Sunday, June 30, 2013

IQ, Intelligence And Reason

IQ, Intelligence And Reason


R.E. Prindle

Kleps, Arthur: Millbrook, 1975- Recension of 2005, OKNeoAC Pub.

Art Kleps was associated with Tim Leary at Millbrook from 1963 to 1968. Kleps formed his own Neo-American Church which is still in existence. Before turning on and flipping out he had been a school psychologist dealing with IQ testing. I quote this analysis from his memoir Millbrook concerning the differing intelligence of the races mainly because of the sincerity of Kleps and his knowledge of the subject and because in the quote he is lecturing to an all Negro audience in a pool hall. They understand and he was not molested. The analysis also points out the genius of Arthur Jensen with whom we should all be familiar. Pp. 199-200.


When America’s classic race problems came up I had reached the luminous, lucid and reckless stage of intoxication which had gotten me into and also out of the sugar-cube jam in Florida in ‘66, and I was ready to tell everyone about all kinds of stuff they had never heard before whether they wanted to hear it or not.

I drew two imaginary racial curves, with one overlapping the other, on an imaginary blackboard, to show why the difference in the Negro and Whites representation in special classes and graduate schools was not evidence of discrimination but almost exactly what any knowledgeable tests and measurements psychologists, such as myself, would expect based on the test score statistics. The means of the two races’ distribution of IQ scores were about one standard deviation apart, with the mean IQ of Whites at about 101 and the Negro mean at about 86. That meant that at the extreme low end and extreme high end of distributions, there would inevitably be differences of about ten-to-one in favor of Whites, which is exactly what happened in practice.

Environmental factors cannot account for the difference. All the research studies I’m talking about match for parental socio-economic status, and many are based on non-verbal, person-to-person test scores, not paper-pencil tests, which are less reliable. All of the many studies of identical twins reared apart have shown that 85 to 90 percent of the variance in intelligence must be attributed to heredity. The most likely IQ for any person picked at random is exactly midway between the mean of his parents’ IQs and the mean of the racial group of which he is a member. These are the same kind of probabilistic facts relied on by Resorts International to consistently make money at its craps tables, but the government insists on betting against the house.

Why? Well, who benefits?

There wasn’t a murmur of protest. Intelligent questions were asked in a respectful manner. Two handsome gentlemen of color who had been playing pool in the back room put down their cues and came over to listen.

At closing time, as we rounded a corner out of earshot of the bar, Billy said, “My God, I didn’t think we would get out of that place alive.”

Pish posh. I have delivered the same lecture to mixed race audiences in jails and prisons with the same absence of baleful consequences.

Although radical differences in intelligence are routinely observed between inbreeding populations within other species, like dogs, the mass media insists that all human races are about the same in average intelligence. This fantastic idea, contradicted by historical and everyday experience and mountains of scientific evidence, is none the less promoted by the oligarchy because it makes people with African ancestors think they are suffering from an incurable moral defect. “You can be anything you want to be, if you only try hard enough,” is this text, but the subtext is “you lazy niggers.”

At the same time a White working class is infuriated by “affirmative action”; busing and other forms of forced integration and propaganda on the tube that pictures miscegenation as a great idea.

This is a profoundly sinister and Machiavellian policy which deliberately stimulates racial antagonisms among working class people while pretending to deplore them.

The myth of intellectual equality among human inbreeding populations justifies the denial of genuine help to the poor; people with the mental ages of ten year olds, of all races, are told to go forth and become computer programmers and such like. It’s either that, or live in a cardboard box under a bridge.

There is a good reason to believe that the mean IQ of African Blacks is closer to 70 than 86, which is exactly what hereditarians would expect.

IQ is race linked, but the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that this is not so. All racial differences which appear in the occupational, educational and other statistics must therefore be ascribed to discrimination or perhaps to the baleful cultural consequences of past mistreatment of the inferior populations ancestors.

Well intentioned liberals and leftists in the United States are duped, as usual, and the working class divided, as usual, and the Right, which is usually wrong, can blame it on the Left, which is usually right.

How wonderful can things get?

Read Jensen, Arthur Ed.D. U Cal Berkeley, for the facts:

Educability And Group Differences

The Measure Of Intelligence

Bias In Mental Testing

All three books are models of superb empirical reasoning and analytical logic. They are clearly written and provide a wonderful introduction to statistics and the scientific method in general. You can then go on to The g Factor, also by Jensen, if you think you have the g to read it.

In the academic world, Jensen stands astride his subject like that mysterious colossus of old, which according to arcane history, once towered over the Aegean. Its balls were brass and clanged together and played “Stormy Weather”, while lightning shot out of its ass. His critics, such as Steven Gould, are mere midges circulating at the feet of this imposing figure and of no interest to anyone except creatures even more diminutive and ephemeral than themselves, who dance to the music of the spheres without knowing it.


So, really, the argument is closed although its opponents refuse to accept the facts. As Kleps said the continue to bet against the house hoping against hope to change reality.

The crimes perpetrated against geniuses like Arthur Jensen and James Watson for merely telling the truth must be redressed. Their detractors can be merely dismissed. No apologies are necessary nor will be accepted. You have shown who you are.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Not Responsible Or Negotiable

Not Responsible or Negotiable


R. E. Prindle


There comes a time when a race must wake up. That time is now. Aryans are not responsible for the fate or actions of other races. While the notion of amalgamating all the cultures of the world into one by immigration to ‘America’ was perhaps a beautiful dream it has proven to be an impossible fantasy.

‘America’ was an Anglo-Saxon or Aryan fantasia. It existed only in the minds of Aryans. Even as Aryans of the pre-Great War period imagined that all the various cultures imported into the US were embracing the Anglo-Saxon ideal the various cultures were reforming in reaction to the Anglo-Saxon or Aryan fantasy into powerful cultural nations.

After World War II they began in earnest to separate their cultures from the dominant Anglo-Saxon and with great resentment to it. Today they have declared their absolute separation from the Anglo-Saxon ideal to form, as it were, independent enclaves or ‘States’ that exclude other cultures including the Aryan from their midst.

Negroes have their own separate ‘no-go’ enclaves. Hasidim or Orthodox Jews are slowly claiming a huge swath from New York down to Jersey in which no others are welcome. Mexicans gather into enclaves from which they cleanse all but Mexicans. All these areas and peoples have all but claimed independence from the US wishing to live under their own laws and customs at the country’s expense. They all defraud the common treasury to a very great extent in one way or another.

It is time we Aryans renounce responsibility for these peoples. Cut the cord to the Aryan treasury, let them stand on their own.

If the Negroes wish to separate then let them separate. Give them Mississippi as their own African State; then load up a few trains and transfer Detroit’s population to Mississippi. The Aryans of Mississippi can migrate to Detroit and begin to rebuild that ruined and lost city. It can be built better than it was. Empty the whole State of Michigan of Negroes and declare it an Aryan Republic. If Liberals don’t like it tell them to shut up or git along down to Ole’ Miss where they can live with their own.

Consolidate the Hasidim and Orthodox Jews into a New York county or two and let them live out their insane Arien Age existence there. On their own. The same as Negro and Mexican territories. No foreign aid from the US. Their own doctors, their own hospitals, their own everything. Let them take care of themselves. Let them stand on their own two feet. Let them be responsible for their own welfare. We Aryans must be responsible for ourselves alone. An Aryan education for Aryans. Let Negroes and Orthodox Jews educate themselves, they can do it, and good luck to them.

Enough is enough.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Aryan Cultural Crisis

The Aryan Cultural Crisis


R.E. Prindle


The current expansion into an incipient global culture indicates a significant sea change in the Aryan relationship to its own culture. The expansion of globalism itself coincides with a critical moment in the evolution of the Aryan culture. My generation is perhaps the end of Aryan culture.

In 1950 when I was approaching awareness Aryan culture was firmly in place, a model for the rest of the world. But it was backward looking as our literature was still of the Victorian and Edwardian periods. The development of culture was interrupted by the Great War of 1914-18. Except for pulp literature that was unrecognized as cultural the 20s, 30s, and 40s produced very little writing that became an integral part of Aryan culture. The ‘classics’ of the nineteenth century ruled.

Even as late as the 1970s the shelves of bookstores mainly contained nineteenth century novels. In the last couple decades I notice the shelves filled with writers that quite frankly I’ve never heard of. Writers with catalogs of seven, eight, nine or more too. Even on the shelves of used bookstores classic literature is disappearing or being sold at very low prices.

There is much more of an emphasis on international titles and authors, not only European but Chinese, Japanese, Middle Eastern, South American and even a sprinkling of African.

At the same time the nineteenth century has quietly receded into a more distant perhaps even an ancient past. Already slightly odd to my generation as writing styles have changed it has become foreign to the current generation or two. It takes a certain learning to understand it. Scientific and technological developments have placed it beyond understandability. The reactions of the characters of old novels have no context in the current social, sexual and technological context.

Thus time, science and technology have severed current generations of Aryans from their past. In addition current social conditions mock and disparage the founders of modern social, scientific and technological developments as those of old dead White men. Thus the young of today are completely severed, cut off, from their origins. They have essentially lost their culture.

At the same time literary contributions of Negroes, Chinese, Japanese, Jews, Middle Easterners and others become their required reading so that any connection with their own Aryan past is disconnected and stays disconnected. Aryan works either do not get published and if published get little or no promotion.

As there are only twenty-four hours in a day students have no time to forage on their own while as I indicated they can only be really interested in works of the last twenty or thirty years.

What is true of literature is also true of music and movies. Few if any of any generation usually show interest in the cultural achievements of their predecessors taking more pride in what they themselves are doing. Thus if the current generation is only shown the work of other cultures, if their minds are filled with those cultures to the exclusion of their own then they will have to create their weltanschauung from a collation of other cultural influences.

Thus we will have the unprecedented situation in which the multi-millions of volumes in our huge libraries will be ignored, unread, except by the very few of a curious disposition.

If one visits today’s college campuses one is dismayed to find the student bodies made up predominantly of non-Aryan students, many barely speaking English, to whom those vast collections of books have no relevance whatsoever. What can Huckleberry Finn, thought of as the greatest of American novels, mean to them? If Aryans find, say, Balzac incomprehensible, Dumas beyond comprehension, perhaps even Sherlock Holmes beyond the pale of understanding what can they possibly mean to hordes of students not even familiar with contemporary American culture?

Think of it. Perhaps millions of volumes in, say, the Berkeley library of the University of California untouched for decades to come.

We are indeed on the brink of a strange new world, a world in which Aryans will inevitably be swallowed up and disappear leaving behind millions and millions of volumes to oblivion. Thousands of years of history and scholarship down the memory hole. In a way it like the ancient classical world that disappeared leaving the Jewish bible as the dominant text of the past. It was only two thousand years later that archaeology exposed the derivative nature of Judaism. What does the future hold?


Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Jews vs. John Galliano

The Jews vs. John Galliano


R.E. Prindle

The great European Affaire Galliano has not yet ended. A little over a hundred years ago the great Affaire Dreyfus raged through France setting the country at loggerheads. In the great Jewish war against Europe the Dreyfus Affaire established the Jews as a semi-autonomous culture within France. One wonders what the Galliano Affaire is meant to achieve. Perhaps only redressing Dreyfus by inflicting a humiliation on a Franco-English hairdress… uh, I mean Fashionista.

The Jews have already forced through a French law making it a criminal offense to utter a single word of criticism about themselves. Perhaps the Galliano Affaire was provoked to show that no star is bright enough to escape retribution for the least, the very least, of utterances spoken in obscurity, almost one might say, a dream, while the persecuted is so draconically punished out of all proportion to the imagined offense that anyone with even a shred of ‘anti-Semitism’ in their heart will be cowed into submission.

Thus, while Galliano escaped any punishment at the hands of the French court save being criminalized, the Affaire is being reopened on the issue of whether Galliano can be allowed to be rehabilitated to the rank of a mere human being. He has been excommunicated if not outlawed. One would consider this as subject for the opera buffe, a comic opera, if it weren’t so serious for Galliano and actually the future of France as an independent country and not a satrapy of Israel.

Thus the July 2013 issue of Vanity Fair features what must be a 10K word article supposedly pleading for Galliano’s readmission to the human race and possible reinstatement to gainful employ. The article is written by one Ingrid Sischy, an assimilationist Jew. Naturally a Jew would be selected to reintroduce Galliano to humanity. I don’t know what Vanity Fair pays for very long articles, possibly 10 to 25K or even more, but the Jews continue to profit from the Affaire to the exclusion of Aryans. Twenty-five thousand might be pocket change in those circles but still, it does fill the tank.

Apparently the enormity of a drugged out, drunken Galliano’s response to harassment as a poofter by a Jewish woman in a Paris street bar is such that two years after the verdict the wound is still fresh in the hides of Jews that even the Chief Rabbi of France, Gilles Bernheim, another assimilationist Jew going by his first name, is still smoldering. P. 121:


Not everyone has believed it to be appropriate to have Galliano in their midst. Gilles Bernheim, the chief rabbi of France, rejected requests to meet with him.


But, to be fair and balanced, same page:


On the other hand, Rabbi Barry Marcus, [another assimilator] of Central Synagogue, one of London’s oldest Orthodox synagogues, has begun a dialogue with Galliano. The designer attended a service one Saturday morning…wearing a tallith and kipa.


So, just as Dreyfus returned from Devil’s Island, Galliano is being drawn back from limbo. Apparently a tit for tat. Marcus is holding out a warming hand to the sinner to raise him from his degraded depths:


As a Jew and a rabbi, if anybody makes a mistake- and we all make mistakes- built into Judaism is the concept of giving a person another chance, or forgiving. So much of who we are and how we operate as human beings is built on that very principle.


Well, gosh, yes. Magnanimity is just so Jewish. One can’t be more holy than the Jews. Such magnanimity is seldom seen on the planet other than in Judaism. But let’s look at Galliano’s so-called crime and its circumstances. Miss Sischy begins her article with this dramatic paragraph:


May as well face the worst of it right away, so here it is: The transcript of a cell phone video of an encounter at La Perle, a bar in Paris’ Marais district, which stunned the fashion world, and millions of people outside that world, with its mix of inexcusable anti-Semitism, childish bile, and outrageous obscenity. The video was first posted on the Web site of the British tabloid The Sun on February 28, 2011, and immediately went viral:

Is This Blonde Enough For You?

Woman: “Are you blond?”

Man: “No, but I love Hitler. People like you would be dead today. Your mothers, your forefathers, would be fucking gassed, and fucking dead.”

Woman: “Oh my god! Do you have a problem?”

Man: “With you? You’re ugly.”

Woman: “With all people. You don’t want peace? You don’t want peace in the world?”

Man: “Not with people that are ugly.”

Woman: “Where are you from?”

Man: “Your asshole.”


If the above is accurate there is no mention of Jews whatever. Apparently the subject of world peace as a non-sequitur is uppermost in the woman’s mind not Judaism. For the people who gave us Lenny Bruce to complain about obscenity is obscenity itself. The Jews who were responsible for breaking down the barriers of bad language now complain because someone follows their example. There is no mention of Jews so there can be no anti-Semitism in the above quote.

As to the woman asking ‘Are you blond?’ that would imply that the first part of the conversation has been omitted. We are at a loss as to who first initiated the exchange or how provocative it may have been. ‘Are you blond?’ is either a taunt or a sexual invitation.

There is also a question as to how Galliano would have known the woman was Jewish. It is true that the Mastermind of All Time, Albert Einstein said that he could tell a Jew at sight from a mile away but few Aryans can. Since the woman wouldn’t have appeared to Jewish to a besotted, drugged out poofter like Galliano then I have to assume that she announced that she was Jewish.

While Galliano may be highly regarded as a fashion designer by Fashionistas, I see him a comic costumier and in the video I saw he was amusingly at his best. An obvious poofter even to the untrained eye. Was the woman mocking his sexuality. I’m afraid we may never know now as that evidence has been deleted. As this incident was an obvious set up, and I do know set ups, I suspect the Jews themselves were the obvious culprit creating a faux ‘anti-Semitic incident as is their wont.

How outraged did they really think those millions were? And if millions were outraged, which is questionable, how many other millions, myself included, merely laughed and said: ‘Here they go again?’ I mean, this isn’t the first time the trick has been tried, or the second, or third, or….

The court itself didn’t take the accusation seriously. Their own investigation undoubtedly revealed that there was a great deal of provocation and misrepresentation. Of course, the idiotic self-serving law is on the book. Galliano wasn’t even adequately represented which is suspicious in itself. But, as a law had been ‘violated’ I suppose the court was obligated to adjudicate it.

While it was possible to give Galliano jail time as well as a mega fine the court chose to impose no sentence while fining him only minimally and then suspending it. I’m sure there is Freudian significance to the number but not being French it is beyond my ken. This may be interpreted as a slap in the face to both this particular law and the Jews. Both are absurd and somebody other than Galliano should be ashamed and shamed.

One is forced to believe the incident was merely a publicity stunt a la the Dreyfus Affaire to obtain not only a semi-autonomous status but a full autonomy above and superior to the French state and people- in effect a coup, a seizure of government so to speak.

While it isn’t possible for the Jews in the US to recreate their French position they have at least grouped themselves with all sub-cultures in the US against the dominant culture with their Anti-Aryan Hate Laws. The US Constitution makes their progress a trifle more complicated but as part of their global plan they are only a step or two from autonomy above the US government.

It is time for a big anti-Semitic plot to be discovered in the US now. From where it will come, who the designated villain will be is unknown. John Rocker? He’s already been used up. Who then? Where? When?


                                                               Oy vey!  What Next?

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Review: DVD, Everybody Went To Max:

Remembering “Dr. Feelgood”, The Merlin Of Kennedy’s Camelot

A Documentary Biography By Martin Kasindorf


R.E. Prindle

Kasindorf, Martin (auteur): Everybody Went To Max: Remembering “Dr. Feelgood,” The Merlin Of Kennedy’s Camelot, 2013, Los Angeles

Lertzman, Richard A. and Birnes, William J.” Dr. Feelgood, 2013, Sky Horse Publishing

One of the most interesting back stories of the sixties is that of Dr. Max Jacobson, the first of the amphetamine feel good doctors. Until Spring of this year when both works above appeared getting information on Jacobson and the feel good doctors was a laborious process of going through many autobiographies written by his patients. Now we have a fair rush of information.

I have already reviewed the Dr. Feelgood book and here offer some commentary on Everybody Went To Max and everybody includes the auteur, Martin Kasindorf, and his twin brother at the ages of 11-14 from 1951 to 1954. They were recommended to Max by their two aunts who were being treated by Max. Treated is the operative word here. Martin’s brother describes how when the aunts returned from a visit to Max one aunt feeling particularly energetic would roast nine consecutive pot roasts. If the twins partook of the pot roasts in commensurate measure then indirectly Max cured their anemia.

Martin has fond memories of his old doctor thus being dismayed if not offended by hostile evaluations of Max’s career. Martin’s DVD is his first commercial effort, low to non-existent budget to be sure, but effective as far as it goes.

While Lertzman and Birnes go into some detail, although at 173 pages not nearly enough, Martin’s DVD is a fast skim over Max’s life and career with no interpretation. A little too fast, actually. Martin’s collection of pictures, stills and some film clips, are quite good however the transience of the text which he wrote that handles the details leaves much unexplained. Without a background on the subject one may be left wondering what it’s all about but with some knowledge the DVD hangs together. Still, one wishes Martin had taken the time to set a context, that of Max and his amphetamine cocktails, and then broken his subject into manageable chapters or episodes.

Martin briefly mentions types of amphetamines, which are after all central to the story, while a couple of skeleton chains of molecules are flashed on the screen with no identification and none of which apply to the amphetamines he is mentioning. For a good discussion of what Martin appeared to be trying to illustrate one can refer to Nicolas Rasmussen’s On Speed: The Many Lives Of Amphetamine, 2008, NYU Press. If Martin were to bring the subject up it would have been better to present a five minute précis of Rasmussen’s discussion or something like it.

Max’s New York career would better have been put into a historical perspective to make some sense of it. For instance Max is supposed to have had no interest in money, being nearly a perfect altruist by nature, yet when Anthony Quinn, the actor, began to have medical problems from Max’s treatments and refused to pay him, if one can believe the 18,000 dollar or so debt rung up at 75.00 a shot no less, Max invaded his apartment grabbing a Rodin sculpture in payment. Unfortunately he was no longer fleet of foot as one of the experimental shots he gave himself had left him crippled in one leg. Quinn easily ran him down and snatched his Rodin back.

So Max was so spectacular it would be difficult not to make an entertaining video of his career. Martin could have done better but until he or someone else does Everybody Went To Max will have to do. Perhaps Martin should try to interest the History Channel in either running his DVD or redoing it to whatever standards the History Channel may have. Martin may already be ahead of them.

The DVD is available direct from Martin at 9.95 each, address:

Martin Kasindorf

419 Carroll Canal

Venice, Ca. 90291

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Review: Dr. Feelgood by Lertzman and Birnes, Dr. Max Jacobson, John F. Kennedy And Amphetamines

A Review: Dr. Feelgood by Lertzman and Birnes-

Dr. Max Jacobson, John F. Kennedy And Amphetamines


R.E. Prindle

Lertzman, Richard A. and Birnes, William J.: Dr. Feelgood, The Shocking Story Of The Doctor Who Changed History, 2013, Skyhorse Publishing

The outstanding characteristic of 1960s New York is that the city was awash in amphetamines. The whole city was cranked up. During the sixties methamphetamines were legal. Over the counter preparations under various names from major pharmaceuticals had been available from the thirties all through the fifties and sixties as pep pills, diet pills, alertness pills, what have you.

By 1960 the dosages being administered by Feelgood doctors had been changed from minimal to not only maximal but suicidal. Behind the change were the Feelgood doctors. Chief of these was the Jewish German expatriate doctor Max Jacobson. He was abetted by many others, most notably John Bishop aka Dr. Roberts and Robert Freymann aka Dr. Robert of Beatles fame. Between just these three they distributed perhaps millions of mega doses, primarily to notable figures in politics and entertainment.

As near as can be determined the treatment was conceived by Max Jacobson in his native Germany in the early thirties. Max was born in 1900. At seventeen as an untrained assistant he was working in hospitals filled with horribly wounded war casualties. One can only wonder what effect such horrors might have had on a seventeen year old brain.

During the Weimar period Jacobson became a full fledged doctor. At the end of the decade he found a use for methamphetamine combined with the emerging discoveries in vitamins.

Amphetamines had first been synthesized by the German chemist A. Edeleano in 1887 then refined to methamphetamines by A. Ogata of Japan in 1919. In 1929 Smith, Kline and French began to commercially market amphetamines under the trade name of Benzedrine.

Vitamins began to be discovered and organized in the 1920s continuing through the thirties, so that by the early thirties Dr. Max Jacobson was able to combine amphetamines along with vitamins and such old standbys as monkey glands, types of blood serum and whatever else was handy to formulate his miracle drug and panacea for the world’s ills.

Before he left Germany the Nazis, so we are told, demanded he turn over his miracle formula to them which the authors inform us he did. So then the logical conclusion is that Dr. Theodor Morrell used Jacobson’s amphetamine/vitamin formula to treat Hitler causing his psychotic reaction and inability to deal with Germany’s war problems. Thus in the History Channel’s very interesting segment in which they sneer at Hitler’s use of amphetamines they are actually sneering at the Jewish doctor Jacobson’s magic formula for eternal youth.

But by 1935 Smith, Kline’s Benzedrine began its phenomenal success so that during the Second World War all the combatants were distributing amphetamines to the troops. The troops of course had no idea what the pills were and if they had it wouldn’t have mattered. In that context though my step-father served at Guadalcanal, one of the horror spots of a horrendous war. In one of the few times he discussed his war experience with me he did mention that the Army used to distribute these pills (he didn’t know what they were) that were meant to keep you alert and awake but he didn’t like the effect and refused to take them.

The bombers over Europe more or less were compelled to use them while in today’s air force pilots have to sign a disclaimer so that if they refuse amphetamines their flight commander can disqualify them for a mission

Mad Max left Germany going first to Czechoslovakia where he realized his precariousness, then for Paris and finally he fled to the security of the United States with his medical bag and a plan to turn on the world, an early day Timothy Leary.

To place Max in context, while Max acted as an individual he was part of the Jewish collective or in today’s terms, the diverse Jewish Culture. As a Jew he believed himself one of the elect superior to the other. Thus he had the desperate need to excel while at the same time wishing to be considered as one of the ‘movers and shakers’, the great politicians, the movie stars, the authors, the entertainers, the luminaries of the world.

The only thing he had to put him there was his concoction which in his more sober moments, if he had any, must have seemed of dubious value even to himself. Max was nothing but a snake oil salesman, for that reason he had to stay high on his own nostrum lest reality should intrude. To maintain the mirage he concocted an incredible persona to match his dubious nostrum. Yes, Max was hooked on amphetamines. Obviously the vitamin doses as huge as the amphetamine masked the effect while moderating the damage of the amphetamines. Max was an improbable youthful appearing ‘72 after forty years or so of amphetamines, vitamins, monkey gonads, and lack of sleep. God bless America, hey? The first one is free and after that….

Max set up business in New York, the celebrity capitol of the world. Max was Jewish and it appears that his early converts were too. If you led a strenuous life as celebrities tend to do you deplete your energy pretty quickly. It can be exhausting. So, you drop into Max’s office, he plunges the needle in and presto!, the Zippity Doo Dah Moment. The sun is shining and you go dancing out of the office feeling like a million and high as the Fourth of July. You go back, you go back again and then you can’t keep from going back. You tell everyone about the source of your well being. They go see Max and pretty soon all the Beautiful People in New York, the US and the world are beating a path to Max’s door. The 707 that made the Jet Set possible was the magic carpet into the future of post-1960. The whole era just made you high. Things got big, bigger and biggest. Money began to multiply by magic. It was the Sixties, that Magical Time. John Sebastian asked: Do you believe in magic? Sure, why not? It was the Sixties and magic was happening. And then to be flying on amphetamines as you boarded the Magic Carpet to place you in the fabled Jet Set…Wow o Wow! Far out, man.

By the end of the fifties max had been striding through the stars like a giant Nimrod for so long he was only in a very tenuous touch with reality. Perhaps he is so out of it he doesn’t know what he looks like. Perhaps he didn’t create the persona; perhaps it was the inevitable consequence of never having to come down. John Bishop was the same way.

There is no order to anything he does. There are no precise measurements of his ingredients. He even gives instructions to his untrained assistant to mix up the medicine. I mean, wow, here let me inject you with this stuff, you might like it. The bottles of ingredients are just strewn around the office higgledy piggledy. Max looks like he never washes his hands, nails encrusted with dirt, chemicals or whatever, monkey balls, who knows, human placenta, this guy was scary, a living psychotic reaction. Boy, howdy! Yeah but Eddie Fisher called him Magic Max because of that muddle.

What a reputation that overcame filth, a bloodstained filthy smock, crap all over the floor, but few turned away. Oh well, there was that guy who got an injection and went blind for three agonizing days. When that guy came around he hung up his works and changed his way of living, changed the things he did. Life saving.

But then, the Eureka Moment Max had been waiting for came in 1960, that magical year, when Chuck Spaulding came to see him to see if he could help his Presidential candidate friend John F. Kennedy who was feeling low and having voice problems. He wasn’t sure he would be able to speak in his upcoming debate with Richard Milhous Nixon.

Boy, Max Jacobson meets John F. Kennedy. I saw that movie, but they called it Dracula Meets Wolf Man. John F. Kennedy and the Curse Of The Pharaohs. Thanks to Max he was elected; we got him whether we liked it or not. Watch Max rack ‘em up, first Hitler and now JFK. Good thing they took away his license.

Let’s pause for a moment to say something of our authors. Robert Lertzman published Screen Scene magazine while currently he is a director of an internet television network. William Birnes' resume includes being an editor, publisher, literary agent and television producer. They have conducted numerous interviews while compiling an extensive bibliography. The have done their homework.

Their primary concern in Dr. Feelgood is to provide an accurate reason for removing Kennedy from the presidency. They’re not too much concerned with the aftermath of the erasure. While the Kennedy material is germane to my interests, I am more interested in Jacobson’s motivations and consequences of his experiment in mixing amphetamines, newly discovered vitamins and human and other animal glands. The glands identify Jacobson as pure quack.

Max first injected Kennedy before the first Nixon debates in which the consensus was that Kennedy annihilated Nixon. Nixon really lost the election at that time. Nineteen-sixty was worlds away from the period between the war when vitamins were new. Max had had plenty of time to tinker with his formula obviously coming up with many variations. During the forties and fifties Max had been self-medicating and trying any new variations on himself. He had been flying then for fifteen years or a little more and would continue to so do until his death at the relatively advanced age of 79. Thus, while addicted to meth Max had enough self control to manage his usage below destructive levels.

Given that self control one hesitates to call him insane still he obviously was not of this world although he had learned to function very well in it. Eddie Fisher considered him his god while it is likely that Max confused the difference between himself and god. While patients describe him as kindly that must have been so only when they treated him with the proper deference or, even, reverence. His special séances after hours when celebrities gathered around in adulation waiting for that special mixture was confused by Max as love rather than addiction. As will be seen, when the proper ‘respect’ was not shown him he could lash out viciously to the point of murder.

It seems that one would have to be very careful in one’s speech around Max lest one inadvertently dropped a remark he found offensive. At that point Max reached into his bag of recipes and gave one a stunning rebuke.

Times had changed drastically since the thirties. The Nazis were gone in fact but not gone from the minds of Max and his fellow Jews. Since the thirties the holocaust had been executed, Israel created as a nation and a country, the war of independence fought and won as well as the ‘56 war. In terror of another holocaust the Jews had initiated a campaign against the anti-Semitism they knew existed in the hearts of Americans. Movies such as Gentlemen’s Agreement as soon as 1947 began the pursuit of any anti-Semites that might exist although there had never been persecution of the Jews in America.

After the ‘67 war, exhilarated by their six day victory they decorated themselves with yellow stars flaunting them openly although unlike in Germany the yellow was gold. Aggressive groups antagonistic to anyone led by Kahane and going by names like the Jewish Defense League and the Jewish Defense Organization were terror groups not unlike the Brown Shirts of the Nazis.

Max acting as a Jewish national cultivated both the ‘Nazis’ of ‘Amerikkka’ and the Communists. Thus he was manipulating both the US and USSR for Jewish purposes. As he was being closely watched by the FBI and the CIA and most likely the KGB those organizations must have known or suspected Max’s triplicity. His office was sacked more than once as it is probable both US and USSR agencies were involved.

So, in 1960 Max turned JFK on.

If Max’s formula was appropriated by the Nazis then it is probable that Hitler’s Dr. Morrell either used Max’s formula or based his own variation on it. Perhaps monkey balls were difficult to come by in wartime Germany. As vitamins were that new back then it is quite possible that Max was the first to come up with his amphetamine cocktail.

If Morrell did appropriate Max’s formula then it is probable that both he and Max genuinely believed it was the fountain of youth and well-being unaware of the destructive results of long term use. I have read that the Germans did discover the harmful effects and discontinued use of amphetamines among the troops while Japan and the Allies continued to use them.

Max then, in effect, destroyed Hitler and the German war machine. Now he turned his drug on the destruction of Kennedy in which he succeeded as only he knew how. The insignificant Jacobson’s effect on history was the then out of all proportion to his personal insignificance.

The first injection was such a lift for Kennedy who was actually a walking dead man that he was hooked from the first shot. Kennedy was a very sick man. He had severe osteoporosis so that his lower back pain alone would have influenced his ability to think clearly and work. In addition he had Addison’s disease in which his body failed to synthesize corticosteroids. He had to inject serum every day of his life to artificially replace those steroids or he would have died. He should never have run for the presidency. Max’s shots allowed Kennedy to function in an apparently normal way; twist the night away there in Camelot.

Max took full advantage of the situation frequently flying to DC from New York to inject JFK. He even have him a supply of vials to self medicate. Jack then became very dependent on his Dr. Feelgood to the point that he couldn’t function without him.

Remember that Max was playing both sides against the middle while probably favoring the Communists with whom the Jews were closely associated, the majority of any national CP being Jewish. As a caretaker of Kennedy Max was in a position to direct the course of US-Soviet politics. This occurred during the 1961 Khruschev-Kennedy summit meeting of June 4th , 1961.

Between Kennedy’s first injection for the September ‘60 Nixon debates and summit meeting of June 1961, a bare nine months, Kennedy had become addicted to amphetamines or psychologically dependent on Jacobson to relieve him not only of pain but anxiety. Kennedy had reason for anxiety in his face to face confrontation with the Soviet Prime Minister. Joe Kennedy, Jack’s father, had been a dominating father, so that Khruschev, old enough to be Jack’s father, may have represented a threat to Jack’s ability to resist his influence.

Jack then insisted that Max be with him in Vienna. Now, as one believes as I do that Max was more sympathetic to the Communists than what he would have considered ‘Fascist Amerikkka’ it is not inconceivable that some sort of arrangement had been made with Khruschev to make Kennedy more manageable and suggestive by drugging.

Perhaps coincidence but Max gave JFK at least three shots just before he met Khruschev. As Max had many different formulae, as will be seen in the sequel, it is possible that he gave Kennedy, in addition to an overdose, a shot that left him open to hypnotic suggestion, to make him a Manchurian Candidate.

In any event Khruschev virtually turned Kennedy upside down and bounced him on his head. Even JFK was totally embarrassed by his performance.

Kennedy’s persistent reliance on Jacobson angered his Attorney General brother Bobby. He had several vials analyzed discovering the composition of the formula Jack was using. Subsequently then when Max and his associate Mike Semak appeared at the White House Bobby intercepted them and told them in no uncertain terms to clear out and not bother his brother again.

Max remembered Bobby’s wrath as his saying: You kikes get out of here; go back to New York where you belong. I doubt it. That may have been what they thought they heard projecting their own prejudices on Bobby but I doubt that that is what Bobby said. Remember Max had been on amphetamines for decades and Semak was probably also high. They were dealing with subjective reality to say the least.

Now comes the reason that the authors think Jack was offed. In the first place Jack is believed to have confided classified info to Marilyn Monroe as small talk that she used to threaten Jack and Bobby to get her way. The authors believe that may have been the reason she was killed.

Jack became so desperate for Max’s shots that he went crawling back to him in New York to beg forgiveness and another shot. Correct, the President of the United States humiliated himself and us by begging a quack doctor for his worthless nostrums. Max then took his vengeance on Jack for Bobby’s humiliation of himself.

He gave Jack a formulation that caused the President of the United States to strip off his clothes and run naked through the halls of the Carlyle Hotel. It took another doctor to medicate Kennedy to return to the planet. In the meantime, Max, one imagines, cackling madly had fled the scene.

Max and other Feelgood doctors such as John Bishop, aka Dr. Roberts, tried out different formulae on their clients. The performer Cherry Vanilla who thought Bishop experimented on his clients once gave her a shot that caused her to strip and actually run down the street. As that only happened once to her as well as once to Kennedy the shot must have been of that special formula.

The authors believe that the Carlyle incident threw the fear of god into high government officials who trembled at the thought of what Kennedy might do during a psychotic reaction especially with the nuclear arsenal at his command.

As Kennedy also sent his secret service men out to round up street prostitutes for his pleasure there was the fear that he could be programmed to divulge information to planted Soviet prostitutes. Their next step was obvious. The welfare of the country demanded it. Unfortunately LBJ was vice-president and we got what we got.

But JFK was merely the tip of the iceberg. Max had hundreds if not thousands of clients. The authors mention many of them and publish a list of some of them at the back of the book. Let’s assemble a group of his clients closely connected to Kennedy. This is interesting:

Jack Kennedy

Jacqueline Kennedy

Judith Exner

Frank Sinatra

Sam Giancana

Marilyn Monroe

Mark Shaw

Peter Lawford

Robert Goulet

Jack and Jackie were both users. Jackie’s family believed that the lymphoma she contracted came as the result of Max’s injections and was responsible for her death. Jack invited disaster and received it.

Sinatra, Kennedy and Giancana were involved in discussions or negotiations of some kind. Sam Giancana was the front man of the Chicago Outfit. The three men shared the two women Judith Exner and Marilyn Monroe. Exner was a courier between Sinatra and Giancana and Kennedy. She didn’t realize what she was in the middle of until it was too late, or knew it but couldn’t figure an out until later. She chose the way of being overweight and therefore undesirable to find an exit.

Monroe was caught in a savage crossfire as she chased John Kennedy but was used by Giancana and Sinatra to punish Kennedy. The authors believe that because she threatened to reveal classified information imparted by Kennedy that CIA/FBI did away with her.

That they all used Max is fairly remarkable. That leaves it open as to whether Max received and transmitted information or whether he extracted information for his own purposes.

Mark Shaw who was CIA passed as a photographer, not surprisingly receiving commissions from insider publications to build his reputation and cover, was also a pilot who flew Max back and forth, DC and New York. It seems likely he was murdered by Max who gave him a hot shot. Lawford and Bishop and Davis had subsidiary roles while Goulet probably functioned as a handyman.

All and all Max’s role on the Kennedy administration was astonishing. He had certainly injected himself into the center of things. Not too bad for a kosher butcher’s son.

Perhaps even more astonishing was the effect he had on New York City. As he probably originated the amphetamine/vitamin cocktail while introducing it to New York in the forties it follows that the Feelgood doctors, including Hitler’s Doctor Morrell in that group perhaps spuriously, were following his example.

One isn’t surprised then to find Andy Warhol and Edie Sedgwick among his clients. Andy, so he said, visited Jacobson once, didn’t like it and never went back. Of course Andy was creating his own amphetamine scene preferring Obetrol himself, as well as was Bob Dylan another heavy amphetamine user. Already in competition with Dylan for top spot in Bohemia Andy probably didn’t want to enhance Max as a competitor for No. 1 while possibly becoming dependent on him.

Edie not only used Max but also John Bishop and also Freymann. Bishop also used his own medicine. The amphetamines must have loosened one’s attention to detail because Bishop ran the same sloppy type of operation as Max did.

In Bishop’s case Cherry Vanilla, she who ran naked down the street, believed that Bishop used his clients as guinea pigs trying out different formulae. Her opinion was that you never knew what was in the works.

One is surprised that Max wasn’t stopped by the CIA, by stopped I mean cold. If they would kill Kennedy I don’t see why they wouldn’t off Max. Perhaps he had powerful protectors.

He was allowed to operate unimpeded until 1972 when the medical board brought charges against him. It took three years to lift his license but by 1975 Max lost the right to practice legally although he still operated out of another doctor’s back room.

However without his license Max was no longer an MD thus being unable to maintain his amphetamine fueled fantasy notion of himself.   Max faded quickly dying in 1979, although one year short of eighty he couldn’t have gone on much longer.

What is truly remarkable is that after fifty years of amphetamine use his body was intact and his mind functioning. If he had any psychotic episodes they went unreported. Either Max did know a magic formula that allowed him to operate outside reality or he led one damned charmed life.

The amazing thing is that the biographers and historians give Max such scant notice except Lertzman and Birnes in this important and even entertaining book. Great reading and well worth the price of admission. Get yours today.