Monday, April 24, 2017

What's Changed Since 1789?: The French Revolution And Now

What’s Changed Since 1789?

The French Revolution And Now


R. E. Prindle


Victor Hugo Does The Hand Jive
 The mores of the Left were established in the French Revolution and they haven’t changed in the interim.  The Left with its peculiar social and political program has always been a minority cult no different than any other cult.  The Left realized that they could never sway the majority to their point of view.  The only solution they could imagine to enforce their view was genocide.  It was necessary to exterminate all dissenters.  Thus mass exterminations were carried out in Brittany and elsewhere. 

The great Liberal hero, the author of Les Miserables, Victor Hugo laid down the basic approach to differing opinions in his 1860s novel, 1793.  Seventeen ninety-three was, of course, the year of the Great Terror in which the guillotine made war on all dissenters.

Mr. Guillotine- Maxime Robespierre
In all revolutionary periods then the Left has sought to exterminate dissenters.  This was apparent in the years following the second great revolution from which the Soviet Union emerged.  The USSR favored starvation as a weapon of mass destruction and whole classes of society were exterminated.  We needn’t go into Chairman Mao’s China that saw tens of millions fall before the ideology while millions are still falling today.

Today the Left has assumed the role of righteous opponents of what they call ‘White Supremacy.’  Let us take a moment to understand the term ‘White Supremacy.’  To the ordinary person it means people like the Nazis, the KKK and ‘bigots’ in general who want to actually kill their opponents not unlike the Left.  In other words ‘violent extremists.’  So, we have two terms ‘White Supremacists’ and ‘violent extremists’ that need defining.

Gov. Moonbeam and California have recently afforded us a glimpse into how the Left defines ‘White Supremacism.’  The subject of ‘Sanctuary cities’ has been brought to the fore by our noble President Donald Trump.  The Pres. and the majority of US voters believe that borders are to be respected and that people who cross them without proper documentation are to be ejected.

Gov. Moonbeam has made the entire State of California a sanctuary for, actually, anyone from anywhere in the world who wants to be there and automatically by that desire becomes a citizen. Gov. Moonbeam thus is in rebellion against the US government.  All these immigrants are what us usually described as ‘Coloreds.’  The majority in the USA who oppose unrestricted unlimited immigration are conservative and White.  Thus, in the Liberal White mind the issue becomes Coloreds vs. White Supremacists.  Pres. Trump becomes a White Supremacist upholding White Supremacy.  The Left:  one world, one people; the Pres.  America First.

The Left now, as the Revolutionists through the years, has created a great unbridgeable divide in society.  They make their own laws and dissidents to those laws and mores are to be denied any voice.  If not their persons, their opinions are exterminated.  Thus, continuity from 1789 to the present.  Victor Hugo=Gov. Moonbeam.

So, to the Left White Supremacism means renouncing all civilizational contributions of White people while embracing the various Coloreds mores and manners.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Trump, Clinton And Deep Politics

Trump, Clinton And Deep Politics


R.E. Prindle

Much noise has been created about possible Russian involvement in the recent presidential election.  Conflicting reports have the Russians favoring either now Pres. Trump or, on the other hand, Clinton.  It has been considered especially reprehensible that Pres. Trump was ‘elected’ by the Russians.  And if this defies common sense whatever influence Russia may have had it could not possibly equal the US media hate blitz unremittingly directed at Trump for well over a year leading up to the election.  One wonders how Trump survived it.  Yet this supposed invisible Russian influence overrode the US media hate fest.

However, in a situation nearly totally obscured by the US MSM both Trump and the Clintons were involved with the Jewish/Russian Mafiya.  This is not to say they were willingly but as the Jewish mob was extremely powerful, especially in NYC, coercion was involved.

The Jewish Russian criminals arrived en masse on our shores after the downfall of the Soviet Union in the nineties.  They came in the thousands destroying Brooklyn’s Brighton Beach suburb.  Extortion was a key racket so it is probable that both Trump and the Clintons were forced to pay for protection.

I will deal with Pres. Trump in another article but first I wish to give an indication of the Clintons’ involvement.  This is a quote from Robert I. Friedman’s book Red Mafiya:  How The Russian Mob Has Invaded America.  This Mafiya is always referred to as Russian but in fact they are all Jews from Russia.  P. 267-68.

Grigor Loutchansky, a Latvian born convicted felon and president of the Austrian-based NORDEX, a multinational trading company, had been implicated in everything from major money laundering to smuggling nuclear components.  House speaker Newt Gingrich once said the US government officials believed Loutchansky had shipped Scud missile warheads to Iraq from North Korea.  The ubiquitous Loutchansky was also a former business associate of both Chernomyrden and Semion Mogelevitch, according to CIA and other Western intelligence officials.  Yet somehow this enormously wealthy underworld rogue was invited to a private Democratic National Fund-raising dinner for Clinton in 1993.  During coffee, Clinton turned to the mobster to ask a favor:  would he pass along to the Ukrainian government requesting it to reduce its nuclear stockpile?  Clinton then posed for a photograph with the grinning hood, which Loutchansky later liberally passed out among his cronies, greatly enhancing his stature among corrupt government officials and the criminal underworld.  When the photo of the men shaking hands was eventually published in a Russian newspaper, the CIA analyzed it to see if it was fake.  When they discovered it was genuine, agency officials were aghast.  “Loutchansky had one thing in mind:  legitimization,” a congressional investigator probing Russian organized crime explained.  “He wanted US citizenship and he wanted to buy a US bank.”

This criminal Mafiya organization that as Friedman explains had seriously corrupted US society and politics has been almost completely ignored by the MSM.  The Clintons were involved as early as 1993 and judging from contributions to their charity fund it has continued until today.  According to Friedman the US CIA and FBI were well aware of the Jewish mob and yet did little about it.  One imagines that this Mafiya’s influence on US politics was much more effective than any of the Russian government.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Some Thoughts Concerning The Astrological Summer

Some Thoughts Concerning The Astrological Summer


Global Warming As A Natural Process


R.E. Prindle
Since we seem to need something to be hysterical about Algore has fixated us on Global Warming for the last decade or so.  In fact, Algore seems to have started a religious crusade. It is heretical not to accept his version of reality.   Just exactly what can be done about warming isn’t clear; oh, that’s right, electric cars.

Unfortunately, nothing can be done about global warming as it is a totally natural phenomenon that will continue for at least two thousand years.  Our mathematicians should be able to calibrate exactly how many degrees the process will take.

Early astronomy then going by the name of Astrology had the problem worked out.  If they had known what the problem was they could have provided us with the solution.
The problem is with the Great Year and it can’t be corrected; it can only be endured.  Looking at the first diagram above you will notice a tipped over globe.  That tip is known as the Plane of the Ecliptic.  It amounts to 23 ½ or 24 degrees and produces a wobble in the orbit of the globe.  Each wobble takes about 25K years to complete.

As with the terrestrial year of months the Great Year was divided into 12 units called Ages.  So the Zodiac is one monstrously huge timepiece.  As the globe wobbles seasons, as above so below, are created.  There are Astrological winters, or ice ages, as we call them, and summers, or Global Warming, as Algore calls them.

If you look at diagram one you will notice that the ice age occurred when the pole star was Vega.  So Vega is the winter marker while Polaris is the Summer marker.

At Vega the Northern Hemisphere was angled as far away from the sun as it can get;  hence North America toward the pole was covered with a humongous ice sheet which over roughly twelve thousand years became thousands of feet thick.  Instead of rising the ocean levels dropped exposing millions of square miles of new land.

Then, as the Astrological year progressed Spring arrived during the Ages of Virgo and Leo and ‘global warming’ began.  The ice cap collapsed sending out huge flood waves that raised ocean levels to nearly what they are today.  All settlements and/or cities located on the ocean’s marge were inundated under hundreds of feet of water.  Oops, there went Atlantis.

Since the Mediterranean was occupied the residents fled the Great Flood for higher ground on all sides of the Mediterranean.  The priestly class, obviously, headed for the Nile Delta probably settling at its apex near Memphis as it was called.  It was there they built their memorial to what was- the three great pyramids setting these astrological clocks at the Age of Leo soon after the disaster occurred.  All the astronomical sights are set for that Age.  We are now five Ages past Leo in the midst of the Astrological summer.  Spring has been passed.

The Age of Aquarius will likely be the equivalent of the terrestrial month of August; hence Aquarius should be an age of continuing warming leading to the Age of Capricorn cooling and hence to a new ice age or winter when Vega once again becomes the pole star.

Thus, as is happening now, for the next two thousand years at least the Northwest Passage will open and remain open; a couple thousand feet of ice or more will melt from Greenland.  If as with the North Amrican ice sheet the ice of Greenland collapses then the water level of the oceans might rise a number of feet within a year.

Electric cars will not change the Astrological reality.  We are talking science here, if you didn’t recognize it.  The Great Year and its consequences are real.  Live, love, laugh and be happy, don’t be hysterical.  If you don’t want to move to higher ground now, I live at a thousand feet above sea level well prepared to withstand the Astrological judgment day, then be prepared to be flooded out, if you live long enough.

Just some thoughts.


Diagrams borrowed from:

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

China, Hollywood

And The ‘Correct’ Point Of View


R.E. Prindle


A very interesting story about China and Hollywood appeared in the Wall Street Journal of today (4/19/17).  It confirms the continuing marginalization of the US and the threat to the survival of its Constitution.

It seems that Part 8 of Fast and Furious opened in China to 169 million compared to about 70 million in the US. (Inflated to 99 million in the reporting by including Canadian receipts, so China can now dwarf North America.  (US, Canada, Mexico).  Thus, implications go far beyond mere Box Office considerations.  China has now surpassed the US in screens adding 25 a day, that is, 25 a day! Chinese admissions are half the US so the Fast and Furious receipts could be doubled to 338 million.   China soon will have a bigger annual gross than North America with plenty of room to grow.

Anent political considerations the WSJ story makes two very revealing admissions:

Tensions between China and the White House have accelerated since the presidential election.  Mr. Xi is seeking to strike a contrast with President Donald Trump as a champion of globalism, and he appears eager to advance China’s narrative- both by pressuring Hollywood studios to portray the nation favorably and in the long term, by adopting Western filmmaking techniques for China’s own industry.

So, what kind of favorable portrayal do the Chinese insist upon, which is actually a form of censorship, because they won’t show US movies that might be critical.  For instance in a movie portraying the Trump, Xi, Kim Jong Un situation it would be necessary to show China as the moral and ‘correct’ champion with the US and Korea as squabbling brats.  Hollywood will have to accept an inferior position for the US.

Here Mr. Xi should horrify US Liberals and have them condemn him and China as Neo-Nazis.  Indeed, as Mr. Xi states:
We must make patriotism into the main melody of literature and art creation, guide the people to establish and hold correct views of history, views of the nation, views of the country, and views of culture, and strengthen their fortitude and resolve to be Chinese,” said Mr. Xi at the Beijing Forum on Literature and Art in October 2014.
So, there you have it, conditions no Liberal will tolerate in the US but are acceptable to them when imposed by China.  In pleasing the Chinese to retain access to the Chinese market Hollywood does violence to everything the US professes to believe as guaranteed by our Constitution.  In point of fact, as far as movies go Hollywood is now the tail and China is the dog.  The Hollywood tail is not going to be able to wag the Chinese dog.

In fact Hollywood’s relationship to the market now becomes like that of France, Germany or Japan to the US market.  i.e. foreign films.  China within perhaps as little as a year or two may produce more movies than the entire West let alone Hollywood.

The mass market in the US has then disappeared.  With the mass market gone the way is open for other cities than Hollywood to produce movies designed specifically for the US domestic market or US-European markets.  In any event Chinese control of ‘correct history, culture and mores’ must not be allowed to control US filmmaking.

As Mr. Xi’s comment indicates his notion of globalism is simply Chinese domination of the globe.  Foolish Americans if they allow that to happen.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

WSJ- Wooing China To Drop Tariffs.

A Review:

WSJ-Wooing China To Drop Tariffs


R.E. Prindle


Today (4/5/17) we learn in the Journal that China places tariffs of double digits on US goods.  President Trump has been cursed for not being a Free Trader and the quaking shaking Libs wobble around in circles at the mention of the word tariff.  But now, according to Bill Lane, of Caterpillar, who wrote the article, the Pres. Is going to entertain Chinese bigwigs at Mar-a-Lago and ‘woo’ them to drop their tariffs.

So, now we belatedly learn what has been concealed, the Chinese have never been Free Traders, just free loaders exploiting the US and Europe.  The story goes further than Bill and the WSJ do as they don’t delve any deeper.  As Niall Ferguson pointed out in an article the Chinese threw up a firewall against US technology companies so that they wouldn’t dominate China while the Chinese studied the internet and stole whatever information they needed to create their own search engine, Baidu, and mimic and master the social media.  That done you and I can now download Baidu but the Chinese are unable to ‘Google it’.  Rah, rah, rah, Free Trade.

So, now that Bill and the WSJ realize they’ve been walking around with something stiff and yellow up their backsides for years they’re beginning to feel the discomfort.  After decades of that they’re going to attempt to solve the problem bass ackwards.  They’re encouraging the Pres. To ‘woo’, understand the word woo, China into dropping its tariffs rather than doing the muscular thing and impose tariffs on the Chinese and kick their asses in line.

Ah, but the Libs say that will wreck the Global Free Trade system, but, there isn’t a Free Trade system as China has amply demonstrated.  So, what did China achieve by imposing double digit tariffs?  They built up their economy quickly and at the expense of a Global Free Trade system.  We in effect paid them to do business with them.

So, what will happen if the US imposes double digit tariffs on Chinese goods?  China will be forced to develop their own internal economy while the US will quickly rebuild its own economy.   Will that mean goods will no longer be cheap?  Why?  As the Libs never tire of saying, robots are doing the work so there won’t be any jobs.

Well, if the Chinese are turning to robots because robots are the cheapest to run even more cheaply than cheap Chinese labor then goods can be made as cheaply here at the same cost that is as in China.  Imagine the transportation costs that will be saved making our domestic goods even cheaper.

Mr. Bill concludes his argument thusly:  Maybe this is the right time for the two leaders to cut a deal to slash Chinese trade barriers.

Chinese trade barriers?  Why weren’t Chinese trade barriers a major topic during the election?  Why are we only hearing of Chinese trade barriers now?  Maybe Chinese trade barriers didn’t and don’t fit the so-called Free Trade system?  Then we have nothing to lose.

Face it Libs:  We’ve been had since that dolt Nixon opened to China.  It is time for China to play by the same rules the Free Traders are playing by to get a little of our own back.

I just hope the Pres. turns aggressive and stops the defensive cowtowing to those East Coast Libs and pays more attention to the people who elected him.  Figure it out Mr. Pres. they would have loved to have burned you at the stake back then and it would gratify them much to see you in flames now.  Stop trying to placate them and kick them into place.