against the Bolshevics in the East. The American and Japanese were active in Western Siberia while British and American troops landed at Archangel in the North.
Wrangel was leading the White forces in the South receiving aid from the Allies. All was chaos from the Western border of Germany to Siberia. Russians were virtually excluded from the governance of their country as it was taken by the previously conquered peoples- Poles, Georgians, Jews, Letts, Lithuanians, Ukrainians and what have you. Chief among the conquerors were the Jews. And from the United States Jews rushed to them. The president of the international Jewish community, the US resident Jacob Schiff immediately rushed multi-million dollar loans to the revolutionary government. Wilson called him on the carpet but Schiff chatted his way out of it.
The Joint Distributing Committee sent cadres of operatives to bring relief to Jews and Jews only; this involved both food and money to establish businesses.
Meanwhile a general slaughter of Russians began. Abattoirs were created that rivaled the Nazis in killing efficiency. Russians were crucified on the telegraph poles lining the railways. And of course, starvation was the main genocidal tool. Food as a weapon of mass destruction. Hostilities in Russian lasted six or more years rather than the four in the West. Large scale farming had been impossible so any food reserves had been consumed. By 1921 tens of millions of Russians were on the brink of extinction. The Jews were truly remembering the Amalekites.
By 1921 Hoover was the Secretary of Commerce under President Warren G. Harding. He thus had greater resources at his command. He undertook to relieve the suffering Russians not without objections that he was aiding the enemy.
Of course by 1921 the Bolshevic menace was known and recognized. While the post-war chaos was in fact a revolutionary attempt that fact has been papered over to deny the reality. In any event the Harding administration stomped down hard putting a stop to it within months of his inauguration.
While the Communist revolution was inaccurately named the Russian Revolution the Russians having little to do with it, nevertheless ’Russians’ were held accountable for it so that there was some US opposition for Hoover’s relieving the enemy. Not only was there opposition from the US but the Soviets interfered with the relief mission preferring to see the millions die. Nevertheless Hoover was successful. Therein lay his offense to the Jews. He foiled their attempts at genocide. He forestalled their vengeance for the expulsion from Spain. Revenge on the Amalekites still eluded them.
What Happened Next
Depending on your reading of history, the Jews of Europe were a privileged caste albeit despised for their differences. In an almost incredible turn of fate the Catholic church forbade the faithful to loan money for interest thereby handing the Jews an unbelievable monopoly to fleece Europeans. Of course the Jews smirkingly despise this monopoly as a curse.
In Spain the Jews sought and received a monopoly on tax farming thereby enabling them to grind the Spanish between a millstone of taxes and interest. Believe me the Spaniards were ground fine.
After the expulsion those who settled in what became the Pale of Settlement devised a corrupted German language known as Yiddish that was universal to all European Jews. Thus while European nationalities were devising distinct national languages that made international communication difficult to impossible Jews could roam Europe freely able to communicate freely with each other. Thus in international movement of goods Jews had, if not another monopoly, at least a distinct advantage.
They thus became the agents to move commodities such as wheat from one nation to another. Without realizing at the time what they had, they had the means to control who could have bread and when. Even though they lacked the military might to destroy the Europeans they had, or would have, the very formidable weapon of food- starvation as a weapon of mass destruction.
Even before WWI the Jews had formulated a plan for the control of wheat and had begun implementing the plan under the direction of one David Lubin, of whom I’m sure but very have heard of.
Lubin who emigrated to the US as a child moved West to Sacramento where having made his fortune he began his plan by organizing Jewish California orange growers. At some point he met Henry Ford’s nemesis, Aaron Sapiro, an unsuccessful lawyer from San Francisco. Taking him as his apprentice he taught him his plan then decamped for Italy where he persuaded the King of Italy to back his plan. Unfortunately for Rubin he caught that deadly strain of flu and died in 1919. This probably affected the implementation of his plan in the US.
In the US Sapiro allied himself with a mega villain named Bernard Baruch as well as Eugene Meyer and a publicist, Albert Lasker. It is probable that Baruch knew Lubin. The quartet were in the process of securing control, or attempting it, of US and Canadian wheat growers when Henry Ford got wind of it.
Ford had begun a serious investigation of Jewish activities publishing the results in his own newspaper alluringly named the International Dearborn Independent. The paper was the first attempt at a national newspaper although how successful it was internationally hasn’t as yet come to my attention.
While the Jews always objected to the paper that took the Protocols of Zion as its guide they settled for merely defaming Ford as an anti-Semite. For whatever reasons Ford discontinued his Jewish articles in 1922 perhaps because Jews portrayed their hoax as a forgery that was initially accepted by all.
But in 1924 alerted to Sapiro’s activities to form wheat co-ops while having learned who knows what about Jewish food plans in his studies, Ford took exception beginning a new series of articles exposing the attempt at what he perceived, correctly I believe, as an attempt to seize a wheat corner. He may not have known of their ultimate goal but if he did he wisely kept it to himself as who would believe it. Shucks, it took more than a decade before people really believed the Nazis had been exterminating the Jews. Hitler did remember the Amalekites while the even more recent extermination of the Armenians had already been forgotten. ‘Who now remembers the Armenians?’ as Hitler put it. It pays to have a long memory.
The attack on Sapiro’s farm activities threatened their ultimate goal so that legal action was taken against Ford by Sapiro. As the men Ford styled international Jews formed a backdrop to the legal suit it may be assumed that their interest was more than casual. In any event the period from 1924-27 when the trial ended fell between the East European famine of 1921 and the largest man made famine ever in Russia during 1932-33.
The outcome of the Ford trial is immaterial, the point is that Ford disrupted Sapiro’s plan to form a wheat monopoly. Actually the trial was declared a mistrial because of Sapiro’s Jury tampering while Ford in the midst of his first ever model changeover since 1909 settled out of court so that he could devote his attention to his new Model A.
When Warren G. Harding assumed the presidency in 1921 the Jews lost the influence they had enjoyed in Washington under Wilson. This disrupted the progress of their plans while the Republicans regained control of the country for the next twelve years under Harding, Coolidge and…Herbert Hoover.
Those twelve years known as the New Economic Era or just New Era were the most prosperous years the country had ever known while the riches were spread far and wide. While they might have been called the Republican prosperity they were called the Coolidge prosperity instead. Had that prosperity been allowed to continue who knew when the Democrats and hence the Jews would be back in power. Obviously the New Era couldn’t be allowed to continue. The Democrats needed a disaster to get back in.
The Jews who were 25% of NYC controlled the leading Democratic politician, Al Smith. His principal advisor Belle Moskowitz and among others the rising Robert Moses latched unto him. And then there was Franklin Roosevelt who was being groomed having been indoctrinated in the Settlement House scheme. As Frank succeeded Al as the NY governor the New Era was securely in Jewish hands.
The 1928 election was at the height of the Coolidge prosperity there being little chance of his Republican successor, Herbert Hoover, losing. Smith who was the weaker national candidate may have been sacrificed by being put up against a shoo-in, with Roosevelt held in reserve until 1932 while serving two terms as governor. In his race Eleanor who had also worked Settlement House but was more canny concerning Jews advised her husband to steer clear of Moskowitz and Moses.
Obviously the attempt to undermine the Republicans would have to be by destroying prosperity. There is no doubt that Hoover would have been re-elected had prosperity continued. The attack then would come from monetary policy.
It will be remembered that Paul Warburg was sent over from Germany to set up the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed controlled monetary policy while the bank was privately held by 10 international banks, nine owned by Jews and the other by the Rockefellers. The currency actually was owned by the Fed, gotten for nothing, and then loaned at interest back to the American people.
Then by managing the discount rate the Fed could control the direction of the economy. A stock trading frenzy was thus created by lowering interest and flooding currency. This did not go unnoticed contrary to the myths of the period. Hoover served as Secretary of Commerce under both Harding and Coolidge thus was conversant with monetary policy. He did object early and frequently to the regular loosening of credit especially that of 1927 which he and anyone the least bit knowledgeable knew would lead to runaway speculation in the stock market. The crash occurred at the end of 1929.
At the same time in 1930 the big boom of the New Era turned into the big bust. While the Stock market crash was spectacular it wasn’t thought by itself to have created the Great Depression. However, the crash could be depicted as the failure of capitalism at a time when the Soviet first five year plan was being billed as an economic miracle. The propaganda value of the Crash then was invaluable. Perhaps the failed post-war revolution could be revived and succeed.
The media of course piled on Hoover demanding he turn the economy around on a dime because he was the brilliant reliever of the Belgians, Germans and Russians. Now he was smirkingly derided as The Great Engineer. He would be defamed to near oblivion. Now with a disaster staring both he and the country in the face he was unable to help in Europe so the Jews took this time to create the greatest man made famine in history destroying many millions of Russians. So, while Hoover had aborted the Belgian and Russian famines he was powerless to help in the current Russian famine. The Jews had stuffed it to him at last. Meanwhile as another cruel joke WWI army veterans were on street corners selling apples for a nickel each.
It could be a coincidence but in 1932 the Jews marched back into Washington at the head of the Roosevelt column as the band played Happy Days Are Here Again. Even if it is a coincidence funny how it all falls into place isn’t it? Now was the time for Jews to settle old scores. Now America was at their mercy. Internationally they appeared about to realize their millennium, the thousand year reign.
To all appearances Russia was theirs. In France and England they pretty much ran the show. To which ‘estates’ they could now add the United States. The only hitch in their plan was that as Roosevelt captured Washington Hitler assumed control in Berlin. Wasn’t he an international clinker. The Jews may have been fooling the rest of the world but they weren’t fooling him. Hitler himself had a plan that didn’t include Jews. Nor was he concealing it, he was making his plan perfectly clear.
While it should be obvious to everyone the German Volkists of which Hitler and the Nazis were one had been at war with the Jews for the full extent of the New Era, that is the twenties. Thus in 1933 the Jews began to direct US military might toward war with Germany. This also should be clear at first glance. Lindbergh saw it.
There was every hope to foment the Communist revolution in the US. While a cultural revolution was achieved, or at least, the direction of American social thought changed, there would be no overt seizure of the government. While Roosevelt was a dictator no less than Stalin and Hitler the outward presidential forms remained in place. There was no break in institutions.
In the hurry to get things done in the hundred days programs were just cobbled together without any regard for constitutional review by the Supreme Court. None of these programs seem to have been directed toward alleviating the Big Depression. Their main thrust was social, to destroy individualism and install a collective Jewish style mind set.
Thus the famous keystone program of the arch, the National Recovery Act- the NRA- sought only to bring American industry into a series of industry codes that removed competition and made them into collectives or cartels under government supervision not unlike the attempt of the WWI WIB under the direction of the Jew Bernard Baruch.
The CCC- Civilian Conservation Corps- brought young men under military discipline where they could be indoctrinated in socialist and collectivist thought patterns. All of the programs destroyed individuality in favor of the hive mind after the Judaic pattern.
Although Herbert Hoover was no longer president he was still a voice to be reckoned with and he used it to denounce the collectivism he saw being imposed, a collectivism that he had foreseen as he knew what the plan was.
Now, the Depression ran from Hoover’s last couple years to the most massive collective conscription of all, WWII, eleven year. Unprecedented in American history.
So the animosity directed at Hoover augmented that felt because of his thwarting of the Jewish genocidal starvation plans for Europe. Not surprisingly intense hatred was directed at Henry Ford also. It is not improbable that his exposure of Aaron Sapiro aborted a planned takeover of the grain crops that would hopefully have coincided with the engineered Russian famine of 1932-33 thus potentially ensuring a US revolution.
Sapiro stated that the purpose of his co-op plan was to gain control of wheat production then withhold grain from the market until not so much the farmers but the co-op managers got the price they wanted. If the plan had gone as scheduled the co-op managers would have had the power to keep the grain from market and that would essentially replicate the situation in Paris during the French Revolution that was a cause of the revolt.
It does seem clear that revolution was being fomented during Roosevelt’s first two terms. Certainly his collectivist purpose was in itself revolutionary. While no actual warfare broke out a civil war of sorts was being fought not unlike that the Negro Obama administration of our time.
It is clear that the Roosevelt administration was riddled with Communist, Leftist and Progressives, whichever label you choose to use. Members of Congress, such as Samuel Dickstein were on Stalin’s payroll. Dickstein himself worked directly with Roosevelt to form the House Un-American Activities Committee thus, one presumes, acting on Stalin’s direction. One might say Stalin was a sleeping partner of the Administration, as conceived un-American activities did not include Communists only ‘Fascists.’
Not only attacking Hoover and Ford the Administration went after all critics as un-American Fascists, enemies of the people so that dissident congressmen and Senators were defamed as FDR attempted to hound them from office. Others such as redoubtable critic, Mrs. Elizabeth Dilling were treated as insane.
Gradually, in the Jewish mind, they began to visualize themselves as the true Americans, the true democrats while FDR’s critics were Fascists out to destroy the fantastic American democracy the Jews had created and turn America into the dictatorship that they themselves were creating. A standard psychological ploy is to project your evil plans onto your enemy. By 1940-44 then this fiction had become a reality in their minds.
While they were secure in their minds that the Soviet Union was in their hands and the Western democracies firmly under their influence the problem then was to lead the Soviets, the US and the democracies into war with their arch enemy Hitler and his Germans.
There was no reason for the US to enter the European war, or theatre as it was known. Any rational administration would have realized that it was better for the combatants to exhaust themselves and then go in and pick up the pieces. The same was true in the Pacific actually. In China the Japanese had bitten far more off that they could chew. Let them be.
Instead FDR was squandering America’s irreplaceable wherewithal by sending materiel to China that merely ended up in Communist hands going to fight the Chinese Nationalists rather than the Japanese. Ultimately Roosevelt egged the Japanese on to attack the US and then using that as an improbable excuse for declaring war on Germany realizing Jewish hopes.
As the US entered the European war that was used as an excuse to place pre-war dissidents virtually under house arrest until they could be brought to trial. The end result then was a virtual concentration camp for anyone who had opposed the Jewish Roosevelt Administration. Thus the difference between Hitler, Roosevelt and Stalin was only a matter of form or degree.
The Jewish program began to unravel to some degree after Roosevelt’s death in early 1945. While they had discredited the pre-war critics as un-American while representing themselves as the true Americans the war had forced Roosevelt to come to terms with his Wall Street and industrial enemies giving them places in the war effort. Thus the State Department was run by old line Americans while new agencies such as the CIA were created and staffed by anti-New Dealers. In a sense those defeated by Roosevelt created a sort of counter government in the CIA.
At the same time it became clear to the Jews that Hitler had made a genocidal attempt to eliminate them. While Stalin had covertly done the same eliminating all Jews but one from his government while planning to exterminate the rest that was only averted by his assassination in 1953. This news devastated the Jewish mind. Even though they had been managing the Roosevelt Administration to their advantage while never having been under any threat, acting on a basis of international Jewish solidarity as Ford had indicated they projected their national fears on Americans classifying them as a Jew hating society bent on their extermination. This attitude would condition post-war Jewish actions.
Part II will follow.