Saturday, November 23, 2013

Part III: Henry Ford And The Sapiro Case

A Review

Henry Ford’s War On The Jews
Victoria Saker Woeste
Part III
Aaron Sapiro Takes On Henry Ford For Profit
Review by R.E. Prindle
Victoria Saker Woeste

Woeste, Victoria Saker: Henry Ford’s War On The Jews And The Legal Battle Against Hate Speech, 2012, Stanford University Press
The remarkable thing about Jews is that they think Aryans don’t have the intelligence to analyze their activities. To my mind Aryans are analytical geniuses. Who else could have or did create Chemistry through the analysis of complete intangibles. Neither the Jews nor any other people had anything to do with Chemistry or the development of any of the other scientific disciplines. Yet the Jews are there to take the credit while claiming to be more intelligent than Aryans.
What other people have ever weighed the invisible carbon atom? What other people have ever determined the distance from the Earth to the Sun, the speed of light?
What other people organized the sciences, the social sciences, psychology? Do the Jews believe that the men who could resolve those seeming impossibilities are not able to scan the history of the Jewish people and not understand their motives and methods? Are all the historians and people who have explained those methods and motives truly wrong, stupid, malignant or…anti-Semites? Of course not. The truth is plain to see.
Do the Jews believe that men like Henry Ford who could create from scratch huge industrial organizations actually be blind to what was going on before their eyes? I hope not. Do they believe that they didn’t give Henry Ford reasons to expose their machinations? I don’t think so. I think that they think they are magicians and hypnotists who can make you see what isn’t there and deny what is.
Let us search the historical memory of recent times, that is post-French Revolution, to see if we can show what Henry Ford and his times saw. In 1843 the small Jewish community in the US founded the Order Of The B’nai B’rith. The order went international. In 1895 Sigmund Freud joined the Vienna lodge to which he belonged for the remainder of his life. The B’nai B’rith was international. Psycho-analysis was international.
In 1860 in France the Alliance Israelite Universelle, an international organization, was founded to guard and promote Jewish interests around the world, that included Czarist Russia. In 1895 when world wide prospects could be better controlled from the United State the AIU was moved to New York City under the guidance of Jacob Schiff. Schiff immediately produced results by using the 200 million dollars in the cash assets of the Equitable Assurance Co. to finance the Japanese in their war against Czarist Russia. At the same time Jewish bankers refused to make loans to Russia. This is coordinated international activity.
The Jews had been warring with Russia for nearly a hundred years. From their base in NYC they caused the US to sever diplomatic relations with Russia in 1910.
In 1906 the Alliance Israelite Universelle was transformed into the American Jewish Committee the governing agency of the Jewish world government with Schiff as President and Louis Marshall as Secretary of State. In 1913 when the socialist Woodrow Wilson became president Jews flooded into DC while B’nai B’rith founded its terrorist enforcement agency the Anti-Defamation League. Functioning in a para-military manner the League began terrorizing anyone they deemed anti-Semites, the first step in shutting down freedom of speech. The ground work for the legalization of the concept of ‘hate’ speech was laid.
 In 1917 Jews established the NAACP to further destabilize Aryan society.
Now, sometime after the collapse of Sabbatai Zevi as the latest Jewish messiah in the seventeenth century the Rabbis decided that there was to be no future for individual messiahs but that the whole Jewish people would act as their own messiah to bring about the millennium. The tabs set for the Jewish Revolution were 1913 to 1928 hence the furious Jewish activity during those years.
This was the situation that Ford saw. In 1914 came the Great War, WWI, the most destructive war on European manhood that could possibly be imagined. There were many who believe the war was engineered by the Jews.
Henry Ford, a farm boy from humble origins had spent his life trying to invent an automobile. In 1908 he succeeded, creating his Model T, a functional inexpensive car available to the multitudes not only the wealthy. By 1914 he become perhaps the richest man in the US. He was in a position to make his mark on the world. He did believe he had found a universal principle to bring on the millennium.
There is always a certain exhilaration to success. It always goes to your head to some extent no matter how hard you try to keep your balance. Convinced that he had found a universal rule to money making, that of lowering prices to increase volume, Ford shared his success with his work force by doubling their wages in 1914. This deed brought him unmeasured renown. It also aroused the envy of the Jews who thought the role of messiah was theirs.
When the Great War began, then, it was widely assumed that the US would be forced in. At that point preparedness became an issue. To prepare the country for the inevitable entry by arming. A large segment of the population led by the fatuous Teddy Roosevelt wanted to arm in preparation while many others led by Woodrow Wilson procrastinated. Still others thought the war could negotiated to a halt, heeding the rule of reason so to speak. Ford was a peacenik. Inflamed by his notoriety and confidence in his abilities to perform wonders he ran full page advertisements in NYC papers and elsewhere proclaiming his beliefs.
A Jewish woman by the name of Rosika Schwimmer showed up on his doorstep to induce him to travel to Europe to negotiate an end to the war. Ford stepped into the trap. This was his first contact with ‘international’ Jews. Ford chartered a ship, he had the ways and means as well as intent, and invited many notables to take a free ride to Europe to talk things over with the various combatants.
While the idea wasn’t as preposterous in the context of the times as it sounds now, the more solid citizens declined the offer while the cranks and crazies and certain Jews signed on. Chief among the Jews were Rosa Schwimmer and a key member of the American Jewish Committee the propagandist Herman Bernstein. Bernstein wrote several tracts for the American Jewish Committee. Needless to say Ford’s Peace trip was botched shortly after taking to sea so that upon docking in Norway Ford returned home.
Ford’s side of the story was that a couple days out Miss Schwimmer and AJC agent Herman Bernstein took Ford aside explaining the facts of the matter to him. As they explained it the Jews were in control of the situation through international linkages and that Ford was wasting his time as Jews were the only people who could stop the war. Schwimmer and Bernstein of course denied Ford’s account. That leaves one with the choice of believing Ford or the Jews. I have more confidence in Ford and choose his statements. The Jews as usual deny everything.
In point of fact, as the Czar was considered by the Jews as their great enemy, so long as Russia was one of the allies the Jews supported Germany as the enemy of their enemy rejecting any aid to the Allies. The Jews were considered a powerful people whose assistance was courted by the Allies. It was thus they extorted the Balfour Declaration from England.
With the February Revolution in Russia by the Mensheviks and the removal of the Czar who with his entire family was later murdered by the Jews they could turn their attention to destroying Germany replacing the Kaiser with their own as was actually done for a short time in Bavaria. With the Czar dethroned, on April 2, 1917 Woodrow Wilson went before Congress to seek a declaration of war against Germany thus making the US the decisive factor in the defeat of the Kaiser. First the Czar then the Kaiser.
Lenin already en route to St. Petersburg’s Finland Station arrived there on the next day April 3rd, 1917. In October Lenin’s Bolshevik Party displaced the Mensheviks in the October Revolution quickly murdering the Czar and family. Immediately after the Bolshevik Revolution Jacob Shiff representing the American Jewish Committee forwarded very large loans to help finance the Bolshevik Revo. This did not go unnoticed as President Wilson commanded him to come to the White House to explain his actions. Masters of Bullshit as always Schiff was able to placate Wilson.
None of this was secret at the time, anyone who cared could know about it. One has to believe that after being shamed and ridiculed by Jews as he saw it in the Peace Ship episode one may be sure Ford was an attentive bystander. The Jews as always denied everything.
Ford’s next encounter with the Jews came over the War Industries Board directives. The Detroiters had significant differences with Wilson’s clearly socialist program. The WIB under the direction of the Jew Bernard Baruch tried to subordinate the nation’s manufacturers to the government, actually nationalized the railroads, in what amounted to quasi-nationalization for industry.
So by the beginning of 1918 Ford had had two very unpleasant encounters with the Jews. If he hadn’t been suspicious of them before he was by then and especially so after January 1919 when he received a copy of the Jewish Bill Of Rights from the AJC, that is Jacob Schiff and Louis Marshall demanding his compliance to their special ‘rights.’
At the same time Ford was being sued by his investors for dividends instead he bought them out. For the first time in life he was forced to apply to the bankers for a loan, this one into the tens of millions. The bankers too were Jews and they pressed him for immediate repayment. Unable to meet their demands from cash reserves Ford went through a crash reorganization to convert non-essential assets into cash at which he succeeded thus retaining ownership of Ford Motors. Another two unpleasant encounters.
In 1920 ,then, having acquired the Dearborn Independent newspaper that Ford took international he began publishing a series of articles exposing Jewish methods and motives. None dare call it self-defense. Among the essays were three dealing with the AJC’s Jewish Bill Of Rights. Abe Foxman of the ADL characterizes the Ford Essays this way:
The International Jew also attacked the Jews for speaking out about injustice and defending their constitutional rights. “Jewish rights seemed to be summed up in the right to banish everything from their sight and hearing that suggests Christianity and its Founder,” it commented. In fact these so-called “attacks on Christianity” were reasonable Jewish objections to governmental expressions of Christianity which clearly violated the separation between church and state enshrined in the Constitution.
As the above quote indicates Foxman is intellectually dishonest. He intentionally confuses the so-called Jewish Bill Of Rights to which Ford was objecting with the US Bill of Rights associated with the Constitution. He knows that Ford is referring to the Jewish Bill Of Rights when Cameron writes “Jewish rights seem to be summed up in the right to banish everything from their sight and hearing that suggest Christianity or its Founder.”
The Constitution is available for all to read and ponder but the Jewish Bill of Rights has sagely been withdrawn and is nowhere to be found. Abe, almost facetiously, recognizes this knowing that but few have ever heard of the Jewish Bill Of Rights while none of us have actually been able to read it. He maliciously then accuses Ford of wishing to deny Jews constitutional rights as American citizens. An outright lie if there ever was one.
Further, Ford was telling the truth as anyone observing Jewish efforts to ban Christmas and even Halloween in schools and public places today can attest.
Abe then tries to justify specious claims by saying “these so-called “ attacks on Christianity were reasonable Jewish objections to governmental expressions of Christianity which clearly violated the separation between church and state enshrined in the constitution.
None of it! They were expressions of the people without any reference to governmental intervention. They were the vox populi. Enshrined in the Constitution! Give us a break.
Christmas in schools and public places is not clearly a governmental expression of Christianity; however what Abe probably really objects to is that it is an expression of an Aryan solstice custom with a very pagan Santa Claus as a symbol.
Lest Abe accuse me a defender of Christianity or any Semitic religion we all should know that whole Bible-Talmudic trash is total Arien Age bullshit. We’d all be better off without it. That would settle the church/synagogue-government Constitutional conflict wouldn’t it? Let’s work it out together Abe. Finish Henry’s work.
Now, the people who didn’t send the AJC questionnaire back or did so with adverse comments were placed on a Jewish blacklist just as I have been today. Some of my essays are republished by the ADL on their site as examples of anti-Semitism. Who says so Abe? You? That’s defamation of my good name, Abe.
So, as Ford had been black listed in 1919 as an anti-Semite it follows that his retort to the tort was to begin publishing articles exposing Jewish machinations. Tit for tat. Turnabout is fair play.
Still Ford was portrayed as the aggressor. A lunatic anti-Semite with a ‘hole’ in his heart against angelic defenseless Jews.
As important and central as the Jews were was there anything else happening in America that might have attracted Ford’s attention? Well, a few things and they found their way into the vast majority of the Independent’s pages. Coming out of the war the America of the New Era was in upheaval. There was a seeming sharp break between 1914 and 1920. Newspapers were becoming more sensational by the day. Bernarr Macfadden was out there. Watch out! As has been said ‘when the music changes the walls of the city shake. And music was changing very rapidly. Not only changed but become ubiquitous with the success of radio and the phonograph record. Jazz, Hillbilly, Blues anything even classical music could be heard with the turn of a knob or crank. And the dances! Gone were the stately dances of Henry’s youth replaced by the Grizzly Bear, Bunny Hop, the Charleston and Black Bottom. Nothing compared to today’s twerking, lap dancing and other direct terpsichorean imitations of coitus. Henry saw it coming being the prescient sort he was. He was on the money.
Bobbed hair, skirts up to here but not quite there, Jesus! And lawlessness fueled by prohibition! Not quite the lawlessness of today but I doubt if anyone could have seen that coming short of Billy the Kid and the Daltons. Ford was aghast at all the social expressions of the twenties longing for a return to the good old days just before the introduction of his Model T.
The Jews only saw a little bit of what Ford was saying and their reaction was immediate. The ‘defenseless’ Jews struck back led by Louis Marshall. Marshall ridiculed Ford for stating that the movies were Jewish controlled. Such audacity on the part of Marshall. The leading film maker at the time William Fox turned his cameras on Fords and gave Henry hell. I find it incredible that Fox had, I read this and can’t believe it’s true, fifty percent of the market in the early twenties including for a time an exclusive on newreels with his MovieTone News.
Fox refused to use the Model T in any of his obviously numerous movies while Movie Tone News shot every accident a Ford car was in that they could find. Oh, defenseless?, I should say so.
As an interesting aside, in the late twenties when the NYC money men were consolidating the movie industry Fox saw no need to be consolidated thus placing himself in the way of progress. The money men destroyed him combining the rump of Fox Pictures with Twentieth Century to form Twentieth Century-Fox with no Fox in sight. As the waters closed above him Fox had the chutzpah to ask Ford to rescue him.
It’s interesting that today’s Fox network dropped the Twentieth Century and resuscitated William Fox’s name.
The Jews then were searching anxiously for a legal excuse to bring Ford down. This was provided in 1924 when Aaron Sapiro brought his lawsuit against Ford on very specious, one might say, nonexistent grounds.
Abe the Fox in his disingenuous way says that the International Jew did not portray Jews as individuals, but as a single minded, calculating cabal. Apparently Abe isn’t aware that the millennium with the whole Jewish people as the messiah was being fought out at the time. Abe is not correct as the title The International Jew indicates Ford was referring only to that cabal of Jews such as the AJC’s Jacob Schiff and Louis Marshall who were in fact functioning as part of an international government looking after the interests of Jews throughout the world. Some few years after Ford’s forged apology the Jewish World Congress was formed adding it to the organizations who were shepherding the worldwide Jewish flock.
Ford rather fatuously divided the Jewish people into one group of regular people and the other group of international Jews while the regulars had no idea what the IJs were doing in the Jewish name. In fact this division could have been demonstrated although all Jews went through the same education, indoctrination and conditioning so that there did exist a collective hive mind that could be relied on. Thus when Aaron Sapiro filed his suit it became clear that the issue was not the issue of his being somehow maligned but the whole Jewish people had been also hence the need for ‘hate’ speech legislation.
One sometimes feels embarrassed by Abe Foxman’s circumlocutions. Nothing is clearer than that Ford’s international Jews became involved in the litigation. Louis Marshall himself forged Ford’s so-called apology and for what anybody knows signed it himself. But, on to the litigation.

The account of Victoria Saker Woeste appears in the journal of the American Bar Foundation. The ABF defines itself as the nation’s leading research institute for the empirical study of law. Located in Chicago it says that it is an organization dedicated to advancing justice through rigorous research on the law, legal processes, and the laws impact on society.
Nevertheless Miss Woeste begins with the sentence: This project examines a well known event in the life of Henry Ford- a 1927 federal libel lawsuit against him and his anti-Semitic newspaper- from the perspective of the people who sought to stop him.
So at the outset Miss Woeste admits her account is biased. So much for the empiricism of the ABF and its concern for justice.
While Miss Woeste limits her investigation to the perspective of her fellow Jews I think I can be a little more inclusive.
First, let’s put Henry Ford into perspective. Ford was not a man of the present or the future, he was a man of the past. His formative period ended with the perfection of the Model T. To him the auto was a continuation of the buggy. The first Fords were essentially self-propelled buckboards. The Model T was meant for people to enjoy the world as it was, not as the Model T would change it.
When ‘progress’ presented the world with the New Era- the twenties- Ford rejected it completely, he didn’t like anything about it. He tried to re-establish the past, now containing his Model T. It should be noted in this context that the Model T did not substantially change from 1908 to 1926.
The results of unrestricted immigration apparently caught both him and the nation by surprise but he manfully tried to reconstruct his world in the pre-war image as did the nation through restriction of immigration.
The course of business propelled him then into a future as unrecognizable to him as the New Era. While Ford’s was not the first billion dollar company it was the first created by one man; and in the incredible short time of a mere decade.
The heading of his newspaper describes it as The International Dearborn Independent. Ford himself had established his company as a huge international corporation represented in nearly every country on earth. Like the British Empire Ford could say that the sun never set on his dealerships.
His was a totally vertically integrated company. He owned mines for metals, forests and shipping companies. His freighters could be seen out on Lake Huron bearing a huge F-O-R-D amidships. As one exercise in efficiency his company once manufactured a completed auto from his own iron ore and own blast furnaces to the roll out of the black painted Tin Lizzie in twenty-four hours. A mind boggling achievement.
This is an aside: Ford has been criticized for saying when asked why he offered no other colors than black, ‘they can have any color they want so long as its black.’ Through the decades this has been considered a most arrogant statement. However, today the only colors offered as standard by most auto companies are black or white. You have to pay extra for any other color. Henry should have thought of that one. But today you can have any color you want so long as it’s black or white unless you want to fork over another thousand dollars.
When glass companies couldn’t turn out the quantities of glass he needed Ford’s technicians took over a glass company, devised a method to mass produce glass and showed the glass makers how to do it. And the list goes on and on. This was one amazing man.
Unfortunately as a man of the past he failed to keep up with or incorporate new advances into his Model T. Or possibly he couldn’t add them and keep his price the lowest in the industry. He never thought of add-ons I guess. GM’s Chevy turned out a better cheap car than Ford although the price was higher, people began to approve of the improvements edging the Chevy closer to top sales. By 1925 it became clear to Ford that he had to bring the Ford into a new present. He couldn’t become a me too Chevy and just add its improvements; he had to leap frog over the Chevy.
In 1927 then he closed Ford’s doors for eight months to redesign his car.  When to car was introduced in December of that year it was the most sensational auto introduction of all time.
The libel trial was artfully brought to court in 1927 as an harassed Ford was struggling to get his new car designed and produced.  He had always stretched himself too thin but the problems of the new car and the libel trial was too much for him to bear. Thus, it was either the new Model A or the trial. As unpleasant as it may have been Ford opted for the Model A and abandoned the trial.
Aaron Sapiro then began the suit in 1924 after the series of twenty articles in the Independent exposing his machinations appeared.
Were the articles slanderous? No more so than any expose and the Jews were famous for writing exposes with the intent to destroy the objects of their books and articles. In point of fact it appears that Sapiro and his associates were trying for a corner in commodities of all sorts both in the US and Canada, that is internationally. Had they succeeded would they not have connected new world commodity markets with old world commodity markets also in the control of Jews? It would have been foolish if they had not, wouldn’t it? Would Aryans attempting the same thing have denied it?
I can’t believe Sapiro’s activities weren’t apparent to the interested observer. Nor can there be any doubt that if he had succeeded in organizing the producers who would remain producers and not become administrators while Sapiro and his associates would administer the ‘co-op.’ So who was going to make the money whether crops were good or bad?
I was once a member of the UAW, the United Auto Workers. In other words Walter Reuther and his UAW organized the commodity of unskilled labor in auto manufacturing. Reuther and his union goons then had to be paid for their efforts. They set their own wages and benefits to manage our commodity of labor.
We of the commodity then paid them dues withdrawn from our wages by our employer- Fisher Body of GM in this instance, which paid them to the union because we the commodity couldn’t be trusted individually to voluntarily pay up. They were wise in this.
Now, it only cost the union X dollars to manage our affairs. But Reuther and his goons charged X times 4 more or less leaving them with a huge excess. This made no sense to we of the commodity. Adding insult to injury Reuther and his goons used this excess for their own purposes. They made political contributions and donations according to their own prejudices that I couldn’t approve of. Reuther himself built a lodge for himself and union execs at a very exclusive lake that we the commodity paid for but would never be allowed to use and bought a plane to fly himself in and out.
So obviously Reuther exploited his commodity and its producers for his own benefit and that of his cronies.
Alright. What would have been the result of Sapiro and his associates efforts? According to Miss Woeste and her Henry Ford’s War On The Jews before the war Sapiro reported an annual income of 80,000 dollars not counting expenses. To put that into perspective in today’s dollars that might be as much eight million dollars depending on your multiplier.
The farmers knew they were getting bilked and began to turn away from him. According to Miss Woeste by the time Sapiro sued Ford he had already peaked being distrusted within the farm community. In essence his career was over. Perhaps that is why he filed a million dollar suit against Ford. Remember in today’s dollar the would be twenty or thirty million.
He appears to have had a weak position so that is why he shifted the issue to anti-Semitism. But what does Sapiro say of his motives? Miss Woeste quotes him, p.143.

 As an individual I was immaterial: but I was there as a representative, first, of the cooperative marketing movement, and second, as a representative of the Jews [the whole Jewish people] who were trying in their own ways to bring social light to disorganized industry in America.
 So he says the suit wasn’t about his own insignificant self. No, no. Pure altruism. He had two grander objectives that he says he represented, that of the cooperative movement that had been existing pretty well without him and the dissimilar objective of the Jews. He characterized the Jews as trying to impose their vision of industrial organization on the hopeless mess created by the Aryans.
This last objective was not dissimilar to what Ford was claiming he was doing qua the Jews. We know what reward Sapiro had already received in wages and what he was claiming from Ford but what was the reward he thought the Jews expected for setting America aright? A million dollars? Get serious! Leadership? Preeminence? The reins of government? Well, wasn’t that what Ford was claiming?
Compare Sapiro’s vision to that of Irving Berlin who wrote God Bless America at about this same time: ‘Stand beside her and guide her’ [America]. Berlin was addressing the Jews in his song, telling him what they should do. So, once again, we have an incompetent disorganized America needing the help of the omniscient Jews to bring social light and guidance. This was exactly Ford’s claim or part of it.
In his quest for personal profit from the accusation of anti-Semitism, and anti-Semitism is in the eye of the beholder, that Sapiro was asking for he was opposed by no less than the Pres. Of the American Jewish Committee Louis Marshall who scented the beginnings of a race racket by exploiting Jewishness that he feared would backfire on them. At that point then Marshall did not want Sapiro to win the suit. It was in his interest to see a mistrial to prevent Ford from winning on one hand and from Sapiro’s profiting on the other.
A mistrial was called because of jury tampering although it is not clear who tampered with the jury.
Thus when Ford was in the trammels of trying to invent the V8 and the Model A his attention would have been diverted if not consumed by a new trial. At this point Marshall brushed Sapiro aside stepping in to free Ford for more important work demanding an apology to the Jews as a whole in full compensation. Sapiro more or less went broke with this long and very expensive trial.
In a forgery of no less magnitude than the Protocols Of Zion that ostensibly started the trial Marshall himself drew up every obsequious confession of anti-Semitism or, in other words, ‘hate’ speech that according to Miss Woeste was the true purpose of the trial laying the foundation for the Jewish ‘hate’ laws enacted in our day.
Marshall’s forging of the apology was not enough, still not content with only an apology the Jews continued their war on Henry Ford waging a campaign of defamation that has not ceased with Ford’s death in 1948 as Miss Woeste’s book attests. An endless stream of defamatory books condemning Ford has been emitted from that day to this. In her book Miss Woeste might better have said the Jews war on Ford or at the very best with.
As Miss Woeste says, hers is the first book that examines the Sapiro suit in detail making her effort valuable from that point of view. Unfortunately the book is so polemical that it can’t really qualify as a history. Indeed, one is amazed that a university press of Stanford’s stature would even issue it without heavy editing and guidance. They should have stood beside Miss Woeste and pointed toward the true academic path.
Still, I do find uses for the volume.


1 comment:

  1. As Detroit the city Ford built is now pretty much one with Nineveh and Tyre his enemies have certainly had their revenge many times over.
