Saturday, January 28, 2017

Whammo! We're Back To 1984, Pt. II

Whammo! We’re Back To 1984, Pt. II


R.E. Prindle


Just beneath Bret Stephens article in the WSJ 1/24/17 issue is William McGurn’s article America First Takes On A New Meaning.  McGurn examines his thesis in a more coherent form than Bret.

Trump used the term America First and was condemned by Liberals as a bigot.  I’m not sure that most Liberals even know what the ‘40s America First organization was all about.  The prime thing that most people know is that Charles Lindbergh was accused as an anti-Semite who insulted the Jews.  He didn’t do that but having mentioned the Jews in his Omaha speech he was immediately denounced as an anti-Semite and that denunciation destroyed America First.

The issue was should America involve itself in another European war?  If that was a possibility, as it was, then who was for involvement?  There was certainly no populist movement, quite the opposite.  Lindbergh accurately identified the perps as the British, the Jews and Roosevelt.  As the trio couldn’t deny it or debate the issue they just gaslighted Lindbergh warning everyone away from him.  This is essentially Trump’s situation today but he isn’t Lindbergh.

Now, it was obvious at the time that Jews, England and Roosevelt were promoting US entry.  Books were written about it, check out Walter Millis, I haven’t seen magazine articles of the time but they surely exist and Hollywood produced many anti-German movies in the years leading up to the war.

It was only when it became obvious that the US was being led into war that the America First movement came into existence.  Nor was it created by anti-Semites or Deplorables or Nazi sympathizers but by old line Americans at Yale University.  Lindbergh as the group’s spokesman only became involved after the group was well established.

McGurn, who has limited space for his column assumes, as one must, that people are familiar with America First so he picks highlights to illustrate his point.  It seems that he believes America First was isolationist, the ordinary defamation used by Liberals, as he contrasts use of the term to demonstrate Trump’s isn’t, hence his title:  America First ‘Takes On A New Meaning.’

In my opinion the ’40 Firsters were not isolationists either.  Isolation was impossible then as now.  It was just that the US had no dog in Europe’s fight.  If the war was going to happen the US could not prevent it while there was no great threat to democracy or at least no greater threat than the Communists who were infiltrating the US government.

McGurn tells an interesting anecdote:

A few months earlier two prominent senators- Democrat Burton Wheeler of Montana and Republican Gerald Nye of North Dakota- spoke to an America First rally in a Mid-town Manhattan hall then known as Mecca Temple.  The next day, the New York Times carried a statement from an opposing organization contrasting the crowd’s reaction to mentions of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin on the one hand with its reactions to Britain’s prime minister on the other:  “It is interesting to note, too, that while there was no disapproval of the foreign dictators the audience of Mecca Temple booed extensively at the name of Winston Churchill.”

In point of fact Churchill who Hitler denounced as a war-monger knew that in a war with Germany England had no chance of winning.  When asked how he expected to win the war Churchill replied:  ‘I’ll get America to do it for us.’  Rather coldblooded don’t you think?

As for the Jews and FDR, the Jews in the person of their spokesman Samuel Untermyer declared war on Germany in 1933.  Shortly thereafter Roosevelt began cooperating with them in their war by declaring an embargo and other measures.  So, actually the US was in an undeclared war with Germany from 1934 on.  By 1940, then, anyone who cared to see saw that Jews, England and Roosevelt were leading us into war on Germany.

In the characterization of Lindbergh as a German agent the Jews are solely responsible.  As a precursor to Philip Roth’s recent The Plot Against America Hollywood made a movie in 1941, Keeper Of The Flame, portraying a character supposed to represent Lindbergh as an incipient Nazi dictator.

So the defamation of Lindbergh was a vicious criminal act.

In a way comparing apples to oranges McGurn contrasts Trump’s claim to put America First.  That is, just as the WWII trio were putting English and Jewish interests first, involving the US in a matter that did not concern it, so the Post-war ’45 Liberal Agenda has placed the interests of others above those of the US.  The US became the doormat of the world while supposedly the most powerful country on earth.

Trump intends to change that.  Rather than accept an inferior position to other countries he intends to put US interests first.  America First.  We’ve given enough of our country away.

Liberal’s, who should know better after watching Obama sacrifice our interests fully misrepresent what Trump means.  Thus having exhausted the Nazi/Hitler meme they are resurrecting the old saw of Orwell’s 1984.

Bankrupt politically, Liberals are now bankrupt morally.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Whammo! We've Reverted To 1984, Pt. I


Whammo! We’ve Reverted To 1984, Pt. I


R.E. Prindle


Now that Trump has been elected and taken office the attack on him has changed.  Gaslighting is in full force.  Of course. the forces led by the warlord George Soros are in open rebellion, rioting in the streets and promising all sorts of condign harassment, but the ‘thinkers’ at the Wall Street Journal take a more subtle approach.  One wonders what Trump means to them.  The reaction can only be compared to when goofball FDR assumed office, or, perhaps Herbert Hoover’s term when everyone piled on. 

In FDR’s first term he was perceived as a threat to democracy by the Right so perhaps Trump is threatening the fantasy world of the Left.  One imagines that they can see their Weltanschauung begin to evaporate into the thin air that they breathe.

Both groups must now construct a Trump to suit their needs.  For the nonce let’s concentrate on a couple articles in the 1/24/17 Wall Street Journal.  One by Bert Stephens, a real Trump hater and the other by William McGurn, no relation to Machine Jack McGurn, who seems more amenable to Trump.

Stephens who I have reviewed before is a regular contributor to the Journal, indeed, one of its editors.  I don’t know how he got his job, nepotism perhaps.  In this effort, accentuate effort, Bret seeks a fictional character who best characterizes Trump.  Needless to say, his speculatives, Willie Stark, Jay Gatsby or the American Psycho are all derogatory including the character he settles on, Thomas Mann’s Peeperkorn from The Magic Mountain.  A character to mock as sub-human.

Bert then runs through derogatory historical characters settling on Napoleon III of whom the Red writer Victor Hugo noted:  He is not an idiot.  With encomiums like that Bret then turns to the grit or meat of his condemnation by turning to that mega icon of the Left, Hannah Arendt.   She who invented the Authoritarian Personality to vilify anyone on the Right.  As Bret saved Hannah for a clinching last two paragraphs I quote, Drumroll:

And then there is Hannah Arendt’s “Origins Of Totalitarianism” with its clear eyed analysis of how public cynicism toward flawed political institutions can be transformed by a wily regime in an assault on foundational concepts of truth, the substitution of facts with Kellyanne Conway’s “alternate facts”.

Here the narrative is clear, Bert’s essay is right because he’s based it on a ‘clear eyed’ authority who, being Jewish, can’t be contradicted safely.  If others think Arendt is not the ultimate authority why, then they are just plain kablooey.  And as the master of the subject, as a leader of the right sort of people, thinking and doing the right sort of thing is infallible.  Miss Arendt carefully places her finger on the villains -wily regimes-  who abandon the paths of righteousness favored by the Right Sort, to assault foundational concepts of truth.  Foundational concepts of truth, many think truth is impossible to ascertain, let alone foundational concepts of it whatever they may be.  Sounds darn good though, doesn’t it.  Foundational truths.  Hmm?

One gathers then Miss Arendt and by extension Bret represent the truth, honesty personified.  As Miss Arendt was Jewish writing about Nazis who the bearers of truth and untruth are is clear thus Bret cleverly associates Trum with the Nazis.

What does the ‘assault on truth’ consist of?  The substitution of ‘facts’ with Kellyanne Conway’s ‘alternate facts.’

True facts are true and alternate facts that are automatically false.  Who determines true facts are indeed facts?  What is fact and what is not?  Why the controllers of the narrative.  Who is controlling the narrative here?  Why the Liberals; so facts are determined to serve their ends.  In this case the Liberals presented a pair of photos purporting to show the maximum attendance at Obama’s inauguration on the left hand side and Trump’s on the right.  In these days of photo shopping we are then asked to believe the photos are undoctored.  They may be but the mere presentation of photos does not make facts, but assuming the photos individually are authentic, thus making them ‘facts’, their pairing is wide open to manipulation and thus has to be authenticated, not just accepted, as the Liberals ask.  Their pairing is stated by the Liberals to be a fact.  The truth.  It isn’t.

Representing Trump who declared the pairing to be no fact Kellyanne said the Trumpers had ‘alternate facts’ meaning I presume a different interpretation of the attendance situation.  As the Liberal pairing was a false representation of the situation it was no fact, in fact it was dishonest.  Cleverly seizing the narrative Liberals acted as though their opinion was fact condemning Kellyanne’s ‘alternate facts’ as Orwellian double speak from his novel 1984.  Double speak is something the Democrats are expert at as witness the Obama administration. 

Not surprisingly the sales position of Orwell’s 1984 jumped from obscurity to number 1 on Amazons sales chart.  Note, amazon is only one outlet easily controlled and it was the sole outlet cited.  How many copies of 1984 does one have to buy to manipulate amazon’s sales list on any given day?  A couple hundred or thousand?  Easily and cheaply done and of course they could be returned shortly after the point was made.  The point?  Trump is Big Brother with all that entails and his ‘alternate facts’, which indeed he could certainly have as do any two lawyers in a court of law.

Bret continues his accusation into the last paragraph:

“One of the greatest advantages of the totalitarian elites of the twenties and thirties [of the twentieth century] was to turn any statement of fact into a question of motive,”  Arendt writes.  Anyone watching Ms. Conway’s performance with NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday (1/22/17) knows that one needn’t be totalitarians much less elite, to employ the same tactic.

So, Kellyanne was employing a tactic favored by totalitarians but needn’t necessarily be a totalitarian. She’s also beneath our dignity, nothing elitist about her.   This raises the question then do only Nazis or would be totalitarians pursue the tactic of false facts for that is how they portray ‘alternate facts?’ 

Since our Liberal friends, championed here by Bret Stephens, created a false fact in their pairing of two pictures not directly related they are guilty of what they are condemning and hence Nazis and would be totalitarians and agents of the Big Brother of 1984.   People who live in glass houses….

Monday, January 23, 2017

Trump And Mexico: Wall or No?

Trump And Mexico:

Wall Or No.


R.E. Prindle


One of Trump’s major talking point during the election was the promise to erect a wall between Mexico and the US.  On the surface there can be no question but on reflection several difficulties arise.  On the one hand Mexicans would work to destroy it while from the US side sympathetic Americans would work to sabotage it.

As the Mexicans have avowed they are invading the US that they mistakenly believe was taken from them; while so or not the two countries destinies are interlocked.

As a solution to the border problem I offer this solution.  American agriculturists  want Mexican laborers; Mexican laborers want unrestricted entry to the US.  American business wants access to cheap Mexican labor so they move their plants to Mexico to obtain it while idling millions of US workers.  The US is thereby losing this war on both sides of the border.  They are taking our jobs on one hand and our industry on the other.

The two countries are linked while Mexicans have free access to the US illegally  while US citizens honor the Mexican border submitting to indignities to enter Mexico.

What must be done then is that while Mexicans have dual citizenship so must all US citizens be granted Mexican citizenship.  The Mexican government must grant US citizens the same dual citizenship they claim for Mexicans in the US.

In addition US companies and entrepreneurs would have free access to develop Mexican resources, build factories etc.  In order to level Mexican labor advantages Mexican wages would have to be doubled, tripled or whatever it take to bring them in line with US wages.  Thus US workers would be given equal access to jobs in Mexico if they so desired.

US residents would have the right to serve in any political capacity up to and including the presidency of Mexico.

English as an official language would be on a par with Mexican (a dialect of Spanish.) and Mexico would accept the US constitution.

Adjustments would be ongoing but this is the general plan for solving the border problem.  Erecting a wall is futile and retrogressive.  Dare to step boldly into the future where all men have gone.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Coming Euroamerican Confederation, Trump Going Forward

The Coming Euroamerican Confederation

Trump Going Forward


R.E. Prindle

One hopes that the Liberal petulance at their electoral loss has exhausted itself and we can turn to more serious problems, such as the end of the Post ’45 Liberal Agenda.  The antagonisms of that agenda do not fit the new Global World Order emerging.  The idea of the United Nations has failed.  The notion of giving each country no matter the size or in what state of development an equal vote was nonsensical.  What, for instance, does Rwanda have in common with, say, France and what does Germany have in common with Bangladesh.  None share the same problems or stage of development both human and material.  How can such anomalous countries intelligently vote for the benefit of the others.

If the UN is to continue it must be broken up into blocs of similarity.  We also are in a state of Darwinian conflict.  As Darwin said, when two or more varieties of the same species making their living in the same way occupy the same space one only can survive and the others must go under.  He uses the example of a small very aggressive Asian cockroach driving out the larger but more sluggish Russian cockroach.

At the present time all mankind has adopted the Western economic system, that is all races are earning their living in the same way and have not only come into contact but overlap each other so that the various blocs are also coming into conflict with each other.  This can be clearly seen in the Chinese move to bring all Asia out to the first island arc into the Chinese system.  Massive units can only be countered by equally massive units but the struggle for land and resources goes on.  No amount of reasoning can abort this.

To counter the Asian bloc it is imperative that all differences be overcome and North America and Europe form an Euroamerican bloc.  This involves the US and Russia, as the two largest units resolving any differences while bringing the smaller European States under the same umbrella, a Confederation of Europe and the Americas; this essentially means Whites.

The Confederation would then replace the EU, that would make that organization the intermediate between the nation states and the Confederation.

It is well that the Post ’45 Liberal Agenda should collapse at this time when such a Confederation is actually waiting to be formed.  Trump and Putin are the men who can do it.  This is the time.

There will be a large minority that claim Trump and Putin are flawed men for various reasons.  True enough but there will never come a time when the job can be entrusted to non-existent flawless men or women.  (A bow to the distaff side.)

So, why don’t we all, at least those who see the issue, get behind Trump and Putin and realize the Euroamerican Confederation?  Yes, there are problems, immense problems, but the urgency of the matter must overcome all problems.  Urgency should give us the incentive to work it out.

The problems are obvious and the Liberal effort has failed.  What not to do should be clear to everyone so the formation of the Confederation on realistic rather than ideological terms not only should but must be possible.

It is time to put aside petty considerations and deal with the larger more important concerns.  Like him or not Trump has the right ideas and those ideas will force the issue to hopefully a sound conclusion.  The broader issue is not only America First but Euroamerica First.  A Confederation of Euroamerican States is a necessity.  Basically we think alike.  Let’s go for it.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Trump At The Cusp

Trump On The Cusp


R.E. Prindle

Provided that Trump will be allowed to take office it appears that his position is shaping up this way:  He had made three major mistakes.

1.      He is slow assuming control and this probably will hamper his performance.  In his press conference he should have been the commander.  He should have never allowed those left wing idiots disorder.  He should have ordered them to sit and stifle their hysteria, only respond when pointed to instead of shouting and shrieking on their feet.  These morons have to be managed sternly.  They will appreciate it.


2.     It is foolish to try to placate the RINOs.  He should have dumped Ryan when he had the chance, humiliated Lindsay Graham and McConnell.  This trio of homosexuals see themselves as equal or superior to Trump and will work with the Democrats to thwart him and impose those will on him.  He must replace Ryan as speaker and discredit the others.


3.     As I feared when it became evident that he was surrounded by and indebted to the Jews his presidency  will be the most Jewish the country has seen including Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  In reviving the eighteenth century German custom of the Court Jew by making Jared Kushner his senior advisor he has sealed his fate.  Consider the situation between Morgenthau and FDR.  It is time for people to review that relationship and the career of the Wurttemberg Court Jew, Joseph ‘Suss’ Oppenheim.  The only text available on Suss in English is Lion Feuchtwanger’s 1926 novel, Jud Suss.  I review the book and its times here: .


4.     There are a number of German studies that remain untranslated.  It would be nice if a German student translated a couple.

If allowed to serve these three trouble spots may ruin Trump’s effectiveness while it is absolutely necessary to command rather than cajole people.  In Trump’s case it is necessary to be feared rather than loved.  He has made excellent cabinet choices but Trump must lead them rather than follow them.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Meryl Disses The Donald

Meryl Disses The Donald

 by your Hollywood reporter,

The Ronald


It looks like things are getting a little snippy here in Lalaland.  The reigning Queen Of Holllywood stepped up to the microphone to get her little statuette for a whole lifetime award from the Golden Globes.  Apparently Meryl (Streep, if you’ve been asleep forever Darlings) felt diminished by her award when her fellow Star of fifteen years as TVs The Apprentice translated his TV stardom into the real life time award of President of the United States.  Now that, Loved Ones,  is the award of awards unmatched by Meryl’s measly little statuette.

Perhaps in a fit of pique at being out-awarded the redoubtable Miss Meryl chose the moment to go all snide over the Donald.  Her remarks that would be considered hateful anywhere outside of Tinsel Town came across with a touch of the puerile.  Nevertheless they apparently touched home as The Donald using his weapon of choice, The Tweet, twittered poor Meryl into oblivion.

Don’t you just love these Star Wars?  Your Hollywood reporter sure does, Children.