R.E. Prindle
Sigmund Freud |
The deliberate pursuit of whatever type of sex is considered deviant by one’s own culture is part of the program of spiritual seekers as far removed from each other in time and space as Tantric Hindu, California Satanists, Daoist sorcerers, Siberian shamans, and paunchy English “witches”, with their scourges and “sky-clad” retreats in the New Forest. To break tabu is a necessary stage in vama marg tantric ceremonies, for instance, in which dietary and sexual tabus are deliberately broken one after another. It is recognized by these technologists of the spirit that deviation from socially accepted mores is a powerful tool for awakening the sleeping powers within us, provided that this deviation takes place within the occult engines they have designed.
Peter Levenda- Sinister Forces, Book III, pp. 211-12
The key to the Sixties is Sigmund Freud. The Sixties was when Freud’s schemes came to fruition. He turned Aryan civilization on its head.
As unpleasant as it may be to recognize Freud was Jewish and his activities were based on his Jewishness and the age old prophecies that govern Jewish activities. Freud’s father came from the Galicia that was a stronghold of Hasidic magical Judaism. Freud himself was a student of the magical Zohar and Kabbalah.
Along with them he acquired the Jewish hatred of the Other, specifically Europeans or Aryans. He identified his psyche with the Semite Hannibal who attacked Rome- Freud’s symbol for Europe. In actuality Hannibal defeated Rome in the field. The Romans retreated within their walls refusing to come out and fight. Unable to sustain his army Hannibal was forced to vacate Italy. Thus, although he had won all the battles he couldn’t win the war. This was a real dilemma Freud had to solve and he did.
Freud began his career as a biologic researcher looking for eel gonads. Seeing no route to universal fame from that research he became interested in psychology. Here was some room to move.
Freud was born in 1856 in the midst of the great unfolding of the Aryan mind. He became associated with a fellow Jewish doctor, Joseph Breuer, who had become involved in researches into hysteria. This led Freud to the center of research in hysteria at the Salpetriere hospital run by Jean-Martin Charcot in Paris when Freud was about thirty years old. He could only afford Paris for a few months but they were eye opening months. He learned the nature of hypnotism and its control element- suggestion. This would be the stratum on which he built psychoanalysis.
Following Charcot Freud’s first book is an analysis of hysteria. The book caused no stir. Turning to associate Breuer and his proto-psychoanalysis Freud studied the nature of dreams. He characterized dreams as the ‘royal road to the unconscious.’ Following Sherlock’s advice Freud carefully studied the literature on dreams which was fairly extensive. His dream book flopped failing to make Freud a household word.
While issuing a steady stream of articles he contributed his greatest work in the form of The Psychopathology of Everyday Life in 1901. In 1905 he contributed the useful Jokes And Their Relation to the Unconscious and another significant work that gave a clear indication of Freud’s direction Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality. This small volume finally created the fire storm he had been trying for. At the time the book was considered close to or actual pornography. At any rate it attacked prevailing European or Aryan morality breaking all sexual tabus.
While one may argue that Freud’s was a scholarly approach there is undeniable smut to it. Freud in general reveled in smuttiness. He always leaves you with a slightly sickened feeling. There was controversy then as well as now as to his intent.
D.H. Lawrence who was no stranger to sexual theory and controversy denounced Freud in The Plumed Serpent for wishing to destroy prevailing European morality let alone reforming it. In this opinion he was correct. Both Sexual Theory and his Theory of the Unconscious and mass hypnosis would be his primary weapons.
Freud, contrary to popular opinion was not the originator or the discoverer of the unconscious nor even an early investigator. The unconscious had been a hot topic in European thought ever since Anton Mesmer arrived in Paris in mid-eighteenth century. There were many different ideas concerning the nature of the unconscious but by 1915 Freud had swept them off the board so that by the end of The Great War his perverted version stood alone. The question was how to use this tool he designed to destroy the conscious mind and manipulate the unconscious to attain his and Jewish ends.
In the nineteenth century the only mass media that could be used to manipulate public opinion, the unconscious, was the newspaper, but the newspaper requires consciousness making access to the unconscious difficult. It was only in the twentieth century that the great media capable of manipulating the unconscious directed arrived. Perhaps the most important of these was modern advertising that arose alongside the movies to be followed by radio, talkies and television. Color photo magazines are not to be overlooked either. Photographic images go directly into the unconscious.
Of these media the most overlooked is the power of advertising to quickly change mores, for it was mores that Freud had to alter or modify, the way of looking at and thinking about things.
Freud had a nephew in the US by the name of Edward Bernays. Bernays being Freud’s wife’s maiden name. Eddie Bernays became a publicist with George Creel and the Committee on Public Information during WWI turning to publicity as a vocation after the war. Thus he became a premier advertising consultant. His influence today is greatly overlooked.
The CPI was a tremendous propaganda, indoctrination and conditioning machine. The Wilson administration bludgeoned the American public into its party line. Bernay’s would use those techniques to change the mores of the American people post-war following Freud’s ideas. First he visited his Uncle Sigmund in Vienna where they had long summer walks and quiet talks. What was said isn’t known but can be inferred from Bernay’s subsequent career.
According to Wikipedia quoting his daughter Anne Bernays felt that the public’s democratic judgment was ‘not to be relied upon,’ and he feared that [the American public] could very easily vote for the wrong man or want the wrong thing, so that they had ‘to be guided from above.’
Of course, who is to judge who is the wrong man and on what basis as well as the wrong or right thing. Who is the infallible ‘above’ who is going to force his candidate on the erring people?
In other words, Bernays wanted a dictatorship of virtue. Unable to disturb the political system in one fell swoop it would to be don incrementally. Using techniques imbibed from his uncle’s political agenda Bernays did just that experimenting first through the commercial field.
Old fashioned advertising in print, as radio and TV hadn’t come into existence as yet, consisted of long prose pleas trying to persuade the conscious mind. When color printing came into common use an attractive image coupled with product ID and snappy slogan, or propaganda, would prove to be more effective. Thus to promote Lucky Strike cigarettes there was an incredibly attractive slender woman smoking a Lucky with the slogan ‘Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet.’ The ad then carried a number of subliminal messages as well as the plea.
When Bernays began his work the Aryan female ideal was the Arthurian conception portrayed most notably in the Pre-Raphaelite paintings. Virginal and desirable as a wife. Freud’s sexual goal was to invert that image to turn Aryan women into sluts. Smoking in women was considered sluttish at the time just as cosmetics were symbolic of the prostitute or painted woman. Good girls didn’t wear lipstick. Bernays through his advertising techniques was to change all this.
Meanwhile back in Vienna, Freud was developing techniques to change the mind. As always an avid student of literature Freud latched onto a small book by the Frenchman Gustav Le Bon titled: The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind. Freud incorporated Le Bon’s studies into his own Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. By ego he meant group ego not the individual ego.
The analysis of Le Bon meshed with the advertising propagandistic ideas of his nephew. Freud then combined their work with his understanding of sexuality, drugs and his version of the unconscious to undermine Aryan civilization. Remember he was successful in imposing his vision of the unconscious as the only version of the unconscious on the entire psychological and psychiatric discipline, hence society as a whole.
Aiding the effort was the triumph of Adolf Hitler in 1933 in Germany. Hitler’s anti-Jewish stance drove the whole horde of Freud’s disciples out of Europe to the United States. While Freud knew what he knew the other members of his psychoanalytic order didn’t. I don’t mean to be unkind to Freud’s personal lumpenproletariat but they just didn’t grasp what he was talking about. Nevertheless they were accepted at face value becoming not only influential but directors of US culture during the fifties and sixties after which their prestige began to wane.
Most of them settled in the two culture capitols of the US, NYC and LA so that the media took their lead from them. While few, if any, understood Freud his vision of the unconscious as a discrete entity extraneous to the mind and actually the body while controlling one’s actions to the exclusion of the conscious mind was readily accepted and adopted as was his notion of repression in a completely distorted form.
The reality of Freud’s vision of the unconscious was quickly picked up by sci-fi writers who turned out a stream of such novels as Jack Schaefer’s I Am Legend, Jack Finney’s Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and Heinlein’s The Puppet Masters. Not that we consciously understood at the time.
The State of Israel had come into existence in 1948 setting the Middle East ablaze in a series of wars. The 1956 war was a turning point for the Jews. They had been shamed by their non-resistance to the death camps so the ‘56 war allowed them to assert their manhood and become fierce warriors driving US tanks and jet fighters. The war also had intellectual consequences.
Aryan Europe and America had astounded the world by its astonishing scientific discoveries and intellectual development unshared by the rest of the world including the Jews. Emboldened by their military success they set out to reassert their pre-scientific religious dominance they felt they had enjoyed throughout history until the nineteenth century. Indeed a Jewish woman named Barbara Spectre has established the Paideia Foundation in Europe to claim a parity between what she calls Jewish Knowledge and Aryan Knowledge. She specifically says that the future will not be like the nineteenth century when science wrested the crown from the Jews.
This is apparently not the first such crisis of the Jewish mind. A site called Jewniverse published a short piece credited to Daniel M. Bronstein on 7/19/13. I reproduce it here in full:
Talmudic lore offers many episodes of rabbinic sages intellectually defeating the luminaries of the Hellenistic world. Far less common are instances of rabbis dismembering their pagan nemeses. So 2nd-century Rabbi Joshua Ben Hananiah really stands apart.
Acting on Roman Emperor Hadrian’s dare to abduct Athens’ top philosophers, Ben Hananiah traveled all the way to the celebrated city-state and coerced a local into revealing the secret location of the philosophical academy.
Upon reaching the heavily defended abode, the esteemed rabbi tricked the academy’s elders into killing the guards.
In a match of wits, Ben Hananiah demonstrated his intellectual superiority while exposing the vapidity of Greek wisdom. After kidnapping 60 of Athen’s best, he brought the scholars before Hadrian, who placed their fate in the sage’s hands.
Using what can only be called magic, Ben Hananiah caused the philosophers’ shoulders to be violently wrenched from their bodies. All of them were killed. Other sages, like Hillel the Elder, have been praised for almost superhuman patience. But Ben Hananiah’s actions present another view of the sages: as people who were extraordinary, but flawed.
Of course Plato’s academy had neither a secret location nor was it heavily guarded but it makes a good story that flatters Jewish sensibilities, apparently of a highly bloodthirsty order. Thank god he didn’t pull Moses, trick and send ten plagues on the poor nitwit, stupid Platonic academicians. How Barbara Spectre is going to replicate Rabbi Hananiah remains to be seen. Let’s hope she doesn’t operate in the same realm of fantasy as the good rabbi.
Just as Moses through Yahweh destroyed Pharaoh, as Rabbi Hananiah demolished the hated Platonic Academy so Freud had calculated the destruction of nineteenth century Aryan science.
Nineteen-sixty was the critical year. Western American society reached its apex in that year, but the demands of the scientific attitude exceeded the ability of the body politic to rise to it. The people slipped back to a pre-scientific mentality. Whether we saw it or not the crash of Western society that resulted in the Manson murders and the Rolling Stones at Altamont began in 1960. Actually the much celebrated Woodstock concert of ‘69 was evidence of the intellectual retreat also, a premonition of Altamont.
By 1960 TV had reached a certain level of maturity. During the fifties when programming was developing most locales had only one or two networks while there was some concern TV wouldn’t make it commercially. By 1960 the three networks and independent system was in place. The sitcom and drama setup was well organized. Hollywood had learned the Freudian formula of using the medium for indoctrination and conditioning.
The fifties had been the great creative period for science fiction both in literature and movies. This whole body of outstanding material was now mined by TV. Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone successfully invaded the minds of millions while the gold standard was probably Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek. Both producers were Jewish.
It is impossible now to recount the propaganda, indoctrination and conditioning of the many, many series and thousands of episodes representing tens of thousands of hours of viewing that made war on established beliefs gradually weaning the multitudes from old mores to new. Mostly the old mores with different content much as new religions build their religious edifices on the old religion’s sites.
The new religion was Saturnic or in another word, Satanic and the hallmark of Satanism is violence. Few people now remember the TV series, Bus Stop, but that show was a direct assault on established beliefs and attitudes toward violence. Incredible gratuitous mindless violence for the time far surpassed today when sadistic pornographic violence with nudity or nakedness perhaps a better word, thrown in.
One of the Twilight Zone episodes was a depiction of Charles Beaumont’s short story The Howling Man, the script also written by him, in which Monks somewhere in Ruritania had captured Satan and had him safely locked in a cell where he howled incessantly all night long. A passing traveler asks for a night’s lodging. Against their own strict rules forbidding it the Monks weakened and allowed him in carefully explaining to him to pay no attention to the howling man in the cell. No good deed shall go unpunished. The traveler naturally listens to the Howling Man’s pleas releasing him. Satan laughing maniacally shouts Fool and rushes out the door.
Beaumont had divined the situation and put it into symbolic story form. In the TV episode the sorry Fool spends his life searching for Satan to put him back in his cell.
It is prescient that Beaumont wrote the story in 1959. By 1966 Ira Levin would develop the theme further when he wrote Rosemary’s Baby about the birth of the son of Satan who replaced Jesus that was made into a very influential movie a year later by that evil presence Roman Polanski. We’ll get to that.
As is well known Sigmund Freud was a cokehead, a drug addict. He well knew the deleterious effect of drugs on the mind and morality. Dreams may be the royal road to the unconscious but drugs are the destroyer of morality. The Unconscious corrupted by drugs is the end of all law and order.
As Freud, the old cokehead, said there are no coincidences so it follows that the drug explosion of the Sixties is the effect of a premeditated cause. After all, Arnold Rothstein, a Jew, did organize the drug distribution network of the US in the 1920s. It can also be no coincidence then that Dr. Feelgood, Max Jacobson, latched onto amphetamines as the great corrupter of society. Jacobson also claims to have conferred with Freud in Vienna. Getting underway in the US in post-war NYC in the forties, by 1960 Max was dispensing amphetamines by the gallon. Imitators sprang up who poured their own gallons of amphetamine into the veins of New Yorkers. This is fact, now it should come as no surprise then that by 1966 NYC was overrun by criminal behavior, that seemed to explode in that year. Or shall we say lack of morality caused by drugs. In essence New Yorkers could no longer tell right from wrong. Satanism ruled. It should be needless to add that Dr. Feelgood was a Jew. There were many factors causing the erosion of morality in the Sixties not all pertaining to religious developments that are our interest here.
The rise of science caused the intellectual disenfranchisement of all religions but more particularly within the Aryan ranks in which science developed, hence Aryan’s became disenchanted with Christianity while Jews and Moslems reinforced their belief systems against science.
Aided and abetted by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity the notion of moral equivalence took hold. This was, one might say, cemented by the movie Mondo Cane of 1962. While moral equivalence should have applied to all religions or moral systems it was turned exclusively against Aryan belief systems. Movies and advertising reflected the animus against Christianity, Aryans and what Negroes called White Supremacy, that is, White rule and knowledge- science or in Negro terms, Acting White.
With all systems supposedly equal or morally equivalent while consciousness, that is objectivity was suppressed in favor of complete subjectivity or the Unconscious was endorsed, it became an easy matter to inject voodoo, witch craft and Satanism into Aryan belief systems. Now, the transition to a satanic sensitivity was fully supported by movies and advertising as well as print media. In 1966 the cover of Time Magazine proclaimed the message ‘God IS Dead’ in black. To the informed that was not a revelation as old gods do die while history is littered with the remains of old gods as epitomized by Shelley’s Ode to Ozymandias. To the religious Time’s announcement was a huge blasphemy but then, the jury was still out concerning on which side the Luce’s were.
As if in celebration of the Luce’s announcement the Jew Ira Levin published his novel Rosemary’s Baby that concerns the birth of the Son of Satan although definitely by maculate means. The novel was a commercial success bringing the little Satan Roman Polanski on the scene who turned the novel into his equally successful movie in the year of revolution, 1968.
The impact of Polanski’s movie was quite extraordinary. Certainly in the aftermath of the movie Satanism had been, one might say, popularized. Of course Levin and Polanski didn’t create modern Satanism but they contributed to its manifestation. The voo doo Saturnian cult had taken root on the East Coast being prominent in NYC. Santeria as well all the Negro voodoo cults in the New World, of course, derived from Yoruba practices in Nigeria. The Yoruba people combined aspects of Christianity with their own Yoruba beliefs themselves derived from Greco-Roman religious practices to create a very hybrid religion based completely in magic which through slavery passed into the New World.
Scientology, created by Ron Hubbard, one of those called UFO religions, in the forties somehow gets mixed up in this. Certain disaffected members established their own church in England in ‘63 called the Process Church of the Final Judgment. This outfit tried to combine Satan, Lucifer and Jesus into one religion. No science involved here. Charles Manson at the end of the decade would be influenced by both Scientology and the Process.
The idea was that Jesus said, Love your enemy. Satan was the enemy of Jesus so Jesus was compelled to love Satan. So the two along with Lucifer combined to share humanity so that virtue and evil were morally equal bringing in relativism, so right and wrong are irrelevant because what one calls right another calls wrong and vice versa. So the law was that ‘it’s all good.’ Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Everything is permitted. A recipe for disaster no doubt. A state of social confusion had been created, almost a state of sustained hysteria.
After 1966 LSD became significant reifying whatever beliefs one had into stone. The fact is that nothing can be gotten out of a mind other than what is in it. Education is everything. To really expand one’s consciousness one has to develop it. With drugs learning stops, especially with LSD. If anything one only reifies one’s existing opinions. One may think one is talking to God but notice that God isn’t saying anything back. You’re only having a dialogue with yourself. You don’t need LSD to do that.
A biker by the name of John Griggs dropped a tab, saw God, changed his ways and began his own religion based on LSD called The Brotherhood of Eternal Love. Begun in the LA coastal town of Laguna Beach the cult, or more aptly perhaps, commercial enterprise expanded up and down California and into Oregon where it was especially prominent in Josephine County of Southern Oregon. It is said the BEL dominated or controlled the marijuana, hash and LSD supply of the West Coast but rather strangely none of the authors concerning themselves with the Process Church or Manson’s Family have heard of it. These authors seem to think that the Process had a monopoly on that drug trade although dealing with biker groups. Perhaps the role of the biker BEL wasn’t apparent to them. All three ‘religious’ groups mentioned above were seriously involved in drugs and hence lead a Freudian unconscious life.
The Process Church founded by Robert and Maryanne DeGrimston in London in 1963 as an offshoot of Scientology soon moved to the sinister sounding site of Xtul on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. There its Satanic, Luciferian and Jesusite form took shape. As one can see, under the influence of Freudian psychology and the rejection of the conscious mind science had been discarded while consciousness has regressed some thousand years more or in some cases less. Magic and superstition have once again taken center stage. Behind the magic cults lay the teaching of one Aleister Crowley of the Golden Dawn and the infamous OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) with its emphasis on sex magic(k). The K Crowley added to distinguish his magick from stage magic. May not look like much of a distinction but it is significant.
So, in 1967 we have Charles Manson being released from prison just as the Hippie thing with its legions of underage runaway girls took shape in the Haight-Ashbury district of the city of San Francisco. The Haight was a hustler’s paradise and Manson was the man to mine that particular mountain.
More than anything the Hippie phenomenon was a symptom of the rejection of science, or objectivity and the conscious mind in favor of superstition, subjectivity and the unconscious mind of Freud. In connection with Freud it should be remembered that the motto of his 1900 book The Interpretation Of Dreams in his Latin quotation from Dante’s Inferno was Flectere si nequeo Superos, Acheronta movebo which translated means: If I cannot move heaven, I will stir up the underworld.
Freud had failed at the conscious level of science, which he attributed to anti-Semitism, so when he became aware of the unconscious through Breuer and Charcot he had found his underworld. But that hell was part and parcel of his upbringing as Judaism is pure subjectivity hence rampant egoism capable only of creating a hell on Earth- hence Hollywood.
The Unconscious in Freud’s vision was the source of Satanic magic. Hence it can be little wondered that at the very least per the Process Church the world was shared by Jesus and Satan with the Jesusites compelled to love their enemies and presumably turn the other cheek which is to say that Satan Rules. In his own way the great Satanist Aleister Crowley had won the battle sharing the triumph with Freud.
By the way, the Process Trinity mirrors Greek mythology in which Zeus is the god of Heaven, Poseidon the God of the waters and Hades the god of the underworld. Earth was the common property of all three. So the Process reflects old age beliefs.
Because of the horrific nature of his Satanic practices all the attention has been focused on Charles Manson who identified himself as both Jesus and Satan. Half or better of the biker groups derived their identity from Satan- Hell’s Angels, Straight Satans, Satan’s Disciples, etc.
In point of fact Manson was not doing anything his betters , i.e. Roman Polanski et al., weren’t. The whole of Hollywood film was involved in Satanic practices. Nor were Satanic practices new to the LA basin. All of this cult stuff, snuffings and all was common knowledge in the fifties when I was there in the Navy. I have no doubt it dated back through the forties and thirties. Read Raymond Chandler and let your imagination go. Watch the movies closely.
Manson said the reasons for the Tate-La Bianca killings were not what was thought but that he was no snitch. It also means likely that these unknown forces were doing their best to help him once arrested as evidence disappeared, police bungled the process so that Manson and the Family might have beaten the rap except for the persistence of Bugliosi.
Manson appears to have been associated with the Polanski clique involving a large selection of A-list Hollywood. They were involved in drug related Sado-masochistic practices and filmed themselves doing them. Not surprisingly Manson was doing the same with his group. Perhaps under the influence of hallucinogenics the significance of a filmic trail didn’t seem so important. In any event the police confiscated hours of Sado-masochistic films from the Polanski residence. Not unusually these have disappeared although they were offered for sale by the police.
In addition there were huge dope deals on the table that if Polanski wasn’t involved in he was well aware of. His close friend Frykowski, a Pole from Red Poland, was involved in a scheme to distribute the amphetamine MDA and that would have been through the Polanski residence. Shortly before the murders a dealer accused of burning them in a dope deal was brought to the residence where in the course of a large party he was strung up and tortured.
A few days later when Polanski was out of town Manson instructed his devotees to strike. The result was horrific. While it is said that the dope dealer Frykowski was the actual target it was the horrific death of Polanski’s pregnant wife, Sharon Tate, that garnered the headlines.
We have an interesting thing happening here that seems to have gone unnoticed. It was a transition of consciousness that affected every member of society though few actively participated. As an example to illustrate what was happening from 1967 through 1969 I quote from an online publication by an anonymous author concerning the transition from the Weimar Republic to the Nazi Government of Germany. ( hppt://thespawnofthesphinx.com ) chap.17, p.
In his book, “In The Garden Of The Beast”, Erik Larson relates first hand accounts of what it was like to be an outsider (in particular the American Ambassador and his daughter) observing Hitler’s rise from Chancellor to tyrant in 1933. It was during that year that Germany became absolutely transformed. “It was like watching a dear friend go insane.” as one outside observer put it. After the great transition and assimilation, German’s collective mind was “coordinated.”
Larson quoted:
“Beneath the surface, however, Germany had undergone a rapid and sweeping revolution that reached deep into the fabric of daily life. It had occurred quietly and largely out of easy view. At the core was a government campaign called Gleichshaltung- meaning ‘Coordination’- to bring citizens, government ministries, universities, and cultural and social institutions in line with National Socialist beliefs and attitudes.
‘Coordination’ occurred with astonishing speed, even in sectors of life not directly targeted by specific laws, as Germans willingly placed themselves under the sway of Nazi rule, a phenomenon that became known as Selbstgleichschaltung, or ‘self-coordination.’ Change came to Germany so quickly and across such a wide front that German citizens who left the country for business or travel returned to find everything around them altered, as if they were characters in a horror movie who come back to find that people who once were their friends, clients, patients, and customers have become different in ways hard to discern. Gerda Laufer, a socialist wrote that she felt ‘deeply shaken that people whom one regarded as friends, who were known for a long time, from one hour to the next transformed themselves.”
The same thing happened in the US in the fifties as Jack Finney recorded in his Body Snatchers, is happening again here at the end of the sixties and is happening now as Obama/Hitler transforms the Aryan mind. We now have a call for a ‘meaningful dialogue’ on race which means ‘accept our views or be punished.’ There is no dialogue just an order from headquarters.
On a longer wave than Germany one entered the fun house in 1960 and through a bizarre series of dioramas one exited into an entirely different world in 1970. On the shorter wave the rapid transition took place from 1968’s Rosemary’s Baby to the Rolling Stones fiasco at Altamont in December 1969 which had been scheduled for December 7, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, but was delayed by a day to December 8th.
As Dylan sang, there was something happening here but few if any knew what it was. There was no way for anyone to gain sufficient facts to interpret the whole but those with certain roles observing specific parts knew what to do.
Thus the public had no idea what Manson was doing before or after the Tate-La Bianca killings. The killings themselves obscured everything. Manson based his attitudes on Robert Heinlein’s novel of 1961 Stranger In A Strange Land. Stranger was one of the formative novels of the 60s fitting right in with the psychedelic revolution even though Heinlein had a forties-fifties mentality while adding numerous terms to the vocabulary such as ‘grokking’ and ‘water brother’.
One can imagine Manson reading it in his cell. Then when he was released actually being a stranger in the very strange land of Haight-Ashbury. At the same time he realized it was a parallel universe designed with him in mind. He combined aspects of the two lead characters, the human Valentine Michael Smith raised on Mars and his terrestrial guru Jubal Harshaw. Jubal means father of all, a role Manson assumed. He also named his son Valentine Michael. Smith transformed terrestrial culture as so in his way did Manson.
While on Mars Smith learned the Martian method of mind and body control which Manson adopted and extended to his disciples. After the killings Manson began living out some desert fantasy in Death Valley. It was there he really overstepped the bounds bringing the Park Department down on his head which then led to his charge of the murders, but it’s the desert adventure that interests us here. While the vast majority was unaware of the Death Valley escapade detailed in Ed Sanders, The Family, (make sure you read the first edition) Mansonites saw and learned. In the desert Manson nearly created his own country living by his own laws. Unfortunately his prison mentality kept him from grasping his full opportunity . He was too much the outlaw.
While I didn’t realize it at the time his influence spread up the coast to Eugene, Oregon where I was living at the time. Those were rough and rowdy times. There were many crimes, frequently using shotguns. An especially outlaw area was called Fall Creek. At one time a truck with a light rack pulled up before a camp site turning the light rack on the campers from the road. They stood like deer staring into the lights. The occupants turned rifles on the campers man, woman and children and mowed them down.
As far as I know the police chose not to apprehend them. It would have been easy. A brown pick up with a light rack in a small town? I knew the truck while finding a brown pick up with a light rack should have been easy. Couldn’t have been more than one in the county.
I was lured out to the area once with my wife by a couple posing as friends. All of a sudden at eleven o’clock at night they shooed us out of their house. As one neared the highway a narrow stone bridge crossed Fall Creek, almost a ditch at that point. As we approached a guy came up from under the bridge, stood in the middle of the roadway waving his arms. I wasn’t going to stop and there was room to drive around him. No sooner had I crossed the bridge than another guy came up from under it bearing an automatic with what looked like a silencer on it. Both began calling me names. So, I at least, would have been murdered on the spot.
As a footnote Diane Downs of the famous murder case in the same area said she was stopped by a guy waving his arms in the middle of the road. She was disbelieved subsequently spending her life in prison. I know she was stopped and I believe her story. What the DA’s problem with her was I don’t know but she was sure railroaded.
The revolutionaries flooded into the hills above Fall Creek building concrete bunkers a la Manson that they stocked with food and weapons in preparation for the Day. Strange robberies and shootings happened fairly frequently. There were Manson cultists around for several years. They may still be there, or here, actually, but I no longer have reason to be in contact with them.
Of course, Manson combined Heinlein with the various Satanic cults, the writer of the Spawn Of The Sphinx calls them UFO cults, to create his unique mixture.
Manson has taken the rap for what was going on but as I have indicated Polanski and a large part of Hollywood were as deeply connected to Satanism as he was. Remember actually billions of tablets of prescription amphetamines and barbiturates were being sold annually in addition to the hundreds of millions of hits of illegal LSD, marijuana and God only knows what. Frykowski was negotiating to become a large distributor of the amphetamine MDA.
Drugs were not solely a Hippie phenomenon; drugs were endemic.
Polanski, who can possibly be seen as a successful Manson, continued his nefarious career being arrested in 1977 on charges of child porn or statutory rape. While it is said that the girl’s mother rented her out for the purpose the charge was still statutory rape. Remember Manson said that the Tate-La Bianca victims were into kiddie porn. Polanski believing he would be sentenced to hard time, possibly even being in the same prison as Manson, who knows, took it on the lam. Today he is a fugitive from justice living in Europe where he has powerful protection. Still makes movies though.
The Manson trial was docked in December being very much in the news at the time of Altamont, as was the Zodiac killer, so there was a certain atmosphere surrounding the concert.
The last half of ‘69 was in some ways the apex of Aryan consciousness while at the same time its nadir. Even as powerful rockets were propelling a manned vehicle to land on the moon carrying an astronaut to leave a footprint three inches deep in the lunar dust the unconscious was burying the conscious mind on Earth. A giant step forward for mankind on the moon while a two thousand year regression on Earth.
Almost simultaneously as the lunar module blasted down on the moon a half million of what used to be the hope for America’s future gathered in a muddy field in New York to show a level of culture not seen since the Anabaptists four hundred years ago.
While my generation celebrates Woodstock as the high point of Sixties culture I can see it only as an embarrassment. Not wishing to go into detail I will only mention one thing. Columbia Records released an album call Beautiful People, an ironic insult to the Woodstock Nation as Hippies called themselves in mockery of the Jetset beautiful people. But, if you look at the album cover closely, in the upper lower quadrant you will see some guy standing up haveing sexual intercourse with a sheep. Beastiality as well as NAMBLA maybe endorsed by some but damned if I’ll join in.
I know I’d never be forgiven for saying so but I consider Woodstock to be the penultimate nadir of the Sixties. The nadir was, of course, Altamont, Satan’s triumph.
While the Rolling Stones, under whose auspices the event occurred refused to take responsibility for it, the Stones were as responsible as Levin, Polanski, the Process Church and Manson for the rise of Satanism.
The Manson trial was about to commence. Manson to a large extent incorporated Rock into his philosophy although basing his notions more on the Beatles Double Album than the Stones. Also bear in mind that Heinlein’s Stranger In A Strange Land was his bedrock. One could only hope that he had been captivated by the bible of evildoers, The Catcher In The Rye.
The character of society changed greatly after 1968 almost like Nazi Germany. Sixty-eight was the year of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, the horrors of which in China are still unlearnt in Europe and the US. The Cultural Revolution was global. Sixty-eight was the year of Mao’s Little Red Book and his red and gold portrait pins. Sixty-eight was the year SDS exploded and the formation of the idiot Bomber Billy Ayers’ Weathermen organization as well as the Jewish Defense League, its offshoot The Jewish Defense Organization and the criminal activities of Rabbi Meyer Kahane. Over the period of a couple years there were thousands of bombings in US cities. So many that very few were ever publicized.
While the Tate-La Bianca killings dominated the headlines organizations like the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, the Black Panthers and numerous cults such as The Process Church were stirring up the folk. One was practically dizzy. In action at the same time as Manson the Zodiac killingts of the Bay Area where Altamont would be held were going on. There was just way way too much for people to absorb or begin to understand. As most people were busy trying to live their lives all this crazy activity had remarkably little effect. It was just ‘news.’
Apropos of Altamont the Stones were relatively heavily involved in Sastanic matters, that, if I am right came to a head at Altamont.
Marianne Faithfull and Jagger had been familiar with Satanism before the Redlands bust. Anita Pallenberg, formerly with Brian Jones and then Keith Richards, was deep into Satanism. At one time she had Brian and herself dress in Nazi uniforms. The Nazis were a fascination of the Process Church so rather than being an innocent lark she may have been showing the Church she was in a position to influence the Stones. Indeed, they were in awe of her.
Through the art dealer and man about Hippiedom, Robert Fraser, Marianne and Jagger had met the arch American free lance Satanist Kenneth Anger, with whom they were deeply involved, and who was associated with the arech US Satanist, Anton La Vey. La Vey would play Satan in Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby. That would imply that Polanski was involved in Satanism leading back to the Tate-La Bianca killings.
Post Redlands, Mick was thrown into a frenzy of hatred of society probably having thought he was a notch or two above the law immune to arrest. Indeed he thought the enforcement of the law against him was a violation of his ‘freedom.’ Marianne had been a bit of an innocent, too naïve for her own good. Mick now enraged turned to Satanism posing as Satan himself in his song Sympathy For The Devil of 1968. He allowed the Stones to be featured in Jean Luc Godard’s bizarre revolutionary movie titled One+One subsequently changed to the title of Jagger’s song. Marianne would let herself be exploited in a couple of French films while becoming involved with the Process Church itself while starring in a Satanic film of Anger’s.
It is said now that Satanism was a minor flirtation on their parts but the indications are that the involvement was much deeper and more serious, especially on the part of Marianne that was reflected in her persona and activities in the first two years of her parting with Jagger.
It was perhaps the Process that alerted Marianne to the publication of a Soviet Satanic novel The Master And Margarita published in early 1968. The novel has since attained a high cult status in the US and GB while becoming an industry in the former USSR. A number of films of the novel have been produced in Europe. A much overrated literary effort, in my opinion but a key Satanic document.
Marianne pressed Jagger to read the novel as he was about to begin production of Donald Cammel’s movie Performance, also a Satanic film, shot in the summer of ‘68, that revolutionary year. The movie would not be released until 1971 so has no effect on the period.
Whether or not Jagger or Marianne took their Satanism as more than a hallucinogenic lark the effect of their Satanism on their fan base was intense. Jagger was viewed as the Great Satan or, at least, a wannabe.
So the aura surrounding Altamont was imbued with Satanism. Haight-Ashbury was Satanic. Satanic was.
The Altamont was an almost perfect Satanic location. The Altamont is a pass over the hills surrounding the East side of the San Francisco Bay, the East Bay. To the North of the pass lies Contra Costa County; to the East is Stockton, Sacramento, Modesto, and the Central Valley. To the South are barren hillsides, desert for miles all the way to San Jose and beyond.
The pass is only a thousand feet but very windy while when the pacific fog comes in at night cold and dewy. Today, they’ve covered the area with wind turbines, must be more spooky than ever at night.
When I was in the Navy in the late fifties I used to hitchhike back and forth from San Diego and Oakland every weekend. I would have a friend drop me off at the thousand foot level to begin the return trip. Gloomy place but a quick place to pick up perhaps a very decent ride. The demolition derby grounds were off on the right side going down, maybe at 900 feet. Real desert.
So, through a series of misadventures, given only a couple days to set up this site straight out of hell, cold enough to freeze a witch’s tit the Stones held a free concert. There was no parking, cars strung out along the side of Highway 40 for miles.
Everything was jerry built. The stage was so low and surrounded by so many Hell’s Angels that few could even see the stage in the dark. The sound was terrible. Out into the darkness stretched a couple hundred thousand drugged shivering people. I mean it gets cold and damp there any time of the year and this was December.
So, picture the symbolism. The chief Droog, the Great Satan himself is going to take the stage surrounded by Hell’s Angels and begin shouting out ‘Let me introduce myself…’ OK. Hello, Satan.
Well, now. Jagger and the Stones had been positioned as the bad boys of rock n’ roll by their first manager, Andrew Loog Oldham back in ‘64. Their reputation kept getting worse and now they have improved this rep to being the house band of Hell, Satan’s own rock n’ rollers. Huzzah! ‘I’m a man of wealth and taste…’
There’s a Negro in a green suit who has pushed himself stage side, right behind the not so straight Satans, the Hell’s Angels. I mean, these guys had a worse reputation in the Bay Area than Satan himself. They used to have their club house just down the street from me. We will never know the Negro’s motives but he does have something on his mind and he has a pistol in his pocket. Are we looking for trouble, do you think? He’s apparently been waiting for the moment Jagger opens his mouth to introduce himself. Jagger begins belting it out and at that moment Meredith Hunter, for that is the Negro’s name, whips out his pistol. Waving it in the air he begins a charge through the Hell’s Angels for the stage. There’s a few Angels between himself and Mick who cut short Meredith’s pilgrim’s progress.
No one can say for certain that he didn’t want to put a bullet between the Great Satan’s eyes but I am positive his intent was not to take out six Hell’s Angels and then run like hell. I’m not a gambling man but I would wager on that.
The Angels were cranked out on drugs, pot, LSD, crank or something while getting high on being tapped for the very important function of furnishing security for The Greatest Rock And Roll Band On The Entire Planet and, perhaps.- the Universe.
Wham! Bang! Oh God! Meredith today rests for all eternity on the Altamont or for however long it takes Time to wear down those hills to sea level. If not Meredith, then his shade.
As Jagger made a dash for the helicopter somewhat reminiscent of the last evacuees from Saigon he was heard to mutter, ‘Something weird always happens when we play that song. Could have a clue, Mick. A Clockwork Orange wasn’t released for another couple years but that was the popular impression of you up on the screen, Mick. Bad boy, bad boy, the bad boy of rock n’ roll.
Nor did Jagger abandon the persona after that disastrous experience. He developed his ambi-sexual persona further appearing on stage as a sadistic agitator lashing the stage with his studded belt. The Chief Droog.
Thus by the end of the sixties the suppression of the conscious rational mind had been accomplished in favor of the vision of the unconscious as a satanic separate being whose external control of the individual was irresistible. Sex and drugs were used to place a generation beyond redemption.
In support of sex and drugs, TV and movies pounded out the message that rage and violence were the proper responses to one’s inability to realize one’s fantasies.
While some may pooh pooh the advancing Satanism of the Sixties and on to the present time TV and movies did advance the agenda into the present. As incredible as it would have been to a person of the fifties when the mention of leg for lower limb was still frowned upon, copulation, not simulated even, but actual, is shown commonly on TV and in movies. Murder as an occupation or even pastime has openly been promoted on TV shows such as Dexter that celebrates a serial killer and portrays him sympathetically, even as a hero to emulate.
In the series Breaking Bad a mild mannered high school chemistry teacher gets into manufacturing meth and slowly turn into a Death Dealer not unlike Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
The Dexter TV series is a very special case as it seem to have been designed around the philosophy of the Process Church and that of Manson.
Dexter develops around the career of serial killer, a Death Dealer in the Process term. It is nothing less than a series of snuff films recording many, many ritual killings. The ritual theme is highly developed. The ritualistic aspects are quite startling while many of the settings are quite Satanic.
The question of incest is raised as Dexter and his sister are quite close and as the series develops they become romantically in love. Then Dexter involves Deb, the sister, in his ritual killings. This cause a moral conflict in her character against her love for her brother. After an attempt to resolve the conflict by an attempted suicide and killing of Dexter by driving the car they are riding in off the road into a lake. She is rescued by a convenient observer then goes back to save her brother.
Both are under the care of a female psychologist who his fully aware of Dexter’s career because she analyzed Dexter’s father who had trained his son but then committed suicide when Dexter’s avidity for the kill disappointed him. The series is really astonishing. The psychologist is then converted into an accomplice of Dexter.
In a touching scene reminiscent of the Egyptian statue of Isis beholding her son as the father stands behind her throne, one watches as the sister/wife psychologically accepts the role of serial killer, justifying it in her mind, very well acted, now Dexter’s full accomplice. The psychologists nods her assent as Deb wonderingly says: The family that kills together stays together.
Thus the whole philosophy for which Manson has spent his life in prison is legitimized for public emulation. Charles Manson told his Family: You can’t kill kill. And there on your television screen in an incredible reversal of morality in the short space of 60 years from 1960 to the present you have the rejection of God for Satan. If in the Sixties only 2% of the population according to Scientology could be cold blooded killers the entire population of the United States, potentially, has been indoctrinated and conditioned to kill. It only remains for Dexter, his sister and their psychologist to become cannibals.
Thus, through the efforts of Time Magazine, Ira Levin, Roman Polanski, The Process Church and numerous other Satanic cults aided by the Sado-masochists of Hollywood Satanism has slowly displaced Godliness. Satan has murdered Jesus. The unconscious of Freud has displaced the conscious mind of the Aryan past.
The road to chaos has been paved. Can the momentum be stopped?