Henry Ford And The Jews 3
Remembering The Amalekites
R.E. Prindle
Breitman, Richard and Lichtman, Allan J.: FDR And The Jews, 2013, Belknap Harvard
To quote, p. 184:
Theodore Newman Kaufman |
In early 1941, Theodore N, Kaufman, the Jewish proprietor of a small advertising firm in Newark, New Jersey, self-published a small book that called for sterilizing all German men and women, [NB: this is a plan for the genocide of the German people.] and dividing up Germany among neighboring states. [Thus completely erasing Germany from the face of the earth.] An alert corps of Nazi propagandists saw in Kaufman and his book the perfect foil for myth making. They transformed this obscure self-publisher into the precedent of a bogus “American Peace Federation”, a leader of ‘international Jewry,” and a close associate of Judge Samuel Rosenman, FDR’s speechwriter and confidant. On July 24, 1941 the headline of a front-page story in the central Nazi newspaper, the Volkisch Beobacter, blared: A Monstrous Jewish Extermination Plan: Roosevelt’s Guidelines.” The story claimed that President Roosevelt had inspired Kaufman’s Germany Must Perish, and personally dictated key sections. Two months later the Nazi propaganda ministry published a pamphlet that cited Kaufman’s book as proof of an international Jewish conspiracy to exterminate the German people, abetted by Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. It said that Germany faced a stark choice with an obvious answer: “Who should die, the Germans or the Jews?”
This is a very interesting paragraph from B&L’s very interesting book. While trueish on the face of it, it does distort the reality. It is interesting that Kaufman came from Newark as did our time’s own Philip Roth with his book, The Plot Against America. Roth of course repeated Kaufman’s themes in his book. Newark’s Jewish colony seems to have been quite insular incubating strange notions about Jews and Whites.
As to the absurdity of Kaufman’s insignificance and the possible collaboration if not of Roosevelt’s administration at least of elements within it, possibly including his Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, it may be more plausible that B&L coyly laugh off. Kaufman’s ‘Germany Must Perish’ closely resembles Morgenthau’s post-war plans for Germany which may be a total coincidence, of course. Nevertheless there it is.
While Kaufman may have been an obscure nutter he appears to have been fronting for some not so obscure people. Contrary to B&L’s assertion that the Germans ‘transformed this obscure self-publisher into the president of a bogus “American Peace Federation‘, it appears that Kaufman, a criminal, who was arrested along with his father for robbery in 1934, in 1939 he did form an American Peace Federation. In the same year he ‘argued in a pamphlet against American interventionism. The pamphlet contained this remarkable passage:
A possible plan to Congress…Have us all sterilized….If you plan on sending us to a foreign war, spare us any possibility of ever bringing children into the world- into this country of ours.
By 1941 apparently having re-considered ‘our’ being sterilized he transferred his anxiety to the Germans. Nor was his book Germany Must Perish a futile self-publishing effort. Several newspapers reviewed it in their columns as well as the pre-eminent national news magazine, the mighty Time of Henry Luce itself. Nor was the review unfavorable. If the Germans picked up on the article it was most likely because of the Time review, which once again, was not unfavorable or condemnatory.
Time’s review must have been encouraged from someone from within the administration, possibly Rosenman as the Beobacter suggests, or Henry Morgenthau. It is not impossible then that the Beobacter was correct in suggesting that FDR himself had an interest in the project, or in suggesting that Rosenman was involved. After all Nazi spies were said to be in the administration.
As is absolutely clear, in 1941 Kaufman was demanding the extermination of the German people as well as the effacement of Germany from the Earth.
Is the Beobacter’s claim then that there was an ‘international Jewish conspiracy’ to exterminate the Jewish people as ridiculous as B&L suggest?
The Beobacter posed the question: “Who should die, the Germans or the Jews?” If that was the choice then in the so-called holocaust the Germans employed the favorite Jewish device of the pre-emptive strike and therefore are guilty merely of getting the first lick in, in a war that was begun in 1933 when the Jews declared war on them and then through Kaufman announced a plan to exterminate Germans. Why wouldn’t the Germans kill the Jews first?
Of course, the Jews lacked a military arm of their own so it was necessary for them to find someone big enough to knock the Nazi bully down for them. In this instance they chose Roosevelt and the US. Now, the Jew Irving Berlin chose at this time to introduce his song God Bless America in which he adjures his Jews to ‘stand beside her [America] and guide her’. What is Berlin talking about? He’s talking about the same thing: Germany Must Perish and the US is going to do the dirty work.
Noel Ignatiev Harvard Genocidist |
Now, moving ahead to the present. The Jewish program as proclaimed by the ‘nutter’ Noel Ingnatiev, at the time a full professor at Harvard University, is that ‘Whiteness’ must be eliminated from the earth. So, moving from Germans to all White people the Jews are calling for the genocide of all Whites. Once again, they haven’t the population to do this while to act would destroy their credibility and possibly, although I doubt it, bring destruction of the Hitler kind down on their heads. For the task of destroying ‘Whiteness’ they have enlisted the Negro population of the US as their shock troops. Although the paramilitary actions of Negroes against Whites are suppressed by the media which are owned by the Jews daily paramilitary actions are being carried out somewhere in the US.
Thus, from the Wilson administration to the present the Jews have followed a carefully orchestrated program of destruction as Henry Ford indicated in his articles of the International Dearborn Independent. You can see why the Jews wanted Ford destroyed. If he had gone on from strength to strength rather than being emasculated the course of history might have been very different.