Friday, April 4, 2014

Part 3a: The Sixties And The Negro Revolution: Terraplaning Through The Ozone

The Sixties And The Negro Revolution

Part 3a

Terraplaning Through The Ozone


R.E. Prindle


Always keep in mind 1954’s Supreme Court decision of Brown vs. The Board Of Education of Topeka as the basis of our interpretation of the Negro revolution.  There are other things to consider.  In that era before the internet, indeed, even as television networks were only developing, magazines were a key element in forming public opinion.  Liberalism, even Communism, was the lens through which events were viewed.  This was usually disguised as tongue in cheek conservative criticism.

The most important purveyors of this sort of public opinion were Time, Newsweek and Life.  The first and last formed the Time-Life group of magazines all of which were very influential while disguising their Liberal bias very well.  Life was the first to bite the dust probably being replaced by T-L’s People Magazine that more or less covered the same ground in a more contemporary fashion.  Far back but vying with these was the William F. Buckley fronted National Review.  Buckley was the most pernicious of all posing as the consummate Conservative while guarding the Liberal agenda from Conservative inroads.

These were New York based magazines so that it is not surprising perhaps that they were staffed mainly by Jews, including the National Review, hence Left Wing although disguised as right wing or objective, and heavily pro-Israel, Negro and definitely Jewish.  It might seem odd that all pushed a Jewish agenda but then as New York City was 25% Jewish let’s just say they had a foot in the door.

Until Time-Life was absorbed by the Jews in the TL-Warner Bros. merger the Luces, Henry and Claire Booth who founded the empire ran a fairly useful organization.  I read Time religiously and believed in the veracity of the magazine until I learned in their account of Howard Hughes departure from Las Vegas that they fabricated the story completely.  Pure fiction and that this was done routinely.

Nevertheless as publishers of outstanding illustrated history books in extended series and phonograph record collections of very high quality they did their best to educate Americans of their past.

I finally chucked Time Life in after buying their mail order library, The Time-Life Reading Program.  This was a series of 108 titles sent four volumes bi-monthly.  They became progressively Red oriented, that is propagandistic.  I read the first eighty or so titles then stopped although I have the full set of 108 less the replacement title of one volume.

As they were located in New York City they were enablers of the various revolutions giving national prominence to what were local situations.  Andy Warhol would have remained a relative unknown except for Time while a relative nobody like Edie Sedgwick went nationwide with Life’s picture essay of her.  Even Ed Sanders of the Fugs made the cover of Life as T-L constantly hyped the Greenwich Village Bohemian culture, enabling that culture to conquer America.

Newsweek was a Time wannabe that didn’t have what it took.  One picked it up when Time wasn’t around which was rarely.  Newsweek has gone defunct while pursuing a far left Jewish agenda.  The signs are that Time sabotaged by the Jews through their merger will probably soon follow under Jewish editorship.

As commentary magazines there were Harpers, Atlantic, The Reporter and a host of others but they were minor in distribution compared to the giants Time, Life and Newsweek.

Time is of the essence of the period.


Movies and TV

Just as one’s dreams form a parallel reality alongside one’s waking life so movies and TV play a key role in the formation of one’s public life somewhere between dreams and waking reality.  Contrary to claims made by the industry movies were not about entertainment but were purely propaganda disguised as entertainment.  No serious history or study of movies exists to my knowledge although specific movies are being injected into articles as alternate reality.  While movies may not be actually real they nevertheless create real memories and very influential memories that do affect your actions.  And memory is the basis of consciousness.  The memories are so powerful that one may adjust one’s personality to reflect what is on the screen.  Thus when M.A.S.H. was on TV any number of Hawkeyes stalked the land assuming that persona.  The Hawkeyes then cast the people around them in the various roles behaving as if those roles were real in fact.  What a curse that was.

There was a changing of the guard that occurred in 1962.  Within a few days of each other two movies were released the one being The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and the other Ian Fleming’ Dr. No.  The former was the swan song of the old American mores while the latter established the new Freudian/Reichian  pornographic image of the New America.

Liberty Valance featured the two aging stars of the thirties and forties John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart while being directed by the old warhorse, John Ford.  Dr. No introduced Wayne’s successor Sean Connery.  It was like Zeus replacing Cronus in the Age change from Taurus to Aries.

The two female leads also heralded the change.  Vera Miles as the beautiful Hallie Stoddard Aryan model of Chivalry of virgin sensibilities exited stage right while like Aphrodite of old the new model woman Ursula Andress rose nearly nude from the sea as the pornographer’s delight.  Indeed, soon an area legal for pornography would be created within a twenty mile radius of the Hollywood studios ensuring that pornography would triumph in America’s theatres.

Thus violence was personated in the form of James Bond (Sean Connery) and pornography in various forms of Bond heroines who might all have been named Pussy Galore were united.  The future was cast.  Out with the chaste and demure Vera Miles and in with the lusty, busty, big-assed Bond heroines chasing the Big Dick.  I knew something had happened but I was left scratching my head.

Nineteen sixty-two also produced the morally relativist masterpiece Mondo Cane.  The movie had tremendous impact as it demonstrated that nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.  Sixty years later its images flash through my mind

Thus the Jews through Freudian/Reichian  psychoanalysis triumphed over and displaced Aryan European Chivalric mores.

Now, Freud and Reich were motivated by Freud’s total misunderstanding of the Unconscious.  Freud looked inside himself and extrapolated his malaise as the normal for mankind irrespective of race or religion.  If Freud was the Jesus of psychoanalysis then his disciple Wilhelm Reich was its St. Paul.   While Freud was rejected by Aryans Reich was able to translate sex and violence into something palatable for them.

While most people know Freud, at least by name, many fewer have heard of Wilhelm Reich.  Reich was a disciple of Freud.  While Freud dressed his discovery of the psycho-analytic method in a lot of mumbo-jumbo he essentially deified his own subconscious desires for sex and violence and passed them off as universal.  He didn’t take those desires to their logical conclusion however while Reich did.  Reich’s vision was pure sado-masochistic sex and violence and by sex I mean merely fucking. 

While this had been what Freud meant, when Reich held up his mirror for Freud to see Freud was revolted by himself and cast Reich from his organization.  At that time his group was all Jewish as it was realized that psycho-analysis was a Jewish affair.

Reich continued on and wed Communist violence to his psycho-sexual political creation.  Where he would have gone from there having been discredited by the psycho-analysts isn’t clear but that scourge who destroyed America without lifting a finger, Adolf Hitler, came to power in Germany.  The German States were the center of the psycho-sexual scum.

As Hitler was antagonistic to Jews in general, when he came to power in 1933 all this intellectual treyfe with the exception of Freud, and he was to plague England, fled to the United States settling in its two culture forming centers, New York City and Los Angeles.  Reich, the King of Scurf, was one of these figures.  Hitler’s revenge on the United States.   He remained on the East Coast peddling his sex and violence.

If Freud had rejected Reich US authorities followed suit in spades.  They were so repelled by Reichian theories that, this is truly remarkable, they not only arrested him as a criminal lunatic throwing him into prison but actually collected his books and burned them.  This was in anything goes America too.

The only thing other than Reich that the US was intolerant of was Jewish comic books that were also banned.  The Jewish Horror comics such as William Gaines Tales From The Crypt were sado-masochistic, violent and pornographic while possible inspired by Reich’s approach to psycho-analysis.

I was an avid reader from eight to twelve of all the Gaines comics which I considered outre and even as I read them thought to myself that they shouldn’t allow them for little kids like myself.  But, I read them eagerly.  Still I didn’t know that what I was reading was sado-pornographic stuff.  Didn’t know either term at the time.  Apparently our parents did.  These were vivid, vivid stories.  Great pictures.  Many of the images linger on.  Perhaps I was revolted because I have always rejected pornography as a mental malaise.  Not that that does me or anyone else any good because every Hollywood movie has a pornographic base while many for general distribution are worse than anything Gaines published.  His line was named, humorously I hope, EC- Educational Comics.  Believe it or not.

At any rate not all Reich’s books were burned as they were revived in the Sixties forming the basis of Bohemian sex and politics notions.  So a new synthesis began to form, began to jell in the Sixties.  The adoption of a new set of mores.  It was realized that movies were an unrivalled propagandistic tool.

Dusan Makajevic, a Yugoslavian film maker made a perfect visualization of Freudian/Reichian sexual politics in his movie of 1971:  WR: Mysteries Of The Organism.  The modern world in a nut shell, no pun intended  I don’t recommend it as without proper education its sexual presentation will certainly be misunderstood as pure pornography.  Of course it is, but only as a visualization of the Freudian/Reichian unconscious and its consequences.  E. Michael Jones gives an extended literary version in his Libido Dominandi that I do recommend.  Perhaps read it first.

So, now, we have the perfect propagandistic tool that functions through both the conscious and unconscious minds in hands of Jews indoctrinated in Freudian/Reichian psychology.  After WWII and the discovery of Hitler’s death camps the Jews became absolutely hysterical.  Even though American Jews had never been in any danger, not even remotely, they now saw White Americans as potential if not actual Fascists intent on destroying them.  This was serious.

William Paley of CBS, himself a Jew, believed American death camps were so imminent that he capitalized the careers of prominent Jewish performers- actors, comedians and such- and sold shares in their future incomes to gentiles.  By this ploy he believed that when the round up came these few Jews would be spared for economic reasons.  This is serious, indeed.

In any event the path to survival in their mental state was to divide and discombobulate.  The Negro as a tool was at hand.  While the Judaeo-Communists of the twenties and thirties had always used the Negro to sow discord and confusion, in the post-war US their effort was stepped up.  The movies were the perfect vehicle to divide and control America.  Hence we had all those horrid Sidney Poitier movies shaming Whites and glorifying Negroes.  By 1960 this was nearly in full spate.    Miscegenation was a popular device so there were numerous Negro male/White female pairings.  Remember the movies are a third reality somewhere between waking and dreaming providing both conscious and unconscious very real memories from faked reality.  What was seen wasn’t true but was accepted as such by suggestion.  This is serious business while presented as entertainment, it was actually behavior changing propaganda.   New mores for the masses.

The dialogue, then, was controlled and directed through films, the third reality.

And then there was Brown vs the BOE.  The greatest divisive decision ever made and taken full advantage of by the Jews.  Here was a way to protect themselves from a nation, they thought, of Hitlers thirsting for Jewish blood.  After the great preliminary battles of the Fifties came the Sixties and the wedge that split the nation- the Civil Rights Battle.


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