Thursday, January 30, 2014

Barry's Blather: Jobs For Every American

Barry’s Blather:

Jobs For Every American

State Of The Union Speech 2014


R.E. Prindle

The idea’s I’ve outlined so far

Can speed up growth and create more jobs.

But in this rapidly changing economy

We have to make sure

That every American

Has the skill to fill those jobs.

Here Barry shifts into blather deluxe mode. What do these two well sounding sentences mean?

Underlying them is the notion that the economy has been nationalized. The needs of industry are not going to dictate ‘speeded up growth’ and ‘creating more jobs’ but that process is going to be dictated by Barry from Washington DC through such government agencies as The American Job Centers, a new one on me, ‘places where folks can walk in to get help or training they need to find a new job’ or, get this, ‘better job.’

Barry’s floating around in the ozone in total cognitive disconnect.

This sentence means that any prospective employee is dependent on a socialist politicized government for a favor which undoubtedly would have to be repaid, I mean, everybody must give something for something they get, right? if by nothing else than loyalty to his governmental benefactor. In other words it’s back to the nineteenth century views of Karl Marx.

Who can walk right in and be handed a job? Every American. Sounds good doesn’t it? But, who is an American? Barry has already said that to improve the economy, grow it, he’s going to import millions of immigrants in addition to those already illegally here who have ‘earned’ the right to be American citizens. In Barry’s lexicon these are ‘new Americans.’

So, where are these additional Americans to come from out of the potential eight billion Americans out there?

Largely from the jungles and deserts of Africa. These are people who don’t speak English while they are totally ignorant of the requirements of a high technology civilization. Boy, are they going to need training, and support while they’re getting it. Barry and his boy Holder have already demonstrated that they are giving precedence to ‘their people’ so there is no reason to suppose they will not give precedence to these ‘new Americans’ from Africa over ‘old Americans.’

So while Barry says ‘every American’ can just walk in it is obvious that certain ‘Americans’ are going to be more equal than others for these jobs Barry is going to create. They don’t exist yet. Barry will have us believe that he is going to ‘create’ these jobs out of whole cloth or thin air. Unfortunately he hasn’t found the pattern yet having lost many more jobs than this maestro has created in his first five years.

Does anyone, can anyone, have any confidence, even a smidgen, in the blather of this pseudo-religious, utopianist, Communist blowhard.


Martin Luther King did nothing for all Americans and neither has the Blather Master General. Nor will he. Put him on a boat back to Kenya.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Barry's Blather: Barry Defines The Engine Of Economic Growth

Barry’s Blather

State Of The Union 2014

Barry Defines The Engine

Of Economic Growth


R.E. Prindle

I Get It.

Finally, if we are serious about economic growth, it is time to heed the call of business leaders, labor leaders, faith leaders, and law enforcement and fix our broken immigration system.

Republicans and Democrats in the Senate have acted. I know that both parties in the House want to do the same. Independent economists say immigration reform will grow our economy and shrink our deficits by almost one trillion dollars in the next two decades.

And for good reason: when people come here to fulfill their dreams, to study, invest, and contribute to our culture they make our country a more attractive place for business to locate and create jobs for everyone. So let’s get immigration reform done this year.

What Barry promises above is that we will have over trillion dollar debt creation a year for the next twenty years. That is something to look forward to.

I think that Barry doesn’t really listen to himself. What he says here is that adding millions upon millions of new immigrants every year is a key to economic growth. In other words more people equals more money and more jobs. It’s not clear how this equates but not only Barry but independent economists, independent ones, business leaders, labor leaders, law enforcement and faith leaders say so too. That’s almost unanimous. It’s good Barry included faith leaders, whoever they may be and however qualified to have an opinion, because immigration as an economic growth engine requires a lot of faith.

Not only are these immigrants just folks but from wherever they come they are the most industrious, most studious, most inventive, most cultured just plain wonderful folk that it is hard to imagine why they would want to leave the paradises they have created back home. Oh, yes. They couldn’t realize their dreams back in those utopias but being dreamy types they see the US as apparently just one big dream. A dream is another word for a mirage.

While really stupid conservative types without dreams, you know, domestic terrorists, the kind Barry’s buddies Cuomo and De Blasio say aren’t welcome in the Liberal paradise of NY city and State can’t understand Barry’s reasoning don’t count. Immigrants count.

However, stupid as we may be, we are serious about economic growth and in our extreme stupidity we believe economic growth comes from industry and creating jobs not importing more tens of millions of people when unemployed people are already at an all time high and growing.

I guess we poor stupes have got it backwards. Read our lips Barry, bring our economy back from China and wherever it is outsourced and leave all those potential immigrants to work wonders in their own homelands.

Signing off Barry. Get some new advisors, there is work that we Americans will do.

PS: Why is it you think things are broken, schools, immigration whatever. Is it possible that your mind is broken and things just need proper administration? Just sayin’, Barry, just sayin’.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Cuomo And De Blasio Show A Little More Ankle

Cuomo And De Blasio Show A Little More Ankle


R.E. Prindle

The Cuomo-De Blasio combine in NY has moved the revolution up a notch.

The two have stated that it is their way or the highway if you are not a Liberal in NY, both city and State. In essence they have declared non-Liberals persona non grata in both the city and State.

In religious terms this means Conservatives have been declared heretics having no rights. Get out while you can and take your whole extended family with you. Ellis Island is closed. Get it?

The revolutionary trajectory has thus been clarified. Race will be the next big issue to be addressed. The previous president of France, Nick Sarkozy, announced at one time that a law was needed to force White women to consort with Negroes. This appears to be a desideratum of Cuomo-De Blasio Liberal faction. De Blasio has already met the condition. It is the Liberal way of solving the ‘race problem.’

This solution which meshes with that of the San Domingo Moment in which the Haitian Negroes slaughtered the White men while compelling the White women on pain of death to not comply with being their sex slaves.

I think we may expect the same sort of legislation in the two New Yorks requiring White women to fuck Negroes. At the very least a law may be passed making it impossible to convict a Negro of raping a White woman. That is Black on White rape would be declared legal. Or perhaps the Liberal combine will try to be more subtle.

At any rate some sort of plan was obviously concocted by the Combine and is now being announced.

As NYC has a population 25% Jewish while only 33% White, White obviously in NYC in synonymous with Jewish. As the Jewish policy on Negro relationships with Jews in Israel is completely opposite to the race mixing policy of Jews in the US it will be interesting to see how things evolve. Will the Jews be able to establish a difference between themselves and ‘Whites?’

Obviously Cuomo and De Blasio are enemies of we the people. Know what I’m saying?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Part I, Take 2: The Sixties And The Negro Revolution

Sixties And The Negro Revolution


R.E. Prindle

Men in positions of great power have been forced to realize that their aspirations and responsibilities have exceed the horizons of their own experience, knowledge and capability. Yet, because they are in charge of this high-technology society, they are compelled to do something.

--Fletcher Prouty: JFK, The CIA and Vietnam

Society chooses not to see the most obvious things. Living back in the fifties any idea of a Negro revolt or race war was carefully hidden even if any White person even suspected what was going on in the Negro mind. Writing here in 2014 many things about the Negro revolt that were unrecognized or supposedly debatable have become clear. In my account then I will relate to the past, the present of the Sixties and the future being realized today.

The Negroes have always claimed that racism is endemic to White Americans. This attitude misses that the point of the actual differences between Homo Sapiens and Homo Africanus species. If the species were undifferentiated then ‘racism’ could be claimed but where the two different species have obvious different capabilities then the problem is shifted to another plane.

We are told that the African was the first edition, Homo 1.0, of Homo Sapiens which implies that the Last Homonid Predecessor to the Negro was sub-human. Unfortunately the record of all the immediate predecessors to Homo Africanus have disappeared from the Earth without a trace. We have a multi-million year gap between ancient homonids and Africanus, so we really don’t know when the supposedly sub-human and the human begins. We are told that only 2% of our genes differentiate ourselves from the Chimps which is all very well and good but what was the genetic difference between the LHP and Africanus? A gene or two? And if a gene or two can make a difference between sub-human and human who is to say that Africanus is not the LHP?

But I digress a little but meaningfully. From the Negro point of view then endemic ‘racism’ is true and if not, it should be. As White mental capabilities are of a higher order than that of the Negro the disparate impact of White Supremacy is unavoidable. There is a biological difference in mental capabilities that cannot be eliminated. What differentiated the LHP and Africanus cannot possibly be any more than that. If both were stood side by side one must assume that there would have been no noticeable difference. Perhaps skin tone.

The fact was made even more apparent during the Sixties when violent and criminal programs were enacted by Liberal Whites for the benefit of Africanus or in another word, the Negro. These programs were expanded over the subsequent decades until the Negro ideal of the first being last and the last being first is being realized through the manipulation of political and legal mechanisms today. Thus the least capable is subordinating the most capable.

This program was being effected by the efforts of such people as the president of the Ford Foundation in 1966, McGeorge Bundy. He, the former military advisor of Kennedy and Johnson, knew nothing of military matters, and knew even less of the Negro having known none and quite possibly never having spoken to one determined to ‘lift’ the Negro to White standards. The concept of disparate impact had not yet been invented. One can quite easily see that Liberals considered the Negro inferior else how could they be ‘lifted’ to White standards. That’s the inherent ‘racism’ Negroes complain of.

McGeorge Bundy neither knew nor made any attempt to understand the Negro psychology which he presumed was exactly like White psychology but less so. It was readily admitted and unchallenged that Negroes had an inferior education and hence less well prepared than Whites for the challenges of modern society. The reason was advanced that Negroes were behind because the amount of money spent on their schooling was less than that spent on Whites. Never mind that the money spent on education for anybody in the nineteenth century was infinitesimal whether White or Negro yet the nineteenth century still made incredible scientific advances.

It was decided that the more spent the sooner the gap would be closed but in an absent minded way the gap was always admitted and denied by no one. In that context of White Supremacy the Sixties began with Kennedy’s creation of the pet Liberal idea of the Peace Corps in which White youths recently graduated from college with no worldly experience were sent to ‘underdeveloped’ peoples to lift them up and bring them into the White way of doing things. There seemed to be no attempt to understand how the Uplift Gospel was perceived by the poor colored peoples of the world.

In this way the Negroes were seen as a sort of domestic Peace Corps project in which Whites would teach the Negro to do things the White way. In the eyes of the Negro this was White Supremacy run amuck, an attempt to strip them of their Negritude, which it was. At the same time they could not compete on an equal basis so that the attempted entitlements granted Negroes to remedy the situation enraged the Whites.

Yes, both sides admitted the inability of the Negro to compete in a White technological world where standards were set to ensure the highest standard of public benefit. Negroes rejected he meritocracy in favor of a Negro spoils system. Thus to ensure Negro placement not only were Negroes given an IQ handicap of 20 points or so but standards were lowered to ensure inclusion thus decreasing public benefit for all. The downward spiral had begun.

The downward spiral was much forwarded by the Civil Rights Movement of the post-Brown decision in the fifties and sixties. While the movement was largely the work of New York Jews there was little dissent among Whites who considered the Movement as just as WWII. I never met anyone who, publicly, at least, disagreed with it. For myself I viewed it with much foreboding as I had Brown vs. The Board Of Education. There was too much ill will in Negro grievances for the issue to be settled amicably as events in these years surrounding 2014 are showing.


While Negroes speak of the legacy of slavery, slavery is not the real issue. Negroes were always slaves, slavery was the norm in Africa. One of the first White explorers to penetrate West Africa the incredibly naïve Mungo Park, speaking of eighteenth century West Africa of the Bulge noted that seventy-five percent of the sub-Saharan Africans were slaves to other Africans and were disposable as their owners wished.

Nor were modern contacts with Whites the first that had been made with Africans. Roman roads led through the Sahara from the Med coast into the southern jungles. Even earlier the Carthaginians made long voyages of discovery down the coast of Africa even circumnavigating the continent. These were voyages that took years to make. It was the ancient custom when stores ran low to stop to sow and reap crops so as to continue while water replacement was probably necessary every few days. In addition there were numerous shipwrecks.

Several tribes on the coast of the Bulge have legends of White lawgivers arriving who gave them the rudiments of social and political organization. Apparently previous to these White visitors the Negroes were merely savages huddling around fires.

Thus to some extent the Africans had been semi-civilized learning many Mediterranean legends and religious ideas which accounts for the remarkable similarity between Med and African legends while such legends may have formed the basis of the Yoruba people of Nigeria’s religion that forms the basis of the New World Negro religions going by the name of Voo Doo, Santeria etc.. Whites must have always played a major role in the development of Africans.

When the Semitic people began enslaving Africans isn’t clear but with the coming of Moslemism in the seventh century AD and their sweep across North Africa and the Sahara brought them into contact with the West African tribes. The Moslems, or Arabs, then began a slave trade leading from the jungles and Sahel across the Sahara that existed for a thousand years. Not being particularly tender the slavers either couldn’t tend to their cargo because of the extreme desert conditions or they didn’t care so that the track was littered with a thousand years of bleaching bones.

In the East very early the Arabs worked their way down the coast until they established their southern post on Kilwa Island at the southern end of what is now Tanzania. In whatever manner the East African Arabs turned black so that being an Arab became a cultural matter rather than a racial one. The Arabs then nearly depopulated the Sudan by their centuries long raids. They generally took the women and children leaving the men behind.

It was in this area that the African as opposed to Arab tribes took to extending female lips by inserting plates and elongating necks with copper rings in the hope of making their women ugly enough to dissuade the slavers from taking them.

Further South having depopulated the coasts the Arabs moved into the interior across then Tanganyika, now Tanzania, then into the Congo basin where they met the incoming Europeans from the West.

The explorers described the long trains of captured Africans linked by neck yokes making the long thousand mile trek from the Congo to the coast opposite the slave entrepot of the fable island of Zanzibar.

For those who survived the trek there awaited the sweltering ‘tween decks voyage across the Indian ocean on small Arab dhows to be sold in Arabia, the Middle East, Iran and for many India.

The slave trade of Europeans began as a workforce for Brazil and the Caribbean islands including Haiti. Those not sold in the Caribbean were carried to the US North and South. The Negroes who went West were the favored ones occupying the virtual paradise of the Antilles or the fabulous fleshpots of the then British American colonies soon to be the US. No better thing ever happened to Negroes.

Nor is it to be supposed that slavery was confined to the South or limited to Negroes. Not long after New World slavery began Oliver Cromwell invaded Ireland where he rounded up tens of thousands of male and female Irishers selling them into slavery in the Antilles where they labored in the fields cheek by jowl with the Negroes. There are apparently settlements of these ex-Irish slaves in the islands today.

Negro slavery existed in all the colonies North and South in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as well as into the nineteenth century. The repeal of slavery began in the Rhode Island colony in 1652, Massachusetts and New Hamphire in 1783, Connecticut in 1784, Pennsylvania in 1847 and New York in 1848.

In 1808 the Federal government made it illegal to import slaves. Canada outlawed slavery only in 1819.

Indentured servants who we were taught were kitchen help or like service were in very many instances actual slaves. Originally used in the fields they died in large numbers from exposure. Negroes used to torrid temperatures while walking around naked were brought in to replace them but both races worked the fields cheek by jowl where much miscegenation undoubtedly took place.

The date of the passage of laws banning slavery does not mean slavery in those places ended on that date as clauses extended existing bondage for several years. It is more than likely that some slaves existed in all or most states in 1863 the date of the Emancipation proclamation. That proclamation did not outlaw slavery per se merely emancipating the slaves in the seceded States.

The key event in US slavery took place in the French colony of Haiti culminating in the massacre or enslavement of the Whites in 1804.

The Haitian slaves had originally revolted in 1791. A cadre of revolutionaries had arisen in France sometime in the 1780s who made it a point to agitate the Antillean slaves including Haiti. The Haitian revolution was successful as the Jacobins in France outlawed slavery in the French empire in 1794. The agitators then turned their eyes toward the slavery in the new United States of 1793.

The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 if not directed at these Jacobin agitators were used against them. The Acts expired in 1801 during Jefferson’s term so agitators were then able to function freely. Thus the Abolitionist movement began in the North especially among the East Anglian descendants of New England.

In this air of anti-slavery agitation the seven year old republic was alarmed at the news of the San Domingo Moment of 1804 in Haiti when the Negroes rose up and slaughtered the White men of the island. The White women were given the choice of death or becoming sex slaves to the Haitian men. Most chose life under this condition. Those who didn’t were gang raped and tortured to death. The horrors true and imagined caused a frisson of fear to run up the backs of Americans North and South. As noted slavery was still legal is many Northern States at the time.

While the Jacobins had outlawed slavery in 1794 Napoleon reinstated it in 1802. In the resultant reaction the Negro revolutionary Toussaint L’Ouverture led the slaves to victory over large French armies. Toussaint then became as or more famous than his contemporary George Washington. He was celebrated in poems and stories by such worthies as William Wordsworth of England and John Greenleaf Whittier of the United States.

As the noted historian Matthew J. Clavin details in his wonderful history Toussaint Louverture and the American Civil War: The Promise and Peril of a Second Haitian Revolution the Abolitionists kept Toussaint’s reputation alive while exciting the country into what might well have been a revolution forcing the Southern States into secession to protect not only their interests but their lives.

With the success of the first Haitian slave revolt Napoleon may well have thought New Orleans was next so rather lose it all for expense chose to sell the Louisiana territory to the US for some recompense. Either the US was uber confident in its ability to manage the situation or they weren’t yet well informed on the Haitian situation. In any event the choice was between the devil and the deep blue sea. Imagine an alternate history in which Negroes revolted from French rule in New Orleans forming a Negro empire opposed to the US.

It should be remembered that New Orleans was the northern anchor of the French Antillean empire that stretched from there down through Haiti and the islands to South America. In the event then Whites and possibly Negroes with their retinues of slaves fled to New Orleans causing irruptions in what was then the United States. And of course many Whites fled to cities of the East Coast carrying their stories with them north of the Mason-Dixon line.

With the results of Haiti in mind Jacobins or Abolitionists entered the South between then and 1860 to agitate the Negroes to murder the men and possess their women as they had done in Haiti. This was a very serious problem in the South undoubtedly influencing the desire for Secession.

There was small difference between the acts of the Abolitionists and Robespierre’s Jacobins in France. Their attitude was to motivate Liberals from their day to this. If the Abolitionists hadn’t been restrained post-war by leveler Northern heads it is not impossible that they wouldn’t have taken the guillotine to every Southern head. That would have meant the genocide of millions. Believe me those guys were savage and insane, possessed by an irrevocable idee fixe that continues to this day.

The Southerners realizing their peril organized the first Klan waging a guerilla war against Northern carpet baggers and Negroes to assure their own survival. They fought hard while their Northern allies restrained the looneys in Washington. One of their kind, a current professor at UColumbia in NYC named Eric Foner, has labeled the Civil War/Reconstruction as America’s Unfinished Revolution which he is working to complete today.

Thus one can say the hostilities begun in 1860 are continuing into the present. The Southerners succeeding in their counterrevolution established the period of Jim Crow to contain the Abolitionists and Negroes. The net result of both Haitian Revolutions then was the near total suppression of Negroes for a mere seventy-seven years. The Negro counter reaction has been waged now for sixty some years.

Toussaint L’Ouverture then could be seen as the Che Guevara of his time. If T-shirts had been the mode his countenance would have been seen everywhere, at least North of the Mason-Dixon line. As it was, in the mode of the time, Wordsworth and Whittier composed poems in his honor. The Abolitionists roamed the South promoting another San Domingo Moment.

The radical wish was proven in the Reconstruction period after the war. Reconstruction was perhaps the most shameful period in world history, dwarfing the Jewish holocaust of more recent memory. The Abolitionists of the North were absolutely barbaric in their treatment of the Whites and their adoration of Negroes who were but little removed from savagery. There was a small difference between the acts of the Abolitionists and Robespierre’s Jacobins in France.

The genocidal mindset of the Haitian Negroes in 1804 has been carried forward from then until today when Negroes aided by their Jewish allies are calling for the total extermination of one billion Whites. What is the psychology behind that?


I think the answer is contained in the term White Supremacy.

As I have said the Arab slavers in Africa became black so that one had black Arabs enslaving black Africans. The Arabs were thus on the same intellectual level as the Negroes while the Negroes had been enslaving and eating each in much the same way for hundreds if not thousands of years.

What the world learned to its chagrin during the colonial period in Africa is that Whites are more capable than the coloreds. The fear that motivates Negroes, Jews and the rest of the coloreds is that they are actually less mentally capable than the Whites, hence in personal terms, inferior.

The term White Supremacy is actually self explanatory. The fact was that and is that Whites- Aryans- are intellectually superior. This is totally obvious to the naked eye although the scientific evidence of genetics indicates the same thing. Whites then, whether they wished to or not, looked down on Negroes as inferior while holding themselves aloof forbidding White women to even look at Negroes. This attitude especially concerning women angered Negroes more than can be said.

So much of White culture and inventive ability must have seemed like magic to the Negroes. Physically there wasn’t much difference. One on one without guns the White man and Negro were more or less equals. Thus when the explorer Stanley with his gun held before him was admonishing a group of Negroes, one out of sheer frustration of this runt speaking to him as he did, snatched the gun from Stanley’s hands. At that point Stanley’s power would have vanished had not his Negro gun bearer snatched the gun back handing it to Stanley restoring his power.

Thus the difference in the Negro mind was technological or intellectual superiority which he disregards as a trick or magic. The mental disparity make the two species unequal hence the insistent demand for equality at any cost. So far the appearance of equality has only been obtained by tilting the field in favor of the Negro.

Imagine the Negro fresh from the jungle stepping into a civilization he couldn’t possibly have imagined as he landed in the colonies. He must have been overwhelmed and shamed. The Jews certainly were when they were transported to Babylon where the scope of that civilization and its architecture made Israel and its comparatively shabby temple that they were so proud of appear insignificant.

Consider the country rube’s first look at New York City. I had seen big cities like SF, LA, Chicago and Philly but I mean to tell I was overawed by the endless streets of skyscrapers and the intense hustle and bustle.

As far as Magic goes just consider that little hand held device the Smart Phone. Not only can you call anywhere in the world, carry an entire encyclopedia in the your pocket, send letters by email and unbelievably take photographs and transmit them instantaneously anywhere in the world and if you’ve forgotten where you’ve parked your car the Smart Phone will locate it for you and show you where it is. Magic don’t you think?

Who invented such a device? White people. Who can use it? Anyone, even if you’re fresh from the jungle. It’s operation is that simplified. That’s what White people can do and others can’t.

Like it or not Negroes can’t. We know it; they know it too. So as much as they rail against White Supremacy its there and all they can do is eradicate it by exterminating Whites.

So the hatred is not really rooted in slavery; they have always known slavery but in fact that they can never be equal so, if you follow, the lack of equality is the real and only issue. It cannot be resolved in the Negro’s favor.


By 1877 the Southern Whites had re-established White Supremacy placing the Negro back under control for seventy-seven years until Brown vs. The Board of Education released them to murder and plunder once again.

Along the way the war always simmered along sometimes bursting into a boil. The war years of 1914-18 and the early twenties were especially volatile. On the one hand Marcus Garvey established his Universal Negro Improvement Association and on the other with White men off fighting in Europe industrialists encouraged Negroes to move North to replace Whites in the factories. What has been called the Great Migration began.

While Marcus Garvey was trying to organize global Negroes and actually succeeded in establishing branches in forty some countries the migration of Negroes North was instrumental in strengthening his hand.

In the UNIA battle Whites succeeded in stopping Garvey although Garveyism had a lasting effect worldwide. The Northern invasion was stoutly resisted by Whites in the twenties as battles erupted in sites such as Chicago, Oklahoma City and especially East St. Louis, Illinois. When the smoke cleared and the dust settled in East St. Louis Negroes occupied the town. It was theirs and has remained so.

Warfare cooled down after the battles of the early twenties. The next big eruption occurred in Detroit during WWII when there was a massive battle.

As usual Negroes returning from WWII came back with different notions of race relations. They were reluctant to observe Jim Crow. Their Liberal allies had their back. In 1954. Jim Crow was defeated by the Brown vs. Board Of Education Supreme Court decision and actually implemented by Pres. Eisenhower which he didn’t have to do.

The Court determined that it could make laws without the aid of the legislatures. Henceforth the courts became social arbiters rather than legal interpreters. Fairly low level judges could on their own initiative and according to their own prejudices declare any law or the voter’s will null and void by their simple say so. The White side of the war had been legally emasculated. Why anyone would observe one man’s opinion has always been beyond me.

Thus as the war turned into the period ofthe Civil Rights Movement of the struggle White warriors were not only taking on the White Liberals and Negroes but the whole legal and political order. The federal government in almost a repeat of the post-Civil War Reconstruction sent armored divisions of the Army into the South to impose the illegal Supreme Court decision on Southern White school children.

At the same time emboldened by the Supreme Court decision Negroes in the South arose in an assault on White Jim Crow rule most especially in Alabama.

Virtually unnoticed at the time the racial balance in the war’s most important battlefield, NYC was quietly shifting. After the war Whites began moving out of New York City while hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans were being airlifted into the city along with other hundreds of thousands of West Indian Negroes. By late century there were more West Indians than their were US born Negroes in NYC.

Thus by 1965 while the population of the city was unchanged a million and a half Whites had left and a million and a half Puerto Ricans and West Indians had replaced them. Gigantic ghettos sprang up in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens.

Thus by 1960 the situation had become quite combustible.



Friday, January 17, 2014

Part IV: Henry Ford And The Aaron Sapiro Case

Part IV

Henry Ford And The Aaron Sapiro Case

The Man Himself


To put it bluntly Aaron Sapiro was a shyster lawyer.

It doesn’t really matter whether he was Jewish or not; he was a shyster lawyer first and foremost.

It wouldn’t have taken Henry Ford or any knowledgeable person long to see through the guy. While Attorney Woeste has written the most extensive biography of Sapiro to date she carefully avoids what his true intentions or purposes were. Apart from her portrayal of him as an altruistic Jew seeking to better the lot of Aryan farmers, who were probably largely what both Sapiro and she would call anti-Semitic, we know little of his motives.

The Ford articles for instance link Sapiro with the financier and commodity expert, Bernard Baruch. Baruch is not too well known now but in my childhood in the forties and fifties he had a large reputation as the benevolent wise old Jewish advisor to presidents.

Baruch as his auto biography indicates had vast experience in global commodity matters. Without discrediting the Independent’s allegations, Miss Woeste merely dismisses them as irrelevant. Well, she is a lawyer and no historian.

If Sapiro and Baruch were in close communication then one would think that the subject of commodities might occasionally come up. Miss Woeste might have given us some clue as to the content of their discussions. Or were the articles so unfounded that they were based on nothing but conjecture? I have to credit editor Cameron with more reason than that. After all these allegations were being broadcast in the first national paper the United States had ever known.

Sapiro’s later career shows nothing to increase our confidence in his integrity.

For instance in Chicago in apparent organizing activities ‘…he was indicted…on charges of conspiracy to restrain trade.’

In 1934, in another matter ‘…a former client accused Sapiro’s firm of investigating jurors…and not reporting it to the court.’
Both the above quotes are from ( )

I repeat Aaron Sapiro was a shyster lawyer whose motives in suing Henry Ford are suspect.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Pt. I: Edgar Rice Burroughs And The Accreted Personality

Edgar Rice Burroughs


The Accreted Personality

Part I


R.E. Prindle

A Young Inquisitive Edgar Rice Burroughs

The post-French Revolution period begins the rapid development of the Aryan mind. The Enlightenment laid the foundation of that development. Shortly after mid-century the French astronomer, Camille Flammarion, was able to announce that Astronomy and Psychology would be the key disciplines of the future. The break with the religious consciousness of the past ten thousand years or so would be fraught with immense dangers, dangers which we are still combating.

The social ideology of the present asserts that all people are of the same stage of mental development. This is, of course, absolute nonsense. There are still hundreds of millions if not a billion or two who still maintain a stone age view of the world. Nor are all of them in other parts of the world, a vast number are here in the Americas and Europe. In addition there are billions still enmeshed in a religious consciousness while only perhaps a hundred million or two have actually evolved into the scientific consciousness. Hence we have the repressive terrifically attempted subversion of science.

So, it should be clear at first glance that not all people are equally developed or endowed nor are all cultures of the same value.

The French scientist and neo-romantic novelist Camille Flammarion noted mid-nineteenth century that the two most important intellectual disciplines for the future would be Astronomy and Psychology. I think that has proven true.

A major discovery of the century was the notion of the split or multiple personality. A term currently in use is Dissociation. Neither is accurate. I advance the term Accretive Personality. That is one’s personality is made up of many personality variations as a result of growth and experience. In periods of stress it is quite easy to escape oppressive reality by slipping into what is essentially an alternate reality or a parallel personality, if you will.

This was not a new phenomenon, merely the shock of recognition. In Greek mythology, for instance, when the stress of the mid life crisis hit, the hero went through a period of madness, that is to say he adopted a parallel personality until he was able to reorganize his mental attitude to new realities.

In Europe, under the stress of an insane quasi-Semitic religion in which Satan took a prominent role, it was common for the stressed to become ‘possessed’ by demons or, in other words, to split the personality. That is the person showed a parallel personality. The transition point to the beginning of secular understanding came when Dr. Anton Mesmer matched his secular method of exorcism against the ecclesiastical method of exorcism and won. So one might say that modern psychology derived from the problem of the dual personality- the Jekyll and Hyde effect. However dual or multiple personality was not recognized as such until announced in Jean-Martin Charcot’s clinic at the Salpetriere hospital in Paris in the mid-eighties.

Charcot studied hysterics. Hysterics are dealing with a lot of stress, hence escape through an alternate personality would be an easy choice. Charcot and the Salpetriere aren’t exactly household words so let’s take a moment to explain the situation in which modern psychology was born.

It is also necessary to bear in mind changes in scale. What is good for one stage of growth is not good for another. As the scale of things progresses from tiny to small to medium to large to huge to gigantic new forms have to be adopted to suit the new circumstances. These transition points are difficult to adjust to but once adjusted to are considered so normal that those who resisted the old change are equally resistant to adapt to the next level. Of course the young of each scale is born into it and has no adaptation to make although they will at the next change of scale.

Thus the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era masked to a very large degree a major change of scale so that after Waterloo a seemingly complete break with the past had taken place. It was a new world in the morning. So in the years leading up to the Great War another change of scale had taken place that masked the new world that popped into place in the twenties. I picked up the concept from that astute observer, H.G. Wells, who noted the emerging change in scale at the turn of the century. That great ship, the Titanic, that went down in ‘12 may be considered as representative of that change.

Thus with the change of consciousness that actually took place in 1795 the new consciousness became clear after Waterloo. Gone was the religious notion of ‘possession by evil spirits’ to be replaced soon by the concept of multiple personality. Thus whereas in the past the insane had been treated as raving beasts, chained to walls and whatever a Dr. Pinel at Paris’ Salpetriere began a more humane treatment with an attempt to understand the causes of insanity. The approach was parodied amusingly by Edgar Allen Poe in his story The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether in which the inmates revolted and took over the asylum.

The Salpetriere was a large compound of several acres with thousands of residents, mainly women from whom the subjects who became the hysterics that the great Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot began to study as a neurologist, as the early psychiatrists were known. The field of Psychology is divided in two. On the one side psychiatrists who must be MDs and who believe mental ailments are biologically derived and hence to be treated medically with drugs or, one shudders to think of it, operations like pre-frontal lobotomy or electric or insulin shock ‘therapy.’ Psychologists, who are PhDs with little or no medical training treat neuroses and psychoses as malfunctions of reason caused by experiential traumas.

Charcot as an MD originally sought biological causes for the hysteria he studied although he was coming around to a psychological viewpoint just before he died in 1893. Thus from being chained before Dr. Pinel released them these women, hysterics, while being confined to the Salpetriere were given freedom of movement within the hospital with its flowers and walkways making for a much more pleasant environment for them and one unobtainable to them on the outside.

Now, the great Dr. Anton Mesmer introduced hypnotism to Europe as a discipline in the years just before the Revolution. Naturally something so new and seemingly revelatory did not find immediate acceptance, indeed, it was treated as nonsense. Nevertheless people of learning, doctors, persisted in experimenting with it. Thus, when Charcot came to be the director of the Salpetriere, to the dismay of his profession he introduced the practice in his treatment of his hysterics and thus legitimized its use. Hypnosis, too, was new and little understood.

The essence of hypnosis is suggestion and Charcot did not understand suggestion. The rival hypnosis school led by Auguste Liebeault and Hippolyte Bernstein at Nancy to the East of Paris was aware of the effect of suggestion but not necessarily the nature of what it was. Actually suggestion is whatever enters the mind and is accepted. If one wakes to a beautiful sunny morning it is suggested to oneself that the day will be a good day. Acting on that suggestion, post-hypnotic one might say, one will try to make the day a great one to hang onto that feeling. The mind is naturally open to suggestion as it must be; in an active mind one can discriminate to some extent as to what suggestions will be accepted and which rejected. Under hypnosis in which the mind has been put into a passive state the ability to discriminate and reject has been greatly reduced so that a hypnotist can plant a suggestion that then becomes what Charcot’s associate, Pierre Janet, called an idee fixe, or in other words, a fixation that will remain in your mind until executed. This notion may be imparted by a human agent, books, movies, radio or any medium that is capable of influencing the mind. One must be aware of this. It isn’t necessary to have a hypnotist standing in front of you saying ‘look into my eyes.’

As I say, Charcot was convinced that hysteria was biological, that is to say caused by a lesion to the brain, so that while he hypnotized his female subjects at the Salpetriere he wasn’t aware of the nature of suggestion.

Now, the eighteen seventies and eighties were terrifically exciting at all levels. They did things differently then. As has been said: The past is another country; they do things differently there. The past is never to be judged by current standards although the latter are useful for comparison. Thus when Lister suggested that antiseptics ought to be used in the operating room his suggestion was stoutly resisted although true and nearly universally accepted today. On the other hand Evolution although true is more stoutly resisted today in a religious reaction than it was in the last quarter of the nineteenth century so don’t feel all that superior.

While Charcot was arguing with himself as to whether hysteria was biological or mental, in the mid-eighties two of his associates easily grasped that hysteria was a mental problem. These two were Sigmund Freud and Pierre Janet.

Freud at that time, 1886, was making the transition to psychology from medicine. He was an MD. Charcot was not alone in dealing with mental matters. The understanding of dreams for instance was developing rapidly. When Freud published his Interpretation Of Dreams in 1900 he cited dozens of competent researchers dating as far back as the 1860s. In 1886 alone two novels dealing with the subconscious and split personality were published, Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde and Marie Corelli’s Wormwood. Corelli cites Charcot as an influence so she very likely had attended his semi-public presentations of hysterics under hypnosis at his hospital.

Going back further, Freud, a German Jew, was undoubtedly familiar with the psychological work of the German romantics. At any rate he spent about four months at the Salpetriere studying Charcot’s work and methods. It is likely that the foundation of his psychoanalysis was laid there. While Charcot was struggling to determine whether hysteria was biological or mental, Freud, himself a neurologist, was able to perceive that, as he later put it, hysterics were suffering from reminiscences. In other words they fixated on past experiences which dominated their minds and behavior.

Pierre Janet, Charcot’s student and associate, came to the same conclusion probably at the same time. He expressed the problem more accurately when he determined that hysterics suffered from one or more idee fixes, that is a fixed idea or, in other words, a fixation centered around a specific past event or events.

Indeed, all the women at the Salpetriere had been battered and brutalized by life with no means of self-assertion or resistance. Unable to express their own will they retreated into ineffective hysterics finally ending up as semi-insane in Charcot’s hospital.

Now, split or multiple personality. No one, especially these women, have the personality they are born with. Over the course of our lives circumstances require us to respond in different ways, sometimes a personality is overwhelmed with a consequent personality adaptation or change and in extreme cases, insanity.

All very well, but what happens to the original and/or various personalities that were submerged. It is impossible for them to vanish from the mind so they must live on submerged by a more powerful personality impulse. Depending on the individual then, everybody must have at least one alternate personality. Stevenson and Corelli were demonstrating this in their novels.

The good Dr. Jekyll had had a wild streak in his youth that he forcefully repressed to become the totally respectable man of medicine. But, he longed for his rough and rowdy days so in Stevenson’s story he invents a potion, I’m sure whisky would have been just as effective, that allows him to free his original personality. In the course of his experiment the earlier personality suppresses the later one assuming control of Jekyll’s mind. Much the same thing happens in Corelli’s novel. Thus we have personality accretion.

Charcot’s hysterics, because of the side show atmosphere the Good Doctor created, became world famous, a sort of show people. Charcot even took them on the road for demonstrations and, heaven forbid, loaned them to other doctors for experimentation.

It was during one such loan in 1888 that Jules Janet, Pierre’s brother, made a startling discovery. He was experimenting on Blanche Wittman, the Queen of Hysterics, when having hypnotized her into what Charcot called the first state, instead of progressing to the second state, he decided to put her into a deeper trance. At that point Blanche was able to dissociate her personality from her normal state to what I assume was her original personality. She turned into a happy effervescent bubbly girl. In other words she had stripped every accreted personality adjustment to return to the period before society violated her womanhood.

One might ask where this personality came from? It is not necessary to assume either the supernatural or the paranormal. The personality did not come from outside her but was merely an early personality that had been submerged and denied existence by repeated abuse. If Jules Janet had pressed on he might have found three, four or more variations of Blanche Wittman. Indeed, when Charcot died in 1893 Blanche ceased having hysterical attacks and became quite normal assuming yet another personality although it was not recognized as such. She then took responsible employment at the hospital until she died under tragic circumstances.

Thus during one’s life one assumes many variations as one’s personal circumstances dictate. And one expresses them in many different ways. As an example of personality accretion I am going to use the history of the American fantasy and science fiction writer, Edgar Rice Burroughs. He has especial value as his biography is well developed and he has talked voluminously about his mental states through his large body of fiction which is all autobiographical in nature.

Part II follows.