Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Review: Pt. II One World By Wendell Willkie

A Review

Pt. II

One World by Wendell Willkie


R.E. Prindle

Franklin And Eleanor


The nineteenth century moved like a glacial flow until 1914 with the ice sheet hanging way over the water it broke loose crashing into the sea to reveal a new surface. The changes had been building both racial and ideological but remained unacknowledged for what they were.

On the ideological front nationalism had been under attack. Loyalty to one country began to be replaced by loyalty to an ideology transcending nationality, this was reflected in Communism and/or socialism with the Bolshevik revolution. The Soviet Union became the homeland of socialism or collectivism. Communist ideology shifted their loyalty from their own countries to the ‘socialist homeland’ of the USSR. Thus the so-called Communist national traitors after 1917 were at the same time sociaoists loyal to the socialist homeland of the USSR.

Fascism that arose in reaction to Communism too became an international ideology along with Americanism. Judaism also while being international in scope along with the other ideologies was also racial or national thus straddling all sides of the fence- no mean feat.

Like it or not there was no isolationism nor could there have been. While Fascism and Judaism were restricted by race but still international in reach the bi-polar struggle of the next couple periods would be between Communism and Americanism.

This situation was ill understood as the twenties began. Most people had no realization that the old façade had dropped nearly clean away. As a global political ideology controlled from the USSR the Communists created the Third International to interfere with and manipulate the nations which still retained their political borders thus making the USSR a pariah State.

We thus arrive at the trickiest ideology Judaism. The Jews succeeded in making themselves the thorniest ideology of the lot while as a nation or people they functioned across all borders, ideological or geographic as a unit although they denied it then and may still do so although they have been outed to all except perhaps themselves. They appear to believe their denials are still effective.

If anyone needed to say it, the Negro WEB Dubois did say it when he said race would be the central issue of the twentieth century. He might have added- and thereafter. The battle would begin with the Negro revolt against Reconstruction Jim Crow while the race evangelist Marcus Garvey would begin the struggle for African supremacy in the world as he attempted to unite the Negroes of Africa and those scattered throughout the New World.

While not integrated into consciousness those movements did not go unnoticed. The high time of Western world dominance undoubtedly was the successful Scramble for Africa bringing that continent with two small exceptions under Western or European dominance. If one were to give the high tide a date it would have to be the fabulous Columbian Exposition of Chicago of 1893. It has been downhill from there. By that time what the historian and social critic Lothrop Stoddard called The Rising Tide Of Color Against White Supremacy became noticeable.

In addition to Stoddard’s book a 1916 study by anthropologist Madison Grant titled The Passing Of The Great Race underlined the sea change that was taking place as the West was virtually committing suicide on the battlefields of Europe. Both Stoddard and Grant would be marginalized as inconsequential racists as were writers who detected the true nature of the conflict and spoke up such as Thomas Dixon and Edgar Rice Burroughs to name only two.

At the end of the war to end wars then the stage was set for the conflict between ideologies and races that would improbably come to a head with Willkie’s One World and the United States of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The cessation of hostilities between the Central Powers and the Allies did not end all hostilities. The success of the Bolsheviks in Russia alarmed the US and Europe while Russian loyalists sought to recover Russia fighting the Bolsheviks in a civil war. The White forces- as opposed to the Reds- were aided and abetted by European, American and Japanese troops while British diplomatic spies in Russia sought the destruction of Lenin and the Bolshevik regime. This was much more serious than we have been led to believe. A good account of the near replacement of the Bolsheviks can be found in the British TV series available on DVD- Reilly, Ace Of Spies. A more accurate account can be found in the history, Ace Of Spies: The True Story Of Sidney Reilly by Andrew Cook. You will be amazed.

It is hardly astounding then that the Bolsheviks were fomenting worldwide revolution that included the United States through their Third International or Commintern. It is a folly to think that the revolutionary events of 1919 and 1920 in the US were not just that. At that time the American reaction was prompt and effective as Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer put his foot down hard on the revolutionists while the finishing touches were applied by the new president Warren G. Harding in 1921. Thereafter the Communists worked underground but they never stopped working. Actually they even ran their own candidates for president through the thirties.

The backbone of the Communist Party was of course, the Jews. The majority of Party members in every country of the West was Jewish. They strenuously denied this at the time but in the last decade or so have grudgingly admitted what any interested party knew all along.

It is regrettable that we have to talk about the Jews but no period of Western history from the end of the Taurian Age when the ideology came into existence to the present can be understood without a knowledge of Jewish goals and desires. It’s just a fact that we have to deal with.

In the modern period, that is post-French Revolution the contest between the Jews and the West has been first a demand for autonomy within national States which is to say equality of the Jews separate from the host nation and secondly, having attained that, supremacy within the State. The notion is what the so-called Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion expressed but has been denied.

The Jewish method is always to destabilize the State and cause confusion in the society of the host nation. This was clearly but inadvertently expressed by Benzion Netanyahu in his ’monumental’ History Of The Jews In Spain. The superiority of the Jews is clearly expressed in his metaphor of the Jewish root stock of the olive tree onto which the branch of Christianity is grafted. Thus Judaism is the superior and senior while the West by which the Jews mean Christianity inferior and junior.

While that may accurately depict the Jewish view of the relationship between Judaism and Christianity it ignores the fact that the proto-Jewish root stock had no existence before the beginning of the Arien Age when civilization had already passed the infant stage thereby making Judaism dirivative of the mother culture. But, my intent is historic rather than polemical so suffice it to say I have accurately described the Jewish rationale.

The first wave, other than the small colonial Sephardim from Brazil, of Jews arrived as flotsam from the failed Revolution of ‘48 from Germany. This group was well established by the seventies and eighties when the Jews from the Pale, that is ‘Russian’ Jews, came in their millions until 1914. The German Jews looked down on the Eastern European Jews causing such a division that the German Jews were known as ‘Our Crowd’ in relation to them.

While the Jews claim they had little to do with the Bolshevik Revolution they were inveterate enemies of the ‘Czar’ and were responsible for the 1905 revolution and the break of diplomatic relations between the US and Russia in 1911.

The election of Woodrow Wilson in 1913 gave them their entrée into federal politics and a step toward autonomy. They were then able to actively begin to destabilize American society introducing a new element of confusion.

Now in power in the USSR spreading destabilization and confusion throughout Europe, the establishment of the Comintern allowed penetration of the US as Soviet agents infiltrated the country in some numbers. With their arrival American socialists or Communists who had been discretely working behind the scenes in all areas of American life became more open to the observent aiding at the least in the frustration of government attempts to contain the Communist threat. The attempt was and has been ridiculed as the Red Scare as though the suppression of the Communists was a panic situation over a non-existent threat.

Thus, the incredible revolutionary acts in the US of 1919-1921 have been characterized by Judaeo-Communist historians and commentators as ordinary disturbances having no political significance. If one views the Wall Street bombing and the attempts on the life of dozens of leading anti-Communists as what they were, an attempt to overthrow the government in the post-war disorder and incapacitation of Wilson by his stroke resulting in little effective government until March of 1921 as a failed revolutionary attempt the events make more sense. There was no Red Scare, there was a failed Red revolution no different in character than that of Bolshevik Russia. It was the internationalism so ardently desired by Roosevelt. Isolation was not an option.

This mess then was inherited by the incoming Republican president Warren G. Harding which he promptly solved. The Reds were squelched within a few months of Harding’s inauguration. The Party itself was outlawed. However sympathizers and Reds disguising themselves as humanitarian Liberals had the law reversed.

This was not unusual as circumventing adverse decisions by ‘democratic’ methods seemed easy for the Jews. In 1911 when the Jews demanded that Taft cancel the 1832 commercial treaty between the US and Russia, Taft demurred. Having studied the issue at least as well as our present constitution scholar, Barack Obama, he could find no reason to abrogate the treaty. As the Dearborn Independent article linked above of January 1921 indicates Taft’s decision was nullified by Congress:


Neither did the President know what was behind it all. Look at the names of the men who represented American Jewry in the White House that 15th of February 1911 (Jacob Schiff, Louis Marshal et al.). And then consider that the abrogation of the Russian treaty would throw all the vast business between the United States and Russia into Germany, into the hands of the German Jews. The Frankfurt bankers and their relations in the United States knew what that meant. It meant the German Jews would be the intermediaries of trade between Russia and the United States. The business itself meant money, but the relation meant power over Russia- and Jacob Schiff lived to overthrow Russia. The neutrality of the United States was torn to shreds by a movement organized and financed on American soil for the overthrow of a friendly nation, and the organizers and financiers were Jews! They used their internal power to deflect the policy of the United States to assist their plans.


Remember that the Federal Reserve System founded by the Jew Warburg in 1913 was owned by an international consortium of Jewish banks and were all operating out of Frankfurt, save Rockefellers. The Federal Reserve controls US currency receiving interest on the total number of dollars outstanding.

The complicity between Schiff, Marshall and the Jews with the Bolshevik revolution can plainly be seen. The squelching of the American revolution by Harding can be seen as a blow to Jewish ambitions for supremacy in the US as well as in Russia so FDR’s internationalism was the order of the day while ‘isolation’ never was or could be possible. FDR’s abhorred isolationists merely had a different notion of internationalism than FDR and his Jews.

Having delivered one blow to Jewish pretensions Harding delivered another. Ending unrestricted immigration had been a desideratum of the US for decades but had never succeeded. In 1921 under Harding’s leadership it did. As is well known, before August 1914 the Jews had readied the entire Eastern European Jewry for transfer to the US. After the war it was necessary to reorganize and just as they were ready to begin the transfer Harding shut the door in their faces by limiting immigration to more manageable proportions.

Unlike Wilson’s administration, under Harding and his two Republican successors the Jews would have no place in DC. That would change with the election of Roosevelt.

As far as internationalism went the beginning of Prohibition in 1920 would change international relations dramatically. This during the so-called isolationism of the Republican interregnum.

Prohibition had been in effect for a year and a quarter when Harding assumed office. Criminals are not always as dull as we’d like to think they are. Long before the passing of the Volstead Act criminal minds perceived the fantastic opportunity the law would offer. They were organized to take advantage of the act the day it came into effect. The law was to alter the very nature of the country, turn it into a criminal State. The people in the best position to organize international shipments of liquor to the US were the international Jews led in this instance by the criminal mastermind Arnold Rothstein. Liquor shipments were sent from the British Isles, France et al. while the Bronfmans of Canada made several fortunes transporting booze across Lake Erie to the Mayfield Road Gang and across the Detroit River to the Purple Gang of that city. We’re talking a lot of money and it is filling Jewish pockets.

While this was an unintended consequence of the act it surely was foreseen especially as criminal organizing would not have gone unnoticed. Thus, Harding inherited a unique criminal situation for which there was actually no defense.

Now, I’m carefully searching for words to portray the situation without offending the reader’s sensibilities. We have been conditioned, you and I and all of us, and I mean conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs, to consider the Jews as a much maligned, totally innocent, wrongfully oppressed people. Thus at the cry of ‘anti-Semitism’ we all rush to their defense. Any historian, any interested person who looks into the facts will see that this notion is far from the truth. As Jacob Schiff announced when Taft refused to abrogate the Russian-American treaty: This is war. Any stifling of Jewish wishes was always war, had been war for nearly four thousand years. The war continues.

Internationalism was and is natural to Jews who were dispersed throughout all the nation states of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and the US. NO matter where they went they could check into a synagogue or Jewish meeting place and, in Europe at least where Yiddish was their lingua franca, communicate with equal understanding. Thus where the various European nations could communicate only with their fellows it was much more easy for Jews to conduct trans-national commerce. They became commodity experts managing the wheat supply for instance.

The huge national colonies in the US whether you choose to call them ghettoes or not, were actually secure areas where new arrivals could begin to acculturate before melding with the outside society. Thus the entry point for most Jews was through New York City, castle Gardens and then Ellis Island.

The main influx of Eastern European, Jews from the Pale began in 1870. The German Jews had preceded them and became fairly acculturated by 1870 so they were able to manage and exploit these East European exotics who they perceived much as White Americans perceived the Negro.

Still, by the eighties the settlement house acculturation centers were created in these colonies where newcomers were given support and had the, to them, very strange culture explained. The Jews of the Pale were on the order of people stepping from a medieval world into the modern world. They developed a strange concept of themselves in reaction to their hosts. Thus they projected America as a hostile environment replicating their situation in Europe.

There were several settlement houses on the Lower East Side. As the numbers of Jews increased drastically from 1870 to , say, 1900, the by then very large colony on the Lower East Side attracted the attention of wealthy do gooders of the very elitist American stock, such as the future Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Eleanor. Now remember this elite would never consider talking to people like you and me. We would be sent to servants quarter but never allowed through the front door. Nevertheless the first group of society women, girls, numbered somewhat over eight. They established he Jr. League. They arrived at the settlement houses and began to minister to the colonists, not as equals but as patrons.

Remember, these immigrants, the majority here for less than ten years were still walking around in a dazed condition speaking little or no English and that with a thick heavy accent when the very elite of the natives arrived to ‘serve’ them. Stop and consider the social distance from the elite to you and I and then consider the distance from the elite to the immigrants. Does your heart bleed for those poor, poor people? The elites’ did.

The arrival of the elite ought to have raised the self-estimation and already inflated Jewish sense of self-importance regardless of their impoverished state. They still considered themselves as Jews the elite of mankind. The elite then meeting the elite. As it should be in Jewish eyes.

As strange as it may seem these society maidens also looked on the Jews as the Chosen People carrying some kind of ancient wisdom far superior to their own. This facilitated their ability to give of themselves while enabling themselves in their own minds to be of service to God’s own people.

Eleanor then introduced Franklin to this colony on the Lower East Side. He too was sucked in. As I said Jews were natural internationalists so that the two altruists inhaled this internationalist approach combined with their giving attitude thus conditioning FDR to have a condescending attitude toward the unfortunate but deserving people of the world when he became president. He became used to distributing largesse that cost him nothing.

As socialites he and Eleanor undoubtedly met many if not most of the prominent acculturated German Jews who undoubtedly wasted no time getting to know these society maidens who could introduce them to their other very important family members.

It was these acculturated Jews who owned the tenements, owned the needle trades and who exploited their fellow Jews with high rents and in sweat shops. The famous Triangle building fire was caused when Jewish owners locked their workers in; no natives were involved in any of this.

There was someone else who became aware of the international nature of Judaism and that someone was Henry Ford. Not of the American elite but one might say of the peasantry he saw the situation somewhat differently than the Roosevelts and the fabulously rich society maidens. While the social set could look down on the Jews benevolently Ford could see through the international mindset of the sect. He could see the aggressive nature, the need for autonomy or even dominance. He was dealing with the Anti-Defamation League eyeball to eyeball. He could see the traditional American culture and mores under assault by the invaders with their creeping collectivism.

Having been taken advantage of by them in the Peace Ship incident and resisting further attempts he decided to counter attack. As this was asymmetric warfare, a war of words so to speak, he bought a newspaper and took it countrywide. This was the famous Dearborn Independent. He began to publish a series of exposes detailing Jewish depredations such as the one linked above concerning then former President Taft.

These exposes were not off the shoulder, or from the hip. Ford spent a small fortune building a library of books concerning the Jews. He set his editor the very capable William J. Cameron to work studying and writing. As can be seen from the Taft article which is representative, Cameron knew what he was doing while wasting no words.

These exposes infuriated the Jews causing them to launch a defamation campaign against Ford. Their rage knew no bounds when Ford gathered and published the exposes in four slim volumes called, appropriately enough, The International Jew. To what could the Jews rationally object? Their whole program was internationalist, they had firmly indoctrinated the future president of the United States in their beliefs.

They were in a dither. This was America where freedom of speech, of which they availed themselves liberally, was sacrosanct, a more that was nearly impregnable to change. While they dithered Ford began a campaign against internationalization of American agriculture by a disciple of one David Lubin named Aaron Sapiro.

Sapiro’s mentor, David Lubin, had taught him how to set up farm cooperatives then retired to Italy from whence he attempted to set up coordinated international cooperatives linked with those not only of the United States but Argentina, Australia and all the great wheat growing areas of the world. He was seeking to corner wheat.

A good explanation of the California or Sapiro plan as it was called was given in the Century Magazine of November 1921 by the famed agitator and propagandist Gustavus Myers. A copy may be purchased from Go to the Gustavus Myers page. More about Myers further on.

Ford saw through this plan and over a series of twenty articles beginning in 1924 exposed it. As it was a Jewish program he identified it as that and Aaron Sapiro and his associates as Jews.

Cooperatives were not new, cooperatives had been attempted before while Herbert Hoover as President would encourage the cooperative movement. Apparently unable to defend the Lubin plan that Sapiro called the Sapiro plan he thought to attack Ford on an irrelevant issue- anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism had nothing to do with cooperatives while there was no law against anti-Semitism.

Sapiro tried to establish the concept that Ford was defaming a whole people, which was also no crime, that is the Jews, rather than just himself as an individual Jew. This was a great Jewish desideratum which if Sapiro had succeeded would have placed the Jewish people beyond criticism giving them dominance over the American people.

The suit misfired when the trial was deemed a mistrial. It was not resumed. The people who write the histories are pro-Jewish and anti-Ford so that while Ford had been outrageously defamed by them the Jews believed that Ford was entirely discredited amongst his own people. This was not the case.

Ford had done, was doing, great things. He was perhaps the greatest American of the twentieth century and if not of the world certainly among the top three. While his deeds and person are now belittled and disparaged by polemical writers the effect on Ford before 1933 when the Jewish protégé Franklin Roosevelt was elected president was minimal. As significant as their war on Ford was to the Jews it wasn’t that central to the country at large. There was a lot more and a lot more important things to occupy the public’s attention.

The collectivist Judaeo-Communist outlook was still not influential enough to overrule the Americanist individualist approach. In 1924 Coolidge, an individualist if there ever was one, wanted, was eager, to sell the abandoned and deteriorating facilities at Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee River to Ford to develop. Indeed the House of Representatives passed a bill to do so in overwhelming numbers but the vote was scotched by collectivists. In the event nothing was done with the embryo TVA facility until the Roosevelt administration acted on it to create the TVA along collectivist lines. Thus Roosevelt and his collectives were given the credit rather than Coolidge, Hoover, Ford and the American individualist plan.

One can only guess how history might have changed if Ford had been allowed to develop Muscle Shoals and the Tennessee River. Cheap fertilizer might have invigorated agriculture thereby interfering with the Lubin-Sapiro-California plan. In any event the TVA was delayed for ideological reasons, damn the consequences.

Ford remained in good grace through the twenties being especially well thought of by that great individualist Herbert Hoover. Ford was far from shamed. At the grand opening of his incredible Greenfield Village, Disneyland before Disneyland, in 1929 President Herbert Hoover was present for the ribbon cutting. While collectivists disparage the Village it was quite amazing for the time and remains so as it now includes a tour of River Rouge.

In 1933 when Roosevelt was inaugurated America’s past to paraphrase Ford became bunk. In the words of Greil Marcus it became ‘weird old America.’ Roosevelt and his followers of all stripes tried and reasonably succeeded in obliterating the individualistic American past.

As the Jews were at war with the German nationalists in a very different manner than they were against America and indeed against the Russian people they were converting the individualism of the first and second Americas to the European ideology of Fascism. To be opposed to Roosevelt and the New Deal made one a ‘Fascist’, or in Jewish terms an anti-Semite.

Indeed, the Jews became so influential that c. 1940 there was an attempt by the Jews to take credit for the success of the US by pretending that they were the true Americans defending democratic ideals while the older individualistic Americans personified by Charles Lindbergh were Fascists out to destroy democratic America by totalitarian methods. The idea was revived by the contemporary Jewish writer Philip Roth in his novel The Plot Against America in the early years of this century.

Internationalism then was a Jewish concept embraced by Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt at the beginning of the twentieth century on the Lower East Side. Under Jewish tutelage FDR would then pursue a One World concept with a United Nations. Wilson’s League Of Nations implies a number of disparate nations cooperating together but wanting to retain separate identities. One World and a United Nations implies the obliteration of borders and nations but nations, that is peoples, would still exist separately. Therefore a situation had to be created that commingled all peoples in the puerile belief that one world, one people, one ideology would be created. Of course, the Jewish idea was that the world would all come together under them and their conception of God with themselves as the Chosen People being the administrators.

But I get ahead of myself. To return to 1933.

Part III Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself follows.





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