Saturday, May 11, 2024


A DEMAND FOR A WRITTEN APOLOGY TO HENRY FORD FROM THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE The following paragraph from Licktman and Brightman's FDR and the Jews corroborates Henry Ford's writings in the International Jew for which he was crucified Quote: Leaders of the American Jewish Committee united with Zionists to support the Balfour Declaration of November 1917 in which Britain promised a 'National Homeland' for Jews in Palestine, but not explicitly a Jewish state (which Committee leaders mostly opposed). They also agreed to proposals to establish a "bill of rights" for Jews living in newly created European states at the end of the war. Postwar treaties incorporated both the Balfour Declaration and on-paper protection for Jewish minorities although not the full safeguards of Jewish bill of rights. Unquote. So there you have it, Henry Ford was absolutely correct. Let's have a repudiation of Ford's false apology and an authentic one from the American Jewish Committee

Friday, April 5, 2024


The Roosevelt Effect: The Tyranny Has Arrived by R.E. Prindle There is nothing more clear, this Baltimore Bridge thing is an act of war. If the Iranians didn’t do it I will be more than amazed. We have had clear threats from the Iranians that the war would be brought home to us. The Bridge is a first example. Others will follow. The US cannot go around bombing everyone without expecting retaliations. Twin Towers, this bridge, the continual burning of US forests, when will we officially acknowledge that these are all acts of war? Things can only get worse. The mad men are in control. They have dropped all their masks and repudiate all laws and customs in the attempt to destroy Trump. They have returned to the Stone Age. The mad Biden/Obama, Obama/Biden administrations are not going to give up power unless absolutely forced to. They are tyrants in the original ancient Greek sense and they govern tyrannically. The final means of preventing Trump resuming his presidency is allow the election but by declaring a state of emergency and instituting martial lar preventing his inauguration much as Roosevelt did in 1940 when he sought his third term. Upon election in 1932 he ‘declared war on the depression’ and was given full war time powers, hence becoming a dictator and establishing a tyranny until his death. Democratic actions have and are closely following Roosevelt’s procedures. The only thing that prevented a post war tyranny was the fortunate death of Roosevelt in early 1945 and the accession of VP Harry Trueman. There will be no saving us this time unless we invade the White House and bodily eject Joe Biden and his buddy Barack Obama, immediately declaring a state of emergency and martial law. Direct action is required. These are the times for all good men to come to the aid of their party.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

All Roads Lead to Sigmund Freud by R.E. Prindle Texts: Bernays, Edward,: The Edward Bernays Reader, From Propaganda To The Engineering Of Consent, Ig Publishing, 2021 Freud, Sigmund: Group Psychology And The Analysis Of The Ego, Standard Ediition, 1922 Le Bon, Gustave: The Crowd: A Study Of The Popular Mind, 1895 Samuel, Maurice: You Gentiles, 1924 Read that subtitle of the Bernays entry closely, both titles of works by the Jewish propagandist Edward Bernays. Now turning the book over let us read the sales pitch: Quote, Edward Bernays (1891-1995) was a pioneer in the art of propaganda and public persuasion. Combining theories on crowd psychology with the psychoanalytic ideas of his uncle, Sigmund Freud, Bernays elucidated how public opinion could be shaped. His seminal 1928 book, Propaganda, laid out how propaganda could be used to regiment the collective mind, while his 1923 classic, Crystallizing Public Opinion set down the principles that business and government have used to influence public attitudes over the past century. Unquote. Let's examine this innocuous sounding text. In Bernays work: Propaganda he attempts to make positive a term that has always had negative connotations.that is, propaganda. In general it meant probably using untruths to get people to do what you want and they don’t. In other words he says that now propaganda can be a good thing ignoring the element of lying in the term. And then in 1923 he published Crystallizing Public Opiniion which I understand to mean converting you propaganda into incontrovertible stone. The public then accepts the propaganda which may or may not be beneficial for them into ‘truth.’ So, Bernays is corrupting the integrity of the word. He then goes on to explain the method, ‘engineering’ public opinion, or, how to achieve your goal essentially by hypnotizing your public. Note this was written and published openly. Nothing clandestine here. Now note how these ideas were put into use during the Roosevelt administration from 1932 to 1945. Then extend the method to the open corruption of the current Biden administration. Now Freud read Le Bon's The Crowd sometime after 1895 as he was forming his ideas on psychology based on the ideas of the French psychologists Jean-Martin Charcot and Pierre Janet. Freud’s ideas jelled after the disaster of World War I. One can’t be sure but perhaps Freud saw the astounding success of George Creel's efforts of propagandizing and crystallizing public opinion in the United States with his and President Wilson’s Committee on Public Information. There was the matrix for Freud’s Group Psychology. Creel requires a separate study as do the years 1920 to 1925. The crux of the matter was the failure of its advocates to persuade Americans to accept the League of Nations. Out of that failure came the Counsel of Foreign Affairs that collaborated with or adopted Freud's thinking and Bernays’ formulations 'Propaganda' and the 'Engineering of Consent' which today is pursued so relentlessly on the internet. Due to the interface on the internet opinions counter to official doctrine can be denied with no discussion. I will develop this further.